
Arrows extended flight - DBobivion-Mushoku tensei

In a world where monsters lurk and nobility turns a blind eye to suffering, Sara, a gifted archer with a vendetta against the upper class, teams up with Rudeus, a young adventurer with a mysterious ailment and a desperate mission. What if they didn’t rush things? How would Rudeus balance his budding relationship with Sara and his perceived responsibilities to find his missing mother? Struggling with his own insecurities and the weight of his past, who would he become if he never reached the secure environment of Ranoa and the tumultuous road of an adventurer got an extension? Join Sara and Rudeus as they navigate the perils of monster hunts, unravel the secrets of their hearts, and challenge their destinies. In a journey of growth, healing, and unexpected alliances, can they overcome their traumas and forge a path to a brighter future?

DBoblivion · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

We caught up to Suzanne and the rest of the party, and Sara finally let go of my hand as we entered the inn. I felt a brief pang of loss at the separation, but I understood. We needed to focus on the conversation ahead.

Suzanne led us to a private room at the back of the inn, a cozy space with a wooden table and several chairs. The room's atmosphere was tense, filled with a palpable sense of anticipation.

Once we were all seated, Suzanne cleared her throat. "Rudeus, we have something important to discuss. Please hear us out."

I nodded, trying to keep my expression neutral despite the nervous fluttering in my stomach.

Suzanne exchanged a meaningful glance with Timothy before continuing. "We've been talking, Rudeus, and we think it's time for a change. You've been a great help to us but you also have your own goals in finding your mother-

At that, I could only nod my head as a deep weight settled in my chest. She was right- of course, it really was time for a change. My relationship with Sara and the other members of Counter Arrow had not been part of my original objective, and diddling around in Rosenburg kept me from moving on to the next place.

I'd spent a whole year with them and finally, finally started to become friends, but this was how it all ended.

How could I be so selfish!? Paul is probably out there doing his damnedest yet I'm fooling around because I'm feeling a little lonely and want some friends.

But that wasn't really fair, was it? I mean- Paul had Norn, those people from the Fittoa search and rescue squad who seemed to trust him, Asha and Lilia should probably have made their way to him by now too. Could you blame me for wanting a little companionship as well?

I could. I need to leave. Even they recognise that!

The hand that had been held by Sara trembled slightly as if trying to grasp something before hesitating.

I could feel that process repeat again and again.

"-Which is why we want you to join counter arrow."


"Eh?" I blinked in a stupor, unable to do anything but let them continue."We recognise that you built your reputation by working with other parties I'm pretty sure I was the one who told you to do that when you tried taking on the Luster Grizzlies by yourself but it isn't like you couldn't do that as a member of the team right?"

I mean she wasn't wrong

In case you forgot here are some of the details of working for the adventurers guild

• A party can have a maximum of seven members.

 • Only adventurers within one rank of the party's leader can join the party.

 • Your party rank is the average of all your members' ranks.

 • For rank promotion purposes, all party members receive credit for any jobs completed as a party.

 • Individual party members can still take on jobs independent of the party.

 • To join a party, you need approval from both the party leader and the guild.

 • To leave a party, you only need approval from the guild.

 • The party leader has the right to eject any member from the party.

 • Should the party leader die, their party is automatically disbanded.

 • Two or more parties can join together to form a clan.

 • High-performing clans are eligible to receive a variety of special rewards from the guild.


Only the first half was important here

I was an A-rank adventurer and Counter Arrow was a B-ranked party whose members did most of their jobs as a party so they were all B-ranked as well, meaning that being the correct rank to join wasn't a problem. They couldn't take S-class quests so they could always loan me to people who took those on, the problem was whether I could fully commit to joining them while still pursuing my own goals. I glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each member. Timothy, Mimir, Patrice, and finally, Sara. They all looked at me with a mix of hope and determination. It was clear they had thought this through.

I decided to relay my concerns about the commitment issue. I mean could I actually call myself a member of the party If I was constantly prioritising my own goals?

In response, the 4 people in front of me exchanged looks seemingly deciding on what to do next. Sara was the one to stand up and raise her - well I thought she would raise her voice "Rudeus," Sara said softly, leaning closer with a voice filled with sincerity, "we want you with us. You're not just a strong adventurer; you're our friend. Let's find your mother together."

Her words struck a chord within me, It was the first time we had verbalized our bond, and her sincerity reinforced the sense of belonging I felt whenever we embarked on quests together.. That I was actually part of the team and not simply helping out.

