
Arrived in a spaceship during the Warring States period

In the final moments before the Sci-Fi full-dive VRMMO Galaxy of Planets was set to shut down, Kazuma, a seasoned player, decided to make one last visit to the virtual realm. However, as the game's closure approached, he found himself facing an unexpected twist – instead of logging out, he was mysteriously transported to the authentic Warring States period in Japan. To add to the surreal situation, he was accompanied by his personally crafted space fortress Silvern and a cohort of 120 organic gynoids. Fuelled by a sense of curiosity, Kazuma embarked on a journey to meet none other than Nobunaga Oda himself. Little did he know, this encounter marked the beginning of a captivating story set against the backdrop of the Warring States period. The narrative gracefully unfolds, immersing readers in the leisurely and fascinating everyday life shared by Kazuma and the androids in this historical era.

Translator_sama · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Episode 6 - Immediate Policies and New Relationships

After Mr. Nobunaga managed to leave, Elle and I decided to get ready for our new house.

 Mr. Ohashi seemed to have done a lot of cleaning, so the house was clean. We could live in the house with only the bedding and other things we unloaded from the ship.

 The only thing is that even though it is a big house, it doesn't have a bath. I would like to extend the bathroom and renovate the toilet because it is a little dirty.

 Mr. Ohashi said I can use the house as I like. I'll look for a carpenter tomorrow.

Commander. May I have a moment?

Yes. About what?

About the future.

 I had a big yard and was thinking about doing a vegetable garden, when Elle called me over. Come to think of it, we hadn't discussed the future.

Command. If we continue as we are, we will not be spectators of history, but participants in it. What are your thoughts on that?

"Well, I don't know. What should we do? Do we leave before we get involved?

Hey, don't you want to go back to your world before you get involved?

Not really. I don't have any family there.

 I've decided to discuss my future with him over a cup of barley tea, but I know that I'm halfway there.

 I'm a bit torn about what to do. The truth is.

 You don't have to go back to your old world. I don't have to go back to my original world. The space fortress is more convenient than the real world, and everyone is there.

 I told you that before, but you were a little taken aback.

If you don't want to go back to your world. "If you're not going back to your world, I think you should stop thinking of this place as your past. You have to start thinking of this world as the place you're going to live in.

I agree.

 As for me, the choice was between getting involved with Japan and going back to the island. Melty and Ketty are questioning my basic approach of coming here to see Nobunaga.

 I was looking at this place as past history," he said.

I think we have a technological advantage that will give us the upper hand for a thousand years without having to do anything. But that will catch up with us someday.

'Neither the commander nor we are aging, so we won't die unless we are killed. But objectively speaking, our sphere of existence should be established.

If you think about it, this might be the easiest time for us to attain a reasonable status."

 Elle and Ceres remained silent, but Melti, Ketty, and Julia began talking about the future.

 There is no aging in organic androids, and there is no aging in bio-enhanced players. That doesn't change when they go from virtual space to real, we've already tested and found out.

 It is certain that the space fortress and us are foreign to this world. In some cases, the world will see us as a danger and there is no risk of us being targeted.

 In the worst case scenario, we have the option of escaping outside the solar system with the Space Fortress, so it's not as serious as that.

Elle. Ceres. What do you think?"

'I think we should make room for us. But I don't think it's that easy, even in this day and age.

"I think it depends on the commander. Frankly speaking, if we only want to establish a survival zone, it may be faster to leave the solar system and search for an uninhabited planet.

 I guess everyone is thinking seriously. Maybe I was the only one who was optimistic?

Well, let's ask the others for their opinions and finally talk it over and make a decision.

 I've seen Nobunaga, so maybe it's time to start thinking about the future.

 For once, we need to listen to everyone's opinions and make a decision. This isn't a game where the answers are already prepared.

 I asked for everyone's opinions through the communication and we got together that night.

 There were many detailed opinions, but most of them said that we should first work to establish a sphere of existence on the earth.

'Well then, let's be merchants.

 After dinner, we listened to everyone's opinions and decided to discuss our future plans again. To be honest, I don't think we need to take it that seriously.

 I think we can manage if we sell the goods manufactured in the invincible space fortress as if they were obtained through trade and make a place for us to stay.

By the way, Commander. By the way, Commander, will you find a girlfriend or a wife and welcome them someday? It must be lonely being single all the time, right?"

"Yeah? I don't need it, since everyone else is here. Realistically, I don't want to risk my secret getting out, and if I have a bad relative, it could be troublesome.

"Right. Then I hope you'll treat us as real wives.

Yes, that's fine. Yes, that would be good. I think it's better that way, so that our lies won't be exposed to the outside world.

 We decided to live as merchants for the time being in order to establish our own sphere of existence. But here, Melty was worried about me.

 I haven't had a girlfriend in real life for almost ten years. I'm not at an age where I'm lonely or fussy, and I have so many secrets that it would be troublesome to get a bad wife.

 As long as I can be with everyone like this, I'm fine with it.

 You didn't even have to check with Melty.

 Yeah, I know. Wait a minute. Does being a real wife include nighttime sex?

 No way. That's absurd. It's impossible.

 I'll tell you what happened. Melty set me up.

 I didn't know androids could have children.

 Maybe they think I'm a soft touch or something.

 The order was also decided by the girls. They said they would go in order of seniority until they had completed one round. After that, they said I was free to go.

 I don't think they're going to be disgruntled by the number of times I call them, do they?

 I'm afraid that the androids in my family will accumulate complaints.

 But you know what? I don't have a strong enough opinion to say no here.

 And I didn't even realize it until Elle came to my room, and I was thinking about what to plant in the vegetable garden in the yard.

 How could I refuse? I had created an android of my own choice.

 And there was no way I could tell Elle, who had made up her mind, that the story was different.

 The real question was whether the 120 androids would be able to do this without dissatisfaction. There's a limit to what you can call a harem, isn't there?

 Next time, I should secretly ask the computer in the space fortress how to make it work. How can we make it work with everyone?

side el.

 Melty didn't have to do such a deceptive thing.

 The commander is a shy guy and not good at socializing, so he says that if I don't give him a chance early on instead of waiting around for him to cheat, things will get tricky.

 I wish I could be the first. I wish they would reject me.

 But the reality is that the only two ways for us to have a mate are to choose a commander or to have a new male organic android created for us.

 We were born as artificial intelligence in a virtual space, and we have grown up and lived in a limited and special environment.

 Perhaps the commander will give us permission to create an android companion if we ask for one. But I think that would make him feel lonely.

 It is clear in this case that he has been lax in his side. He may be a troubled man, but we all chose our commanders of our own volition.

 Perhaps it's not possible for a person to do this, and we are all affected by the fact that we were originally created by the virtual space system to favor our own creator, the Commander.

 We all understand that. I've told everyone that there is no need to rush.

 We are not people. Then we androids' answer is that we should live our lives in our own way.

 To live together with our commander, who treated us like people and gave us love, is the first step we have decided to take as a life.

 Perhaps the commander may never realize it. Our resolve.

 But. I myself am not happy to be loved by the Commander, for whatever reason and in whatever form.

 Commander. I know I'm a bit of a loose cannon, but I'm looking forward to working with you.