
As a mere Witch


Naythan_Torque · Fantasie
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4 Chs


As the sun sank below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the ancient trees in the dark forest, I, Angela, stood in the heart of my sacred space. An immensely powerful witch, I held the very core of magic within my grasp. The whispers of the wind carried tales of my strength to distant lands, where kingdoms and empires trembled at my very name.

My life had been one of seclusion and serenity, my power used solely to nurture the delicate harmony of the natural world that enveloped me. Through each chant and spell, I wove strands of enchantment into the very tapestry of existence. Yet, as fate would have it, tranquility was destined to be disrupted.

On a particular misty morning, when the forest's branches held tight to the mist, an unforeseen guest appeared. The envoy of a neighboring kingdom, adorned in royal attire, ventured into my realm. This man, Prince Alaric, possessed eyes that gleamed with determination, a reflection of the power he sought.

"Angela," he spoke, a mix of respect and apprehension in his voice, "I've heard whispers of your extraordinary magic. I come to seek your assistance."

I regarded him steadily, my powers attuned to the subtle currents of his intentions. "What aid do you seek, Prince Alaric?"

With a hint of uncertainty, he replied, "My kingdom faces a formidable threat, a power that only the mightiest of magic can quell. Legends speak of your unmatched abilities, and I implore you to lend us your strength."

A deep sigh escaped my lips, a rare display of vulnerability. My intention had been to remain hidden from the tumult of the outside world, yet destiny had its own designs. "My power isn't a mere tool, Prince. It's a natural force, a delicate balance that must be maintained."

He knelt before me, his gaze unwavering. "I understand the gravity of my request, Angela. But my kingdom's safety hangs in the balance. I beg you, empower me to protect my people."

As I pondered his plea, my heart stirred with conflicting emotions. The solitude I cherished clashed with the duty destiny had placed upon me. With a heavy heart, I extended my hand, a tendril of magic weaving between us.

"Very well, Prince Alaric," I whispered, my voice carrying the weight of countless incantations. "I shall grant you a portion of my power, but remember my caution. Magic is a reflection of one's soul, and the consequences of wielding such power are profound."

As I pondered his plea, conflicting emotions stirred within my heart. The cherished solitude I held dear clashed with the duty that destiny had laid upon my shoulders. With a weighty heart, I extended my hand, a thread of magic weaving between us.

"Very well, Prince Alaric," I whispered, my voice carrying the gravitas of countless enchantments. "I shall grant you a part of my power, but heed my caution. Magic reflects the essence of one's soul, and the consequences of wielding such strength are profound."

Prince Alaric's eyes widened, uncertainty shimmering within them. "What cost must I bear, Angela? What offering do you demand?"

My gaze bore into his, unwavering. "To wield the magic I impart, you must make an exchange of equal worth. Your life and very soul shall become intertwined with the power you seek. Do you accept these terms, Prince Alaric?"

A tense silence enveloped us as he grappled with the weight of my request. At last, he met my gaze with firm resolve. "I accept, Angela. For the well-being of my kingdom and its people, I willingly embrace this sacrifice."

With a solemn nod of my head, the pact was sealed. The forest held its breath, a mystical energy pulsating between us as the transfer of power commenced. A graceful interplay of light and shadow painted the clearing, and as the final traces of magic dissipated, Prince Alaric stood transformed, his aura imbued with newfound might and an undercurrent of shadow.

"Now I possess the strength to safeguard my realm," he declared, determination and uncertainty mingling in his voice. "I am forever bound to this magic, as you have ordained."

As time flowed onward, the unrelenting war between Prince Alaric's kingdom and the dark forces of the northern abyss eventually drew to a close. Angela, ever watchful, observed the valiant prince lead his troops through the unending winter, facing monstrous entities that sought to consume their world.

On a fateful night, as the war's embers dimmed in the bitter cold, Angela manifested in Prince Alaric's chamber, a soft trace of magic announcing her arrival. Beside his bed stood his loyal wife, their young son, and devoted followers, gathered in solemn prayer. As their eyes met Angela's, recognition sparked, igniting a glimmer of hope among them.

Angela, solemn yet compassionate, extended her hand over Prince Alaric, his breath growing faint. "I cannot bestow the gift of life, dear ones," she whispered, her words carrying a weight of inevitability. "But I bear something profoundly significant."

At Angela's prompting, Prince Alaric's eyes fluttered open, a gentle smile testament to his resilience. With a nod, Angela began to speak, her voice a soothing salve to weary souls. She praised his unwavering resolve, resisting the darkness that often accompanies power. Angela revealed her true nature – a being beyond human comprehension, bound by an honorable code.

Tenderly, Angela eased the burden of Prince Alaric's pain, granting him respite. She then turned to address his loved ones, her words resonating with eternity. "Prince Alaric's departure is inevitable," she intoned, her voice a blend of solemnity and serenity. "Yet, his passing shall be peaceful, free from anguish."

Angela's magic enveloped him, softening his features with a tranquil serenity. She granted him a precious moment – a final embrace with his wife, a heartfelt exchange with his son, and a chance to gaze upon his loyal comrades, expressing gratitude and farewell.

With a final breath, Prince Alaric's spirit departed the realm of the living, embraced by the unknown. Angela's presence lingered, her words echoing in the hearts of those left behind, a testament to the fallen prince's honor. As his soul embarked on its journey, Angela's voice whispered a promise of peace and transcendence, assuring that his essence would find its way to a realm where pain held no sway.