
Arpious of the Planes

Check out my other novels - |The Rise of Quetzalcoatl| |My Ares System| -- Same Universe - |The Rise of Quetzalcoatl| ------------------------------------------------------------------- A man dies in a plane crash from a supposed terrorist attack. A mysterious... Devil reincarnates him into a new world and gender bends him into a female. It looked to be your standard fantasy world at first, but as Arpious traverses farther into her journey, she finds out that she might not be on a planet. She discovers many secrets that are unknown to her fellow monsters, through the help of her comrades, wives, and even enemies? She learns that the sky is fake? There are worlds right under her world? How is that even possible? Spirits instead of gods? Where the heck is she? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 1. This volume has a mix of action and kingdom building, plus the grammar isn't that good. I'm going back to the earlier chapters and editing them when I have free time. Also, the pacing is really quick but I'm trying to fix it by adding things that I didn't earlier, such as explaining the number of citizens that are multiplying each day. Volume 2. This volume is a segway to the third volume which will be action-packed. It introduces new characters that will be necessary for the third volume. Most of the chapters will bore some readers since there is minimal action and MC is disabled for half of the volume. Grammar gets much better halfway through but the beginning still needs some improvement, grammar-wise. Volume 3. In progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC has mood swings occasionally so just be ready for that. MC is pretty overpowered but that doesn't mean she wins easily all the time. I'm thinking of making this a pretty long novel so development will be slow. I'm also using this novel to improve my writing since I'm kind of bad at it. This also explains why my writing is terrible in the beginning and slowly gets better throughout the novel. Also, the beginning of this story is similar to "Epic of Caterpillar" but it differs later on. It wasn't my intent to copy "Epic of Caterpillar" but I guess parts of the story stuck in my mind but I promise it differs later. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- paypal.me/AuthorEquuip Money sent will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels -- Novel is mainly inspired by - [Epic of Caterpillar] and [RE: Monster] The picture I used for the cover. Full credit to the artist - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/49312139

equuip · Fantasie
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834 Chs

Evolution Choices

Walking out of the crowd, I made my way to the front lines of the war as I looked at the options.

[Select Evolution]

[Blessed and Cursed Queen of Sirens]

[Cursed and Blessed Fallen Siren]

[Lamassu of Ancient Fires]

[Sadistic Swan Maiden]

[Descendant of the Phoenix]

[Descendant of Ra]

Let's inspect them first.

[Blessed and Cursed Queen of Sirens]

[A new species that has never existed before]

[Specializes in Curses and Blessings]

[Any siren submits to your will]

[Gain a full human body with your wings turning into tattoos on your back]

[Low chance of future evolution choices]

This one is not that much different from my evolution right now. Also, I don't even know where sirens exist so that's an option pretty much restricted for now. The full human body might just give me better control over my body and let me look like just a human without my wings getting in the way. Making holes in all of my dresses is annoying, also at night when I'm having fun with my wives they always get in the way. But that low chance for evolution choices is such as turning off.

[Cursed and Blessed Fallen Siren]

[A new species that has never existed before]

[Specializes in Curses, Blessings, Shadow Magic, Mind Magic, Medusa, and Unholy Magic]

[You are the arch-enemy of any siren or angel in existence]

[You keep the siren's body but much become stronger than before, focusing greatly on magic]

[Low chance of future evolution choices]

The main advantage of this evolution would probably be the skills given evolving. [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] is already pretty overpowered, and if it evolves I have no clue how powerful it could become.

I also obtain new magic called unholy magic, I have no clue but if this exists then holy magic should be something. The other reason why holy magic should exist is that there are angels, which they probably use holy magic. This is going off what I learned from my past life and this world is good at proving me wrong so...

Moving on, I don't want any more enemies than I have right now, I've got to kill that queen and probably eliminate the rest of the guardians who pose a threat to me.

That improvement in stats would have been nice but once again there is a low chance for future evolutions… such a turn-off.


[Lamassu of Ancient Fires]

[A species that already exists but no species has ever reached it before]

[Specializes in both ancient fires, Ichimei and Amaterasu]

[Gain a full human body with your wings turning into tattoos and you gain a lion tail]

[Grants a skill utilizing both ancient fires]

[Grants a skill that allows you to switch between evolutions]

[You become a master of all trades]

[Average chance of future evolution choices]

This seems pretty good since it will probably improve [Ichimei] and [Amaterasu]. Though I don't know what they will evolve into, it will probably be something significant that will allow me to have full control over both ancient fires.

Next, the full human body will give me greater control and my wings will be replaced with tattoos, getting rid of the nuisance of the body part while still being able to keep and use the pros of having wings. I also get a lion's tail which I'm pretty confused about since I've never heard of this creature in my previous life. Maybe it's part of not-so-known mythology.

I get 2 new skills with this evolution, one which allows me to switch between my previous evolutions and the other a skill that includes both ancient fires. I don't see how switching between my previous evolutions is an advantage but maybe it will be useful later on.

Now I don't know what the skill that includes both ancient fires will do but it probably utilizes the fact that both ancient fires improve with my evolution.

Becoming a master of all trades is fine by me and the average chance of future evolutions which probably means, it is close to a 50/50 chance for me getting a new evolution. That's fine by me since it's still higher than the previous evolutions.