Timothy leaned forward. "We understand where you feel you need to place your priorities, Rudeus. And we respect it. That's why we're proposing this. With us, you'll have more resources and more allies to help in your search. We can cover more ground together than you could alone."

Suzanne nodded in agreement. "We can make it work, Rudeus. We'll prioritise finding your mother. Counter arrow isn't some clan or group with huge organisational objectives. Every job we take, and every decision we make, will be with that goal in mind. We're committed to helping you."

Their sincerity was undeniable, and it warmed my heart. They were offering me not just a place in their party, but a place in their lives, a partnership built on trust and mutual goals.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision."Alright, I'll join Counter Arrow," I said, meeting each of their gazes in turn. "But we do this together, as a team."

A wave of relief and joy swept across the room. Timothy smiled broadly, Suzanne gave a satisfied nod, and Sara's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Welcome to Counter Arrow, Rudeus," Suzanne said, extending her hand.

She had offered her hand in both senses and I shook it firmly, experiencing a feeling of renewed purpose. Maybe this was the right path after all. With friends by my side, the search for my Zenith seemed a little less daunting, and the future a little brighter.


We decided to brainstorm. Rudeus outlined his efforts from the past year, his dedication shining through every word. I felt a surge of pride. His unwavering commitment to finding his mother was truly admirable, and I couldn't help but be inspired by his strength. Could I really walk away from the relationships I've formed to chase a distant dream? The thought gnawed at me, but his resolve was infectious. 

We combined his experienced insights with Counter Arrow's input to come up with a plan.

Special Assignments: Rudeus can seek out special assignments or quests that require cooperation between multiple parties or adventurers. By participating in these unique opportunities, he can network with a wider range of individuals and organizations, expanding his influence and visibility within the adventurer community.

Engage in Public Events: Rudeus can participate in public events, festivals, and competitions held in towns and cities across the region. By showcasing his skills in magic, demonstrating feats of strength or agility, or even performing acts of entertainment, he can attract attention and garner public interest. These events provide valuable opportunities to interact with non-adventurers, make connections, and leave a lasting impression.

Offer Training and Services: Rudeus can offer his expertise and services to non-adventurers, such as providing magic lessons, teaching survival skills, or offering protection services for travellers and merchants. By sharing his knowledge and abilities, he not only helps others but also establishes himself as a reputable and trustworthy individual within the community. Satisfied clients will spread the word about Rudeus's skills and reliability, enhancing his reputation.

Build Relationships with Influencers: Rudeus can seek out influential individuals within communities, such as local leaders, merchants, or artisans, and cultivate positive relationships with them. By earning the respect and support of these key figures, he can gain access to their networks and leverage their influence to promote his name and reputation among non-adventurers. Collaborating with influencers on projects or initiatives can further amplify his visibility and impact.

We wouldn't follow this word to word and nothing was stopping me or the others from adding our own additions.

 it was more like something to refer to and use as inspiration

Instead of going to the usual bar, we decided to head to the adventurers' guild to celebrate since permission from the guild was needed to add our newest member to the party

"Quagmire over here has officially decided to join our party," Timothy stepped forward as Patrice slapped Rudeus on the back to speak to the buxom clerk. I've been to a couple of adventurer Guilds in the Asura kingdom but even upon arriving in the three magic nations, it seemed to be some unwritten rule that clerks had to be stacked.

"You've been going on missions together so much lately, It's good to see this finally happening" she smiled in reply and took Rudeus's adventurer card.to finalise the process.

When I mentioned that my breastplate was getting tighter on our date Rudeus blushed and I scowled at him but I honestly wasn't displeased. If anything I was happy since it meant he was attracted to my body and my plan would go smoothly

That was when I remembered the Man-God's advice

I was still too embarrassed to admit my feelings so I quickly pecked him on the cheek and left, I was honestly worried he was so dense my feelings wouldn't get through to him but after his bold declaration this morning-

-yeah there was no need to worry

I headed to the board, determined to find the mission I was told to take. After scanning through a bunch of them, I finally found it.


TASK: Escort Help

REWARD: 600 Asuran Silver Coins

DETAILS: Guard the client and his wares for the duration of his journey to the city of Gyuranza. The path is known to be treacherous with bandit activity.

LOCATION: Rosenburg Block 4, the head driver Inn


DEADLINE: Before the Summer ends

CLIENT: Karpesh, a renowned merchant with a reputation for dealing in rare and valuable goods.

 NOTES: I'm finishing up business here in Rosenburg and am ready to leave any day now but I need protection for my Goods.

