
Arrow: Rebirth

One moment Oliver Hyde is binge-watching the Arrow tv show with his wife Bobbi. The next moment their living room is engulfed by a blinding white light and he finds himself in the body of Oliver Queen stranded on Lian Yu. The icing on the cake? His memory of future events is fucked. (Cover Picture Is Not Mine....I Yoinked it from Pinterest.) (Fair Warning. There may be some steamy scenes.) (I Don't own any of the Marvel, DC and CW characters and Pictures used in this story and what not yada yada yada)

ItzMenace12 · TV
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5 Chs

Honor Thy Father - Part 3

{Attorney for shipping magnate, Martin Somers, has confirmed his client has no intention of testifying, maintaining his innocence in the wrongful death of Victor Nocenti. Nocenti's body was found four weeks ago. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available.}

Oliver watches the television in his room with his shirt off, showing the scars on his back, sides, and arms. Thea walks into the room and sees Oliver's scars as he puts a shirt on. "Wait, how did you get those?" Thea asks. "Thank you for knocking," Oliver says drily buttoning up his shirt but is stopped by Thea who pulls back his shirt to look at his scars. "Mom said that there were scars," Thea mutters.

"I don't want to talk about it, Speedy," Oliver grumbles as he lets her inspect all his scars. "Oliver, what happened to you out there?" Thea asks as she traces the star tattoo on his chest. "Thea... A lot of things happened to me on that Island and..." Oliver pauses taking a fortifying breath. "A majority of them weren't good... I'm not ready to talk about it," He sighs and watches as her expression shifts between disappointment and understanding. Thea nods and takes a step back.

"Do you have a second?" Thea asks. "Yeah," Oliver nods buttoning up his shirt. "Good. I wanna show you something out back," Thea nods and walks out of the room with Oliver behind her.

Thea and Oliver stop in front of two gravestones in the backyard of the Mansion. "Sometimes, when I felt... Whatever... I'd come here," Thea shrugs kneeling down and dusting off the bottom of one gravestone that reads 'ROBERT QUEEN 1958-2007 A leader, a husband'. "About a month after the funerals, Mom stopped going out. Pretty soon, she stopped talking altogether," Thea stands next to Oliver who is looking at the gravestones.

"The house got so quiet, so I'd come here. To talk to you," She points to the other gravestone which reads 'OLIVER QUEEN 1985-2007 A loving son and brother, whose light was dimmed far too soon'. "I mean, stupid stuff. Like what I was doing that day, what boy I had a crush on... And then sometimes, I'd ask you, beg you, to find your way home to me. Now, here you are," She says turning to him. " Look, I know it was hell where you were. But it was hell here too. You gotta let me in, Ollie. You gotta let someone in," Thea pleads then walks away.


"Chocolate chip mint ice cream is the best!" Green Arrow hears Felicity moan appreciatively through his earpiece. Green Arrow shifts uncomfortably from his perch across where he has a perfect view into Laurel's living room. "Could you please not do that," He says voice strained. "Do what?" She asks innocently as if not aware of the effect she has on him. "Distracting me," He sighs and glances at the cop cruiser parked in an alleyway. "I don't see how my appreciation of choc--" "Fuck," Green Arrow curses cutting her off. "What is it?" She asks.

"It's Tommy," He sighs annoyed as he watches Laurel open the door for Tommy who has what looks like takeout in his hand. "Well, that complicates things," Felicity says. "Great our honored guests have arrived...Talk to you later," Green Arrow drawls as he ends the call. "Hope this works," He mutters and fires an arrow which breaks off into two arrows and impales the two triad members that were sneaking up on the cop cruiser taking them down. He watches the two cops startle and exit the cruiser and immediately apprehends the triad members.

He hears a crashing sound followed by a scream and quickly shoots a zip line to Laurel's window. He zips straight to her window crashing through and tucks into a tactical roll. He gets up right in front of Tommy and Laurel taking a bullet to his shoulder. He grunts through the pain and hits the gun out of the triad member's hand with his bow and roundhouse kicks him unconscious. He dodges the butt of a machine gun aimed at his face and disarms the man by breaking his wrist and elbow. He grabs him by the mask and brings his face down to his knee, knocking him out.

"Holy shit! That was crazy," He hears Tommy exclaim behind him. "Tommy!" He hears Laurel's reprimand. "What? It was," Tommy says unapologetically. He ties up the two triad members and turns to the two. "Are you okay?" Green Arrow asks looking them over for any injury. "Are we okay? You were the one that was shot," Tommy says pointing to the bullet hole in his shoulder. "I'm fine, the kevlar padding stopped it," He shrugs his shoulder.

