
Vol. 04 Ch. 31 – Secret Base

Ace: "Sabo, don't bow to him! After all, how do you know he's strong? " Ace who is full of pride immediately wants to stop Sabo.

Sabo: "You heard the conversation between him and Garp-Jiji, right? He has the power that makes Garp-Jiji not want to fight him because he knows that if they fight it will make this island chaos. And even his men can defeat us when fighting 1 against 3. " Sabo has the best reasoning among the three of them.

* Purupuru Purupuru Gacha *

Hancock: "Arthur, what's up? Is there any problem?" Hancock's voice came from the Den-Den Mushi after a while.

Arthur: "There is no problem, I just want to ask for help to stop this rain."

Hancock: "All right."

Arthur: "And get the others to come here."

* Gacha *

Not long after, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared and only saw a blue sky without the slightest cloud. ASL who saw the rain had stopped immediately came out and looked at the sky with a little awe, especially Luffy. Their attention returned to Arthur who had also come out of a tree hole and stretched his body.

Arthur: "You will believe more in what you see. If you succeed in making me move from my position or succeeding in hurting me then I believe that you are strong. " ASL immediately looked at each other and decided to try it.

Ace: "Don't regret your decision." Ace immediately intends to attack.

*15 minutes later*

Arthur: "Is this all?" Arthur who did not fight back when receiving all ASL attacks did not move from his place and his body was fine.

Ace: "His body is very hard." Ace regulates his heavy breath.

Luffy: "I bit him but instead my teeth hurt." Luffy held his cheeks because his teeth hurt.

Sabo: "But his skin is as supple as ordinary skin." Sabo commented as he tried to touch Arthur's skin.

Arthur: "So what do you think, Ace?"

* Roar *

Suddenly there was a roar from behind the trees and a large bear approached Arthur and ASL. Seeing the bear that wanted to attack, ASL wanted to run because their bodies are already tired but Arthur only reached out to stop the bear and the bear immediately stopped moving, fell, and foaming at the mouth lost consciousness.

Luffy: "Wow ... amazing, it's the same as that time. He really is a pirate captain like Shanks." Luffy's eyes glared at Arthur who made the bear fall without touching it.

Arthur: "You guys haven't had breakfast yet, right? Let us eat. Baby-5. "

Baby-5: "Are you calling me, young master Arthur?" Baby-5 appeared suddenly after Arthur called out to her.

ASL: "Wow ..."

Arthur: "Let's have breakfast." Arthur immediately put out barbecue equipment for Baby-5 from the storage ring.

Sabo; "Last night's house, this cookware, where did he bring it from?" Sabo who muttered at Arthur's ability.

Arthur: "Come sit down." Arthur cut down a tree and created a table and chairs for them in an instant.

Ace: "Sugoi." Ace was amazed by Arthur's sword ability.

Luffy: "Yay ... meat." Luffy passionately sat in front of Arthur and made him smile.

Shortly thereafter, a pleasant smell came from the direction of the meat that Baby-5 had grilled. Hancock and the others also came to join Arthur. Sugar who found the grape on her trip there was angry because Luffy ate it without permission and made them fight. Sabo chatted with Law and Bepo full of curiosity about their experience sailing on the sea. Ace just kept quiet looking at Arthur and the others. When Bepo tells the story of Arthur who had met the pirate king directly, Ace immediately stood up and became the center of attention. Sabo who knew about Ace's secrets could only be worried because he saw Ace's behavior, but Luffy was still eager to know about Roger.

Koala: "Is it true that the captain met with the pirate king Roger?" Koala who just joined still doesn't know much about Arthur.

Arthur: "Yes, I've met Roger and his vice-captain. More preciselyI chatted with him during the execution process, Roger was one of the people I admired. He has a free soul and acts as he pleases, he looks like he has no remorse in his life. But I know that he is very sad about not being able to be beside his family and children because he knows that he does not live much longer. "

Luffy: "I know for sure like that, pirates are people who are free to adventure." Luffy remembered his days with Shanks again.

Ace: "Don't lie, I know everyone hates that person." Ace remembered about his past.

Arthur: "Do you know why they hate Roger and have they met him personally?" Arthur's question made Ace speechless.

Ace: "And how do you know that Roger has a family and children?" Ace's face looks very gloomy.

Arthur: "I have the ability to see a bit of the past and the future."

Luffy: "Ha ... how can it be fun to have an adventure if you know about what to face?" Luffy was a little disappointed with Arthur's ability.

Sugar: "Don't speak ill of young master Arthur." Sugar throws grapes into Luffy's mouth.

Arthur: "Hahaha ... I know you will definitely talk like that, but because of this ability I can change the fate of many people and save them."

Law: "Yes, if it wasn't for the captain then I and Cora-san wouldn't be able to survive." Law confirmed Arthur's words because of his personal experience.

Ace: "Then do you know what Roger's child experienced and felt all this time?" Ace still can't change his mind.

Arthur: "Of course, he continued to feel haunted on Roger's name, hearing that many people hated him made him hate his father too. He doesn't even want to use his father's name and use his mother's name. When I meet him I will say to him to go set sail to adventuring all the seas, find out yourself about your father's story, don't just believe in the words of people who have never met Roger. " Arthur added a little of his Haoshoku Haki made ASL stunned silently.

Robin: "Aren't you a little harsh for you using your Haoshoku to these little kids?"

Arthur's words this time made Ace stunned and fell to sit back in his chair. Sabo also could not say anything because he felt the weight of Arthur's words. Whereas Luffy returned to chewing the meat in his mouth after a moment without caring about anything. Finally Ace decided to be quiet again and eat food in front of him, as well as Sabo. After they finished eating, Arthur immediately told his plans.

Arthur: "Because I agree with Sabo's request to train all three of you, we start training tomorrow. But now I want you to make the house where you live because you left Dadan's house. "

Sabo: "House ... we can make a secret base on this tree." Sabo who thought while looking up at the tree began to draw plans for their secret base.

Luffy: "Secret base ... this is cool."

Ace: "Why didn't you make it like last night's house in front of Dadan's house?"

Arthur: "This includes your training."

Ace: "What about the material?" Ace returned a little excited because the secret base and his 2 brothers excited.

Sabo: "Material? We have a lot there right? " Sabo looked at Gray Terminal.

They immediately started collecting material from Gray Terminal and began to build their secret base. Sugar, Koala, and Bepo also helped create a secret base because they felt it was cool to be able to build their own secret base. They are also the same age as ASL, making them more familiar. With their help, they can finish ASL's secret base quickly and rise the ASL pirate flag. Meanwhile, the ART Pirates base was moved by Monet with the power of her devil fruit near the tree where ASL had built their secret base.

I write in my free time. I use Google translate and Grammarly free version.

Let's welcome the New Normal. God bless you all.

Keep ongoing the story, happy reading ^ _ ^

eLPe_Xcreators' thoughts