
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch30: Discussion

On the final evening before the day of landfall, an air of solemnity and expectation hung over the ornate conference room within the Sanctuary's central tower. The room was dimly lit by grand chandeliers, casting long shadows on the polished wooden table around which all nine chancellors were seated. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of ancient battles and legendary quests, reminding them of the legacy they hoped to create.

At the head of the table sat Chancellor Cyril, his fingers steepled thoughtfully as he surveyed the assembled chancellors. His eyes, sharp and calculating, were fixed on a series of maps and documents spread before him. To his right was Chancellor Lysandra, a tall and regal elf with silver hair and emerald eyes that seemed to pierce through any facade. Next to her, the dwarven Chancellor Thrain Ironbeard stroked his long, braided beard, his eyes glinting with shrewd intelligence.

The discussion began with a review of the thirty squads. Each chancellor spoke in turn, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the various squad leaders, their specializations, and their political affiliations.

Cyril opened the meeting, his voice calm and authoritative. "We have a total force of six hundred recruits, with an additional four hundred left in reserve. It's crucial we utilize them effectively."

Chancellor Lysandra nodded, her voice smooth and measured. "Many of the squad leaders have strong political affiliations, which could be both an asset and a liability. We need to ensure their loyalties align with our mission."

Chancellor Thrain leaned forward, his voice gruff but thoughtful. "There are candidates among the squads planted by nobility. They'll be looking out for their own interests. We must be vigilant."

Cyril's gaze shifted to Chancellor Idris, a human with a stern demeanor and a history of military service. "Idris, you've had experience with managing such dynamics. What are your thoughts?"

Idris crossed his arms, his expression stern. "We need to maintain a balance of power. Ensure no single faction gains too much influence. The backup recruits could be used strategically to reinforce squads as needed."

Chancellor Seraphine, a half-elf with an air of mystery, spoke up next. "We must also consider the individual talents within each squad. Some of these leaders, like Archaes, have unconventional methods. It could either lead to groundbreaking discoveries or utter chaos."

Chancellor Rowan, a young and ambitious noble, added, "Archaes's squad is particularly intriguing. They lack numbers but make up for it in unique skills. We should keep a close watch on them."

Chancellor Doran, a seasoned dwarf with a knack for logistics, interjected. "Their size could be an advantage, allowing them to move quickly and avoid detection. However, they must be carefully managed to prevent any rogue actions."

As the discussion continued, each chancellor revealed their personal agendas and reasons for taking the post. Cyril's eyes remained fixed on the maps, his mind calculating every possible outcome.

Lysandra spoke of her desire to uncover ancient elven artifacts rumored to be hidden in the new land. "These artifacts hold immense power and knowledge. They could change the course of our history."

Thrain shared his ambition to find rich mineral deposits that would bolster dwarven industry. "Our forges must burn brighter than ever. The resources of this land could fuel a new era of prosperity for our people."

Idris's goal was more straightforward. "I seek to establish a strategic foothold. This land could be the key to our kingdom's security."

Seraphine's motives were shrouded in secrecy. "I have my reasons, and they align with ensuring the success of this expedition. That's all you need to know."

Rowan's ambition was driven by a desire for recognition and power. "I aim to secure my family's legacy. This expedition is my chance to prove myself."

Doran's focus was on the logistical aspects, ensuring the expedition's survival. "We must be practical. Our supplies, our defenses, everything must be meticulously planned."

As the meeting drew to a close, Cyril looked around the table, his expression thoughtful. "Each of us has our reasons for being here. But we must remember that our primary goal is the success of this expedition. We cannot afford to let personal agendas jeopardize our mission."

The chancellors nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute. The stakes were high, and the journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty. But each of them was determined to see it through, driven by their ambitions and the promise of what lay beyond the horizon.

With that, the meeting ended. The chancellors dispersed, each returning to their quarters with their thoughts weighed heavily by the responsibilities they bore.

In Cyril's private quarters, the atmosphere was heavy with tension. The room, decorated with elegant furnishings and arcane artifacts, was a stark contrast to the anxiety etched on Marla's face. She paced back and forth, her robes whispering against the polished wooden floor as Cyril watched her from his desk, fingers steepled in contemplation.

Marla paused, turning to face Cyril. "Are you sure it was wise not to inform the others that Archaes knows about the Ancient civilization? He could cause a significant disturbance in the power balance between the candidates of different factions."

Cyril leaned back in his chair, his expression calm and calculated. "Revealing that information would be tantamount to admitting we leaked a state secret, Marla. It's a risk we can't afford to take. Besides, our backup candidate is in place."

Marla frowned, her brow furrowing in concern. "And where is he? Shouldn't he be more actively involved given the circumstances?"

Cyril's gaze was steady, his tone reassuring. "He is preparing his squad. Everything is proceeding according to plan. We have contingencies in place."

Despite Cyril's reassurances, Marla's worry was palpable. She resumed her pacing, her mind racing with the potential consequences. "But Cyril, Archaes is unpredictable. He might seek revenge. We both know what he's capable of."

Cyril rose from his chair, crossing the room to stand beside her. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Marla, you must trust in our preparations. Archaes is but one player in this grand game. We've accounted for his potential actions. Remember, we hold the advantage of knowledge and resources."

Marla looked up at him, her violet eyes filled with uncertainty. "I hope you're right, Cyril. The stakes are too high for us to falter now."

Cyril gave her a confident nod. "We won't. Focus on your role and let me handle Archaes. If he becomes a threat, we'll deal with him swiftly."

Marla sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly under Cyril's touch. "Very well. But I'll keep a close eye on him. Any sign of trouble, and I'll take action."

Cyril's smile was thin but reassuring. "That's why I rely on you, Marla. Your vigilance is invaluable."

As Marla exited the room, Cyril returned to his desk, his mind already turning to the next steps in their plan. He knew Marla's concerns were valid, but he also knew the importance of maintaining control. Archaes was a wild card, but Cyril prided himself on his ability to anticipate and counter any threat. The upcoming landfall would be a test of all their preparations, and Cyril intended to ensure they emerged victorious.

In the dimly lit quarters, the only sound was the soft rustle of parchment as Cyril reviewed the maps and documents spread before him. His thoughts were a careful balance of strategy and foresight. He knew the ancient secrets held the key to unimaginable power, and he was determined to claim it, no matter the cost.

As the Sanctuary sailed ever closer to its destination, the wheels of intrigue and ambition continued to turn. Cyril and Marla's conversation was but one thread in the complex tapestry of plans and counterplans that would soon unfold. Each step brought them closer to the unknown land, and each decision would shape the fate of their expedition—and possibly, their world.