Li Wei and the nurse burst through the hospital's side exit, emerging into the dimly lit car park.
The cool night air hit their faces as they desperately scanned the area for an escape route. Suddenly, the System's alert flashed before Li Wei's eyes:
│ [Ascendance System] Alert: Elite guard units deployed │
│ Multiple roadblocks detected ahead
│ Evasive action recommended
As if on cue, a hail of bullets rained down upon them. Li Wei grabbed the nurse and dove behind a nearby car, his enhanced reflexes saving them both from certain death.
"My car!" the nurse gasped, pointing to a silver sedan about 20 meters away. "We can use it to escape!"
Li Wei's mind raced, formulating a plan in milliseconds. He reached into his system inventory and pulled out is katana .
The nurse's eyes widened in disbelief as the weapons materialized seemingly out of thin air. Is this magic she asked but Li wei cut her short before should could continue.
-When I say go, run for your car, He commanded, his voice cold and determined. "Don't stop for anything."
Before the nurse could respond, Li Wei leapt from their cover, his katana flashing in the moonlight.
With inhuman speed and precision, he began deflecting bullets, the blade becoming a blur of motion. The guards' shouts of surprise were drowned out by the continuous gunfire.
"Go! Now!" Li Wei roared.
The nurse sprinted towards her car as Li Wei provided cover, his katana swinging through the air as it intercepted bullet after bullet.
As they neared the vehicle, Li Wei made a split-second decision. With a grunt of effort, he threw the katana through the air.
The blade spun end over end before burying itself deep in the forehead of the nearest guard. Blood sprayed in an arc as the guard fell, his comrades was stunned by Lil Wei skills.
Li Wei used the moment of distraction to close the distance to the car, moving into the passenger seat as the nurse anxiously pressed her thumb to the fingerprint scanner.
The engine roared to life just as the guards recovered and resumed firing.
"Don't stop!" Li Wei shouted over the wind rushing through the shattered window. "They'll be right behind us!"
As if in response to his words, a new alert flashed before his eyes:
┌─────────────────────────── WARNING !!!!!!
│ [Ascendance System] Alert: Elite guard units deployed │
│ Multiple roadblocks detected ahead
│ Evasive action recommended
Take the next right, He ordered the nurse, his mind already formulating their next move. "We need to lose them in the back streets."
As the car screeched around the corner, Li Wei knew that every decision from this point on could mean the difference between survival and capture.
The silver sedan continued to weave through the city streets, tires screeching as the nurse pushed the vehicle to its limits.
Li Wei's eyes darted between the rearview mirror and the passing buildings, his mind racing to formulate a plan.
│ [Ascendance System] Alert: Roadblock detected ahead │
│ Threat level: Extreme
Multiple hostiles identified Caution advised
As they rounded a corner, Li Wei's heart sank. The road ahead was blocked by a line of armored police vehicles.
Officers in tactical gear stood at the ready, their QBZ-95 assault rifles targeted on the approaching car.
Li Wei quickly assessed the situation. The car's tinted windows provided some cover, but he knew he couldn't risk being seen.
In a swift motion, he ducked down behind the passenger seat, staying out of sight.
Li Wei pressed his M1911 Gun against the nurse's side, his voice a low, menacing whisper. "Listen carefully. We're going to approach that roadblock.
You will act natural. One wrong move, one hint to them that I'm here, and your daughter becomes an orphan. Understood?"
The nurse nodded, her face pale with fear.
"Good," Li Wei continued, still hidden. "Now, slow down and approach normally. Let's see how this plays out."
The car decelerated, rolling towards the police barricade at a cautious pace. Li Wei kept the gun pressed against the nurse, hidden from view but a constant reminder of the stakes.
│ [Ascendance System] Warning: Multiple threats detected │
│ Elite Guard presence confirmed
│ Police: Armed with QBZ-95 assault rifles
│ Escape routes: Limited
│ Recommendation: Maintain cover, avoid detection │
As they approached the roadblock, Li Wei could hear footsteps approaching the car. A voice called out, firm and authoritative.
"Ma'am, please roll down your window and present your identification."
Li Wei's grip on the gun tightened. He whispered to the nurse, "Do as they say. Remember, one wrong move..."
The nurse's trembling hands reached for the window control. As the glass lowered, Li Wei could hear the muffled sounds of the outside world growing clearer.
He held his breath, every muscle in his body tense, ready to react at a moment's notice.
"Good evening, officer," the nurse managed to Speak, her voice surprisingly steady despite her fear. "Is there a problem?"
The tension in the air was thick as the officer inspected the nurse's identification.
Li Wei remained hidden, his breath shallow and controlled, every muscle coiled and ready to spring into action.
│ [Ascendance System] Alert: Heightened danger │
│ Recommendation: Prepare for multiple scenarios │
│ Options: Deception, Force, Evasion
Ma'am, We're looking for a dangerous fugitive," the officer stated, his voice gruff. Have you seen anyone suspicious in the area?
Li Wei pressed the gun harder against the nurse's side, a silent reminder of the consequences should she betray him.
N-no, officer, The nurse stammered, her voice quivering slightly.
I-I haven't seen anyone unusual. I'm just on my way home from a late shift at the hospital.
The officer's eyes narrowed, studying the nurse's face intently. "I see. And you're alone in the vehicle?
Li Wei's finger tightened on the trigger, his mind racing through possible outcomes. The next few seconds would determine everything.
│ [Ascendance System] Warning: Deception difficulty increased │
│ Success rate: 65%
│ Alternative action required
In that moment, Li Wei made a split-second decision. He quickly reached for the car's control panel and hit the hazard lights.
The sudden flashing caught the officer off guard, drawing his moments attention.
I'm sorry, officer, The nurse said, seizing the opportunity. My car's been acting up. I think there might be an electrical problem.
The officer's posture relaxed slightly, his suspicion giving way to concern. "Alright, ma'am. Let me take a quick look under the hood. Can you pop it open for me?"
As the nurse complied, Li Wei saw his chance. In one fluid motion, he slipped from behind the seat and into the trunk through a hidden passage between the backseats.
It was a tight fit, but he managed to conceal himself just as the officer moved to the front of the car.
Li Wei's heart pounded in his chest as he heard muffled voices and the sound of the hood being closed. Then, to his relief, he heard the officer's final words.
Looks like just a loose connection. You should be fine now, ma'am. Drive safely, and remember to report anything suspicious.
The car began to move again, passing through the roadblock. Li Wei allowed himself a small smile.
│ [Ascendance System] Congratulations: Roadblock successfully │
│ navigated │
│ New objective: Secure alternative transportation │
│ Caution: Pursuit still likely
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My past is a ghost that haunts me, and I'm starting to think it's the only thing that truly knows me.
- Li Wei