"Well I should be going," Green Arrow nods hearing the police sirens. He walks to the destroyed window and prepares to fire an arrow. "Wait what's your name?" Laurel asks Green Arrow. "...Green Arrow," He says shooting an arrow and zipping out of the apartment just as cops enter the apartment.


Green Arrow shoots an arrow into a man's shoulder. He jumps along the high metal beams and jumps to the ground, crouching. He shoots another man in the thigh. A third man rounds the corner with a machine gun and Arrow jumps over the side of a fence in the warehouse. Arrow shoots another man in the shoulder and runs toward a fifth, shooting him in the shoulder as well. He runs downstairs and notches another arrow. He shoots another man in the shoulder, who stumbles back and falls off of a ledge. "Did not mean for that to happen," Green Arrow curses chasing after Somers.

"Somers," Green Arrow fires an arrow into a wooden crate right next to Somers's head. "Oh, God, no, no, no," Somers yells scared. "He can't help you," Green Arrow growls shooting another arrow into the crate on the other side of Somers's head. "I want the truth about Victor Nocenti," Green Arrow yells at him. "I can't. The Triad will kill me," Somers stutters out. "The Triad's not your concern right now," Green Arrow says shooting another arrow between his legs. "All right, all right, all right," Somers whimpers. "It wasn't me that killed him. It was the Triad," He says shakily.

"Acting on whose orders," Green Arrow demands shooting another arrow above Somers' head causing him to scream in fear. "Whose!" Green Arrow yells notching another arrow in a warning. "All right, all right. It was mine. It was mine, all right? Nocenti said he was gonna testify against me," Somers confesses.

"Not so fast lady," MockingBird says zipping in behind Green Arrow and knees a white-haired woman in the chest that was trying to sneak up on him. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't feeling well?" Green Arrow asks looking at MockingBird. "Oh, I still feel like I'm being kicked in the gut by an elephant," MockingBird says with a pained grimace. "Then why--," "I was worried okay," She interjects softly.

"Enough of this!" The white-haired woman yells running at MockingBird dual blades drawn. "Hey! we were having a moment," MockingBird says annoyed blocking a slash with her battle staves. MockingBird dodges a swing at her chest and blocks a slash at her shoulder. She pushes the woman back and kicks her in the chest and advances on her. They clash in the middle with both of them locking weapons and pushing at each other trying to get the upper hand. "I bet you dyed your hair," MockingBird sneers catching the woman off guard with the comment.

MockingBird takes the opening and head-butts the woman sending her stumbling back. She doesn't give her a moment to recover and spinning hook kicks her on the neck knocking her down. "We gotta go, cops, are here," Green Arrow says hearing the police sirens in the distance near the warehouse they're in. MockingBird nods and follows after him.

Green Arrow climbs over a storage unit. He drops down and starts to run but stops at the click of a gun. " Freeze! You twitch and you're dead. Bow down, hands up," Quinten says aiming his gun at Green Arrow. MockingBird comes behind Quinten and easily disarms and dismantles his gun. "No need for all the hostility, Lance," MockingBird says sweetly walking past him and coming to stand next to Green Arrow. "We're on the same side here Quinten. No need for us to butt heads," Green Arrow says and throws a USB stick at Quinten who catches it.

"What's this?" Quinten asks looking at the stick. "A recording of Martin Somers and China White discussing their involvement with drug smuggling and putting a hit on your daughter," Green Arrow says watching as the man's expression changes from shock to anger. "That bastard," Quinten curses clenching his hand around the stick. He breathes a calming breath and looks up to say something but sees nothing where the two vigilantes had stood. "How do they even do that?" He shakes his head picking up his dismantled gun.


"Stop! Please!" A girl pleads to the four men that are pinning her to the wall. "Shut up, bitch!" One of the men growls covering her mouth and muffling her cries and sobs as tears streak down her cheeks. She tries to struggle in their grasp but to no avail. "Hey! What the fuck are you guys doing!" A guy in a red hoodie demands rounding the corner and seeing the four men holding down the girl. "Unless you want to join, I suggest you fuck off, Harper,' One of the men shouts glaring at him.

