
As a Superd in Mushoku Tensei

Ruiweld reincarnated as Ruijerd's son.

Gold_Silver_4810 · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

I became a Drill Instructor

A year since passed since the warriors left the village.

I have been working hard to teach the newly matured Superds. After an entire year of training, they developed themselves well enough to go on a hunt with me. They became recognized as new generation of warriors after.

The Superd's ability to track and have a radar on their environment really is efficient for hunting.

I also introduced my own training methods to them like my blindfold training, weight training, and the breathing exercises to be conscious of the Mana they use.

It was an innovative idea, and it was showing some results to some talented individuals. The result shows that despite our veteran warriors aren't present, the supply of food in our hunts hasn't gone down a bit.

The chief and the remaining elders praised me that I was doing a really good job. It seems that they were even planning on having the women to help on our hunting trips, but with the amount of prey we bring back there's no need.

Right now we are in the middle of a feast. The Superds eat their meals in the morning and noon in their homes, but when the night comes when the warriors go home from hunting, the entire village eat together.

The women and children helps on preparing the food and the warrior rests while waiting for the food to get ready.

"How's your day?" Mother handed me a bowl of meat and veggies. It's a typical meal for us.

"It's going very well mother. Everyone is working hard." I accepted the bowl of meat.

As the one currently in charge of guiding the young warriors, I could say that the they're progressing well.

I thought I would have to deal with bad attitudes and arrogance to not follow me, but they were surprisingly obedient which shocked me. The honor to follow orders from their commanders are really instilled on their blood.

So to reciprocate their attitudes, I began to do full time Sparta. I started pushing them to their limits. The training started to turn brutally difficult.

At first many began to faint out of Mana exhaustion. Those who fainted suffer additional training exercises or perform weapon drills till they drop.

At first I thought some would start rebelling against my methods of training, but I really underestimated them. They were truly honest people.

And so the results of the training became clear to everyone. Everytime they recover from Mana exhaustion, their Mana Capacity comes back stronger than before. That means the quality of their Battle Aura also improved significantly in the short period of time.


Another couple of years passed, essentially no one amongst the warriors have began to faint from Mana Exhaustion. Even amongst our weakest men could last without fainting.

I have turned 13, and warriors I trained that are in the same age as me already have enough sufficient power. All of them were now hard trained warriors, able to hunt on monsters by themselves.

We also recruited a batch of new warriors last year. Although their power isn't yet up to par to the first batch I personally trained, they are powerful enough to not be called rookies now.

We started to gain newest batch of newly matured Superd to start their training as warriors a year ago.

I started delegating the training supervision to the first warriors I personally trained. I selected the talented ones and made them squad leaders.

I gave them a squad of rookies and regular warriors, they will have direct responsibility for them as squad leaders. This squad leaders will have to report directly to me, and I will report directly to the elders and the chief. That's the makeshift chain of command I devised.

Overall our manpower are this:

5 squad leaders

12 regular warriors

7 rookies

100+ reserved women and old retired warriors.

I'm not really expert on military science or anything, but I think I made a pretty decent job myself.


One day, I was asked to report to the village chief's place. The elders who are usually with here whenever there's a meeting in place are not present.

The chief might have wanted to speak with me personally if that's the case.

"Ruiweld, come in."

The chief is sitting to his usual seat of honor.

He ordered me to sit across him. Despite his old age, I could sense great strength coming from him. He has the air of a veteran warrior that experienced through countless battlefield. According to the people told me, the chief is the oldest person in the village with an age over a thousand years old.

I looked at him with my third eye, and I could see the powerful Battle Aura this old man have. If I had to say even father, the chief of the warriors, would have difficulties winning against him. I could say he must be an impressive warrior back in his day.

"Well then, first I would like to say you're really doing a great job Ruiweld. You showed excellent results on guiding the warriors." the chief said.

"Yes. It's all thanks to that they are even following my orders despite we are at the same age." I answered.

"There's no need to be too modest. A warrior should be proud of their strength. And I'm sure they also have seen the power you possess. Despite having the same age, your talent is leagues above than your peers. That's why they chose to follow you." the chief said.

Not going to lie, it really felt good that a strong warrior like the chief praised my talent. I trained when I was still younger than anyone and have worked hard for all those years.

Because of the upcoming inevitable extinction of the Superd race, in order to survive I trained myself like a madman. I even devised myself a method to train my skills even while asleep. If I'm being harsh to the warriors I trained, I'm being more cruel to myself.

"Now then, I have something to ask you Ruiweld. I need you to answer me." the chief questioned.


"What are you planning with your warriors? I know that you're doing your best on guiding them, and your methods were proven effective of our warriors growing powerful. Honestly I could say they were powerful enough to participate in the war."

The Third Human Demon War, or better yet known in the future as Laplace Campaign. Apparently the war has been ongoing for fifty years now.

I was born in the middle of the war, and it just so happens that the warriors were granted to see their loveones for the first time in years. A few years ago father and his band of warriors once again left to participate in the war.

I don't know why the chief is asking me this question. Is he perhaps testing my intentions?

"Chief, my methods might have earned the strength they have. However no matter how much strength they have, they're still young and inexperienced in battle. I believe they're still not qualified." I answered.

"So with a few more years and when they acquired more experience, what do you think then, Ruiweld?" The chief continued.

"I don't understand. Why are you asking me these questions?" I straightforwardly asked.

The chief closed his eyes and turned silent, "I have witnessed warriors just like you in the past. Overflowing with talent, eager to fight, honorable, and ambitious. And in the end they perished in battle before they could even reached their full potential."

Then he opened his eyes and looked at me in the eyes straight, I could feel the sharp tingling sensation directly facing this man's pressure.

"I just wished to pry what is in your heart."

What is in my heart. Honestly I don't even know. I just want to my best to survive. Then I thought of an answer.

"The Chief and father asked me to guide the warriors. I'm just doing that task that was entrusted to me. I feel honored and so I did my best."

The chief then nods with a "hmm" sound with him.

"I see."

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