I wasn't sure why this mission was the one we needed, but we had to leave soon. I tore it off the board and walked back to Suzanne and the others, who looked like they'd just wrapped up.

"Picked a mission already Sara? You're always rushing into things, Quagmire just officially joined our party! We can pick something after we celebrate a bit." Patrice rebuked me upon noticing the request form in my hand. My annoyance rose a little at that. Did he think I wasn't happy Rudeus was now with us?

"I never said we shouldn't have fun but didn't we just say that we would prioritise finding his mom, If we wait then the job could get taken!"

Things were heating up a bit and this was usually when Suzanne or Timothy would step in but to my surprise Rudeus was the one who spoke up.

"Sara may I please take a look at that"

"Uh yeah, sure"

I handed him the piece of paper and after examining it he turned to the clerk "Ma'aam would it be alright if you reserved this for us?"

"That normally isn't allowed-"


"-but what the heck, we've been giving you a lot of leeways anyway and If you're leaving then one more exception wouldn't hurt." She said in agreement and smiled brightly 

It was true, he took jobs below B rank despite being an A rank adventurer so he could get acquainted with the younger generation of newbie adventurers as well as the older veterans.'Quagmire' Rudeus had a ridiculous amount of fame in Rosenburg and his quest to find his mother was well known though I wasn't sure if the next place we visited will afford him the same leeway.

Both of us had actually taken a job to find a lost cat together when the others were busy with personal business and being sick but that's a story for another time.

"Did I just hear that Quagmire's leaving?" 

"To think that both Quagmire and the strongest single party in Rosenburg would be leaving at the same time…" 

"We've got to party!"

The room quickly filled with sounds of celebration in response to us being overheard

Timothy raised a mug of ale, his grin infectious. "To Rudeus, our newest member, and to the adventures that await us!" The room erupted in cheers, mugs clinking together in a boisterous celebration.

 A chorus of cheers echoed through the guild hall. I watched as Rudeus was swept up in the excitement, a smile breaking across his face. Despite his usual reserved demeanour, it was clear he appreciated the camaraderie and support.

Surprisingly, Rudeus had started mixing his Distilled fruit juice with alcohol.

The same alcohol he refused to drink with Counter arrow

"I thought you didn't drink? Something about being a minor" I questioned him teasingly but was surprised. He and Timothy were the ones in our party who never drank, the latter was a bit of a lightweight and Rudeus was apparently a stickler for the fact that you were considered an adult at fifteen even though being an adventurer was probably way more dangerous than drinking a bit young.

Sober adventurers were rare so I didn't think I'd ever encountered one other than the two in front of me

"I'll be fifteen next year… Besides, maybe it's time I loosened up a bit," Rudeus replied with a small grin, swirling his drink.

I couldn't help but smile back at him. It was good to see him relaxing and enjoying himself, even if just a little. The guild hall was buzzing with excitement and energy, a fitting farewell for our departure.

As the night wore on, the celebration continued with more toasts, stories, and laughter. We talked about our past adventures and shared hopes for the future. Rudeus seemed to fit in perfectly, blending seamlessly with the rest of the party.

"-So Sara and I went on a job to find a lost cat-"

"-and Rudeus confidently bragged about having experience-

"-but we ended up running in circles across town-"

"-and just as we were heading to the adventurers guild looking all dejected-"

"-the cat appeared and we chased it to the owner it was returning to!"



We both smiled as those around us chuckled at the little story.

"I didn't know Quagmire was also an expert tracker"

Rudeus simply huffed at that "I'll have you know it was my teammate who was the professional with wild animals, I'm just a copycat."

Everyone leaned in at that, the phrase 'tell us more' depicted clearly in their faces. Rudeus hardly ever spoke about his old party and we all left it alone on the assumption they died given how he disbanded it when he first walked in here.

Disbanding a party upon entering and joining a party when leaving...

It was a nice way to wrap up his stay here, in my opinion at least. The eerily fake smile that made people grimace every time they saw him has also softened a bit.

Just as I was thinking that Rudeus's expression turned desolate before he glanced at me, I don't know what was going through his mind but he looked like he resolved himself to something and raised his voice

"Very well. Allow me to Regale you with the tale of Ruijerd, Dead End and the tale of the lost pets!"

The room fell silent, everyone leaning in to catch every word.

He loudly and expressively began to tell us about the start of his adventuring career and what a tale it was. To think he was teleported to the demon continent! Not only that but he befriended a freaking Superd, who Rudeus emphasised was the super nice animal expert that loved children. There was also the revelation that the Superd's infamous behaviour during the war was due to some sort of curse by the Demon God Laplace. Being told horror stories as a child made me initially a bit sceptical but with how much pride he took in being trusted by this 'Ruijerd' none of us could help believing him.