"Come on, guys. Let her go. You don't want to do this," Harper says anxiously looking between the four men. "You want some too, huh?" One of the men drops the girl and turns to him glaring. "I'm not gonna let you rape her," Harper says defiantly glaring right back. "And what the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Another laughs relaxing his grip on the girl who is watching desperately between the men. "You don't have to do this," Harper says getting into a fighting stance.

"Look on the bright side, Harper. That red hoodie of yours will hide the blood," Two of the men start advancing on Harper, intent on fighting. The other two turn back to the girl who has started struggling as much as she can, but isn't strong enough as one of them rips off her shirt. One of the men gets hit on the side of the head, his head snapping to the side with a cracking sound by an unknown object. "God I hate rapists," MockingBird says catching her battle stave that ricochets back to her.

All eyes turn to her as she walks out of the shadows with an icy cold glare at the three remaining men. "Fuck off, bitch," The other guy holding the girl pulls out a gun and points it sideways at MockingBird. "Oh, I'm quivering in my boots," MockingBird says mockingly unfazed by the gun pointed at her. The girl frees herself and kicks the man in front of her with the gun in his hand in the balls. She runs off in the direction of MockingBird and hides behind her for protection.

"Let's get this bitch," The man yells reaching down to pick up his gun. "This'll only take a moment," MockingBird says smiling reassuringly at the girl behind her. The girl nods shakily. MockingBird throws her battle stave at the head of the man knocking him out cold. She catches it and bounces it off the wall hitting one of the men fighting Harper on the side of the head knocking him out. Harper blocks a punch and uppercuts the last man out cold.

"Oliver. Call the police. You've got my location," MockingBird whispers into her earpiece. "Okay. What happened?" Oliver asks through the comms. "I was taking the scenic route and came across some scumbags trying to rape a girl," MockingBird says in disgust as she watches Harper wiping blood from his lip with his sleeve. "Talk to you later," MockingBird says and squats down to the girl cautiously, "It's okay, you're safe now," She says softly. The girl whimpers and hugs her tightly, "Thank you. You saved me," She mutters relieved.

"The police are on their way. They're going to need you to make a statement," MockingBird says rubbing soothing circles on the girl's back. "You too kid," MockingBird says looking over her shoulder at Harper. "Okay," The girl mumbles with a nod and gets up still holding onto MockingBird. "Wait. Please don't leave..." The girl whimpers when MockingBird tries pulling away from her. "I... I don't think I can do this on my own," The girl holds on to her hand looking at her pleadingly.

MockingBird looks at the shivering girl traumatized and afraid. She turns and looks at Harper, "Hey, kid what's your name?". Harper startles as they both look at him. "...Roy," He says shifting uncomfortably. "Listen Roy. The police are almost here. Can I count on you to keep her safe until they do?" MockingBird asks looking him dead in the eyes. "Yeah," Roy stutters out nodding his head. "I would like to stay but I can't for obvious reasons... But I'll be watching, okay?" MockingBird says smiling at the girl. The girl nods albeit reluctantly.

MockingBird steps back into the shadows taking out her grapple gun. "Wait!" She stops turning to the girl. "What do they call you?" The girl asks looking at her. "...MockingBird," MockingBird says and grapples onto a rooftop with a perfect view of the alleyway Roy and the girl are standing in.


"God I can't wait to get home and just sleep," Felicity groans taking off her suit in the armory. "Yeah, me too. It's been a long day," Oliver agrees placing his bow and quiver on its mantle. "Rough day?" Felicity walked past him while pulling on her shirt. "You have no idea," Oliver sighs exhaustedly taking a seat by the computer system. "You feeling okay?" Oliver asks as Felicity situates herself in his lap groaning in discomfort. "I'll live," She says nuzzling his neck. Oliver nods and picks up his List checking off Martin Somers' name. "Another one bites the dust,"



Oliver runs through the forest breathing heavily and takes cover behind a tree drawing his bow, peeking out, and firing an arrow at someone who ducks behind a tree, the arrow missing him. "Shit," Oliver curses firing another arrow and then running off. "Just my luck to have a fucking psycho as a roommate," He groans blocking the sun with his hand as he emerges from the forest. "Fuck," He screams in pain as an arrow is shot through his shoulder.

"Wha..." He drops to his knees his vision blurring and weakly tries crawling away. "fucking...poison..." He mumbles and falls on his side slowly losing unconsciousness. He hears footsteps coming toward him and turns weakly. He sees a man in a green hood staring down at him, just as he passes out.

Hello, Another Day Another Chapter... Hope You Enjoy...

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