[Sadistic Swan Maiden]

[A variant of the already existing evolution: Swan Maiden]

[Specializes in Holy Magic, Mind Magic, Seduction, Strong Libido, and the Art of Sex]

[Gain a human body with softer and whiter feathers covering parts of your body]

[Your wings become bigger and more graceful like a swan]

[You find pleasure in killing things, granting you a new skill]

[Though your body has become much softer, sensitive to the touch, and more beautiful, you are a master of all trades]

[High chance of future evolutions]

This… Well first of all gaining holy magic is a plus and [Mind Magic] evolving would be useful, but [Seduction], [Strong Libido], and the art of sex is very interesting… at the very least. I don't know why I would ever need this besides in bed. Maybe they give you a special effect I can think of.

Maybe I would pick this if I needed to seduce somebody as my final mission in life but I already have 3 wives and can satisfy them all in bed.

...Moving onto the new body, just like before the humanoid form will be useful but the bigger wings will just get in the way. Also if they are softer than before, they will probably get torn or injured easily.

The new skill where I find pleasure in killing things is probably something for a pervert, so I prefer to not have it.

I become a master of all trades while having a softer and more beautiful body is nice since but that's only nice for the aesthetic while keeping a great status.

Finally, the high chance for future evolution makes this evolution all the more tempting but I feel like the previous one is still more useful.


[Descendant of the Phoenix]

[A species that already exists but is extremely rare]

[Specializes in Grand Fire Magic, Fires Will, Magma Secretion, and Magma Control]

[Gain a human body but your head is that of a bird with your hands and feet both being talons]

[Gives you a great relationship with beings that use fire magic but you are hunted by many]

[You gain the Bloodline of the Phoenix, granting you a new body modification]

[You become a master of magic but the rest of your stats will be average]

[High chance of future evolutions]

To be honest the things this evolution focuses on are not that great. I can probably improve all of these by maybe assimilating them with other skills, of course, I don't know if I can do that yet. Maybe except for [Fires Will] though I assume this will be hard to assimilate with other skills because it seems pretty special. I mean come on, the power to control other beings' magical fire is pretty overpowered.

The body that I will acquire with this evolution sucks. I am stuck with having talons on my feet but my hands also become talons. I won't be able to pick up things and the bird's head makes it even more inconvenient. I can't kiss any of my wives and I will also look extremely scary and creepy to anybody that doesn't have any type of fire magic.

Going off that topic, having a great relationship with beings that use any type of fire magic is pretty good. It would probably be even more useful if I was planning to reign over all of the fire harpy villages. The downside is not that harsh right now but once I come in contact with other civilizations, I will have a bounty placed on my head immediately, having to live in fear and be wary of my surroundings for the rest of my life.

Now the body modification is completely useless since I already have it. But having average stats while being a master of magic is completely overpowered. It doesn't just say any type of fire magic but says that I will be a master of all types of magic. This loophole is nice for somebody who acquired and uses many different types of magic.

The high chance of future evolutions is nice but the cons just heavily outweigh the pros, probably leaving this dead last on my list of choices.

Now moving onto the final evolution choice…

[Descendant of Ra]

[A species that already exists but no species has ever reached it before]

[Specializes in Grand Fire Magic, Sunlight Magic, and Magma Control]

[You gain a human body but your skin darkens while your head becomes that of a bird]

[This evolution was created by many mortals believing that the sun was created by a god, granting you a new skill]

[You gain the Eye of Ra, granting you a new body modification]

[You become a grandmaster of any magic that burns but the rest of your stats will be average]\

[High chance of future evolutions]

I'm pretty sure Ra is the god of the sun in Egyptian mythology, this being the reason I gained a new skill called sunlight magic. This is probably the same as Kumos [Moonlight Magic] where I will be able to turn the sunlight into anything I manipulate it to be.

I also gain Grand Fire Magic and [Magma Control] will improve just like the descendent of the phoenix. I don't understand why [Magma Secretion] isn't included though…

Moving onto my body, I gain a human body while my skin darkens which is understandable since Ra had dark skin. I don't mind the dark skin but the bird's head again… I don't want to list the reasons I hate it.

Looking at the skill I can get is influenced by mortals believing in Ra being a real being. This is probably a hint by the spirits that there are no gods and only spirits that rule over the worlds we live in. I have no clue what this might be since I will already be granted sunlight magic…

Okay, finally the new body modification. I do remember the Eye of Ra being something significant involving Ra but I don't remember much. I just know it's like a symbol in their language… I think. This will probably be a body modification like my cursed eyes, if it doesn't grant me a new skill it will probably do its effect once I activate it.

The high chance of future evolutions makes it all the more tempting…

Going into deep thought in the middle of the battlefield I sat down while staring at the options, weighing the pros and cons. The warriors around me didn't even question my decision while they protected me from any incoming attacks.

Finally, I came out of deep thought 10 minutes later, coming to a final decision.

It has to be this…

[Lamassu of Ancient Fires selected]

[Would you like to evolve?]

[Yes] [No]



A/N - If you don't know what any of these creatures are including the Swan Maidens and Lamassues, then search them up online. You should be able to find their whole history and some of the traits that I implemented in these evolutions. Of course, I implemented some things of my own that I liked.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

equuipcreators' thoughts