"It was a simple E-rank job to find some little girl's lost cat, which turned out to be more like a panther and the trail led us…"

Long story short, A party called P-Hunter (did that stand for pets hunter?) would steal pets, wait for a client to file a request and then cash in. Rudeus's party found the location where they were keeping the animals on their job and forced them to rank up so that P-Hunter could do the high-level monster-slaying quests, give them to Rudeus's party to complete and save Dead End the hassle of doing low-level jobs by completing those themselves until Dead-end ranked up enough to do combat missions.

"So you let them continue stealing those animals? If this Ruijerd guy is already good at those jobs then couldn't you have just worked your way up without doing anything shady?" asked Timothy

"P-Hunter were already lost-pet specialists before they became criminals so they didn't need to resort to more stealing. The reason they got caught up in petnapping in the first place was that they preemptively stumbled upon something that showed all the signs of being a lost pet, which put the idea in their heads of just how much easier finding things before they were requested was and things just escalated from there." Rudeus explained to the gathered adventurers. As someone orphaned from a monster attack, I could somewhat sympathise with wanting to make a steady living doing safe jobs, even more so if I was in a place reaming with high-level monsters like the Demon continent. That was also the reason I didn't want to judge Rudeus harshly for whatever he got up to in those lands. I could have ended up doing plenty of shady things to survive myself If Counter Arrow didn't let me become an adventurer.

"As for your second question it's simply more efficient for three Combat specialists to do monster slaying than one tracking specialist and two tag-a-longs to find lost pets, working with P-hunter also gained us more allies though I agree we could have simply worked our way up since going the shady route did kinda blow up in our faces in the end…" 

His expression grew sheepish and even somewhat pensive at times as he explained how it all ended. A horseman named Nekopara spotted Dead End outside the city and P-Hunter in the city despite being on jobs that should've taken them in the opposite direction, he was the type of guy to hang around the guild all day and keep an eye out for adventurers who were up to no good for the sake of blackmailing them.

They ended up challenging the guy's lack of evidence for the job swapping and went around visiting all the clients in the city, things were going well until some adventuring party Rudeus's party encountered outside the city. 

He looked very pensive at that part

 "We got caught and I was so worried about being caught in an escalating blackmail scheme that I was about to flood the city if not for what I saw when I turned around…" Rudeus did a dramatic flourish and conjured a stone statue of a spearman that he lifted into the air" It was Ruijerd! The blue hair dye used to disguise the Superd's trademark green hair washed away and the headband that covered the jewel was undone…"

The revelation of Superd caused chaos to ensue, bypassers let out ear-piercing shrieks and the allies they had gained immediately betrayed them.

The entire city may as well have trembled

"Ruijerd jabbed his trident forward and sliced a single shallow cut across Nokopara's cheek! He was all like 'You had better hope our status as adventurers hasn't been revoked by the time we reach the next town'. "After a round of whistles and cheers, Rudeus clenched his fist " Before long, Ruijerd was chased out of Rikarisu. Taking all the blame for everything on his shoulders, everyone arrived at the conclusion that Ruijerd had been planning out some evil plot here, looking at me and Eris with pity as if we were naïve children who'd been manipulated by a vicious devil…"

He downed his flagon 

"Hah! I was so angry I could have punched someone, what exactly had Ruijerd done wrong anyway!?"

"What a tearjerker!"

"All that because of green hair?"

"Ruijerd's a real man!"

"A manly man's man!

Eventually, the festivities began to wind down. People started drifting off to continue with adventurer business or heading home. I found myself standing next to Rudeus once again, the warmth of the evening still lingering in the air.

"You really are something, Rudeus," I said, nudging him playfully. "Always full of surprises."

I truly didn't expect the revelation of his teleportation to the demon continent or the members of his former party though he didn't mention this 'eris' person all that much but I was sure I would gain information about her as I got to know him more and more.

Learning about different demon races was also pretty fun; not just the Superd Warriors but the beast-taming Rugonians and the poison-spewing Zumoba race were interesting to listen to.

Most importantly though, there was no sign of that stiff and formal mask he presented to people today.

He chuckled, looking a bit sheepish. "I guess I just wanted to show you all that I'm committed to this. To us."

My cheeks warmed, but I managed to keep my cool. "We know you are. And we're here for you too. We're a team now."

He nodded, his expression serious. "Thanks, Sara. That means a lot."