
Chapter 5: Su Mei Li

"So you agreed with your mom?" Shiyang asked after I told him what happened yesterday.

"Yes, I agreed to be his finance. I will make him fall for me completely in three months just as our bet, dump him, and cancel the engagement ."

"Who told him to step ahead of me and embarrassed me like that?"

"I will let him experience the setback of his love life. HA HA HA."

Shiyang wanted to move back 10m away from me as I started to laugh like snow white's stepmother, but could not do so as he sits in the car.

After I went back home yesterday, I started to think of a plan and that is, as I said so earlier to make him fall for me and dump him. In short, I intended to break his heart. After all, what is more hurtful than being hurt by the girl he loves the most?


"What are you laughing?" Shiyang looked at me weirdly as if I'm a maniac.

"Nothing. Ahem." I cleared my throat embarrassingly.

Let's continue, so after I made up my mind, I went to find my mom in her room and told her I agreed with her arrangement to get engagement first. She got surprised at first at how fast I can change my mind.

"Really? you're not joking with your mom right?" She looked at me with doubts.

"Mom, you may not believe me but I think I start to...to have interest in him a little bit and I want to get to know him more."

"But he..."

"I know what you want to say. Yes, I was angry at first for how he didn't give any meaning to this date and me." I cut her before she could even talk.

"To tell you the truth, I also felt relief as I know that he didn't want this engagement to happen either because I too plan to reject him and both uncle and aunt Li face to face."

My mom continued to listen to me without saying anything.

"And maybe because he did this that makes me interested in him more than any other men."

"It's suddenly come to my mind that 'maybe this is the types of guy I want." I tried my best to sound convincing as far as I can.

I hope my mom bought it.

"You're not thinking something awful, right?" My mom asked.

"No. I'm being honest with you." I said, making it sound as serious as I can.

I hided my cross fingers behind my back. God knows how sweating my back is

"I'm happy that you could think that way. I need to call your aunt about this. Oh and your dad too." After a moment of thinking, my mom said smiling, her mouth almost reaches her ear.

"Oh right, when is dad coming back? "

"Probably next week, he will be done with his work soon. He wanted to come back this week when he heard you here. But seemed like there some issue over there."

"Mom, About..." I was thinking if I should ask or not.


"About what aunty said this morning that I kissed him when I was a kid. Is it...true? " This is what I wanted to confirm all this time. If I could not get the answer I wanted, I probably stress to death.

"Oh about that, it really is true. It was when you were seven years old something. You know your health is never been good since you were a child, so you never met anyone your age to play with. At that time you make a good improvement to your illness, so I brought you to visit your aunt's house for the first time when I heard she has a child your age. I think it would make you're happy."

"You're still a timid girl at that time but who would have thought that you would dare to kiss a boy first and declare that you would marry him." She laughed, somehow feeling proud how brave her daughter is.

"What do you think of him when you see him that make you kiss him like that? Is he handsome in your eyes?" She teased me.

So I really did kiss him. How embarrassing. -0-

"So, that's your plan?" Shiyang's voice brought me back.

"Are you sure that you just want to get revenge and not something else?" Shiyang looked at me and smiling.

"What do you mean by 'something else'? Be more specific." I asked.

"Something like... you're want to get close to him." He said, looking at me while I'm retouching my makeup.

"Lets me say this again and for one last time. Listen well, Ok? I AM not interested in him in any possible way. I did all of this just to prove your damn deal and to humiliate him for what he has done and that's it." I said, keeping my makeup in my pouch.

"I, Aylin is always the one to bully others and not for others to bully me." I said with fire in my eyes.

Shiyang looked at me for a few seconds and turned back to the road.

He said after arriving at the school gate. "Ok ok, I got it. You're here. Good luck with your plan in seducing him then. Bye." he said driving his Porsche off after kicking me out.

Why did it sound more like sarcastic than encouragement?

And why were you in hurry?

And here I am, standing in front of the most prestigious school of City K, Imperial University. I looked up his schedule and he has class at 9. But the problem is I don't know where he is or where to even start looking for him as right now it's only 8:30 and probably he is not in his class yet. Even if he is in the class I probably don't know where his class situated in this vast school.

It's ok, let's find someone so I can ask about his whereabouts.

I walked into the school as if it was my own garden. This was my first time in school again after I quit. Looking at everyone laughing with their friends, I didn't know what it felt.

"Ahh...I'm sorry." A soft voice quickly apologizes after she bumped into me.

"Can't you watch...." I couldn't finish my sentence as I saw the one who bumped into me.

'Hahaha, luck really is on my side.'

When I was worried about where to find him, someone came to me instead.

Yes, this girl is none other than Su Meili, the only GIRL friend in Li Yihan's close friend's group.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, too. Let me help you." I helped her collect the books that were scattered on the floor as I thought of a plan.

"Where are you going? I can help you carry the books. It's heavy to carry it around by yourself."

"No, I'm fine. It's not heavy at all." She tried to deny.

'What you mean it not heavy?'

"No, I'll help you. Just in case you bumped into someone again." I'm trying to be a kindhearted girl now, so quickly accept it, so I can get some information I want, too.

"Thank you then." She raised her head to smile at me. "You're so pretty and so kind. I need to bring this to the teacher's office." She said.

'Hmm, she's cute.'

But damn, this book is kinda heavy. How could she carry it all at once? And she's this small.