
Arsenal:The strike

Diamond_Head · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:The beginning..

In a cold rainy night..There was no one in the road,But there was two men with knives and machetes in their hand,They knock on the door and the father wake up and opens,As his glasses dropped as seeing knives and machetes,also guns."Hey! Can you give me your children." The men said."Why would I give you my children.."The other men come up to father and slice his throat,The blood dripped on floor and father fall down"Because the commander needs them to be soilders.."The mother hear noises and wake up,goes to downstairs and gasped at her husband dead on floor.."Charles,Alison,Harper! she'd goes to them said:"Kids be safe okay..".The kids was confused,Until they hear a gun shot and they goes downstairs and stopped.However their tears come out and screaming,The two men grabs the kids and put masks on their faces and put them on back of car and drives....When they reach to the place that looks like camp called Shalverz,The car stopped and drop the kids to the beds to rest...Next day Harper was honestly forgets about what happend to her family,she get up,brush her teeth and was sent to breakfast!,She look up and see charles and alison.She waves at them and sits down with them. "I don't know why they put us here.." Charles said,"I hope they not treating us as Jewish kids.." alison pointed out to kids at back,Harper was silent... Charles look at Harper and held her hand "Look....It gonna be okay,We will escape this one way or another..