


Mia's POV

We were driving for some time before he pulled into a familiar place. It was my favourite diner in the city. Usually my parents and Olivia doesn't like it if I were to come and eat here as they state its not our standard.

But the food here is amazing. Especially their pie and milkshake. It was something to die for. As I was in excitement, I didn't realise my door opening.

The scary man had open the door for me. Without saying anything at all, we walked right in. And to top it all he went to my favourite seat. The window seat. The view of the city from there is amazing to say the least.

As we sat down I was still in shock. How did he know about this? Was this coincidence or did he actually know about it? But how.

/"H-How did you know?/" I asked astonished. He just chuckled. /"Its a secret./" he said as he start reading the menu.