
Armored Titan But This Is A Mecha World

Earth the birth of humanity, yet it would seem this one is much much large, with the Advance of Technology in the 21st century, giant metal humanoid machines were created, called mechas,like all things used for war, driving humanity apart, as different countries seeked out new land and new kingdoms were built on old ones, but this has happened before, humans repeated the cycle, when this world was ruined many humans took to the stars, terraforming the planets in this galaxy too fit there needs those who were left behind,destroyed these machines in hopes that future generations would not make the same mistake. Humans slowly turned this world back into a place of peace kingdoms were formed great cities were built, until one such kingdom stumbled on the remains of a mecha, and the age of war came again unlike there ancestors they did not tear the earth apart using them in only times of war, protecting there land, some kingdoms more advanced tried to make there mechas better and better while others in there traditions found other ways to keep the idea of there ancestors and make better humans, wars, greed, and sometimes peace rained , until the ships started to fall, bringing with them greater Technology and weapons of war, but before this a few relics from a time long forgotten were found, in one such relic there was a man who would change this world, but there in lies a problem, for those who claimed some of these relics, who would take ownership of them. I don’t not own anything but my oc, the cover art is not mine, there may be plot holes cause it’s a oc mixed world, I have not dropped any other story i will update when I can.

Armoti_Nelson · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Shaking The World

Sigyn "uhhh?....what are you saying?" covering herself.

"Yoh heard me, did you not?" Looking at her red face.

Sigyn "I am queen, that means I am married" calming down.

"Yet your heart belongs too another, does it not?" Leaning back my head looking at the ceiling.

Sigyn "do not joke about such things" turnings to me.

"The boy named rygart right?, does he know?" Looking at her.

Sigyn " don't be ridiculous..." looking at my face as I smile.

"Enough, your actions betray your words, so desperate for the life of a solider, and the look you had, if he will not move I will take you for myself, not for the seek of anything, I just want too know you" leaning.

Sigyn "stop, let us talk about the information as for if our nations will take you, that Is for the 5 kingdoms council to decide" looking towards the large Monitor, that was silent.

"It does not matter, I will go too yours first, they can try and stop me, but will you look at that, it seem they grow concerned" looking at the giant Monitor.

Sigyn "my guards will escort you too your room, please do not try anything" walking to the large monitor.

After I left, she saw the summons from the council, pressing it seeing different leaders of there respective nations.

Nippon kingdom leader "so what are your findings? Where is the relic, have you taken it in too our Custody?" A older man spoke.

Athena kingdom leader "with there restriction on the use of mechs, it should have been a simple task" speaking up.

Republic of San magnolia leader "can we get this on with we, need too deal with this relic" a woman spoke.

Karless western kingdom leader "where is the king, alaster is not a man who bends easily but for his people..." before a yell interrupted him.

Sigyn "listen to me! My fellow kingdoms, the king alaster is dead, the being inside the relic, who they had tried to force to fight for the Killed him and many others. Yelling at them.

The republic leader "my god, the relics can not be taken so lightly what was he thinking, to make a tool work you must make them think they are not" with a evil grin.

Athena leader "you would know treating your mecha users as if war is a game". Speaking up.

Republic leader "isn't it" giggling.

Nippon leader "enough, what of the being? A great mecha? Or something like the broken?, have you captured it?" Leaning on her arms.

Sigyn "it is not a mech nor a broken, not a pilot, or a ark drive, nothing like our kingdoms golems, it is more human, yet its skin is harder then steel, it's fighting prowess is dangerous, it took a vibration round and shrugged it off, and it's healing is something beon what we can produce right now" putting up images of me in my human form taking shots, and fighting until I was hit my the golems sinper round.

Athena leader " remarkable, I know the ancient locked these relics away for many reasons, the skin and muscle hardness, did they weave precious metals into is muscle fibers?" Looking at the picture.

Republic leader "no with that healing, the effect of burning as it heals, it wouldn't be able to reconstruct the metals in the fibers" looking at the pictures.

Nippon leader "you use a mech weapon too bring it down didn't you, then have you secure it?" giving the pictures a side look.

Karless leader "Or kill it?" Chiming it.

Sigyn "please let me finish, after the mech round was fired we moved too apprehend, but he still got up, after trying to explain we would take him, he told us what he was as well as the reason he was locked away before completely decimating my team, as well as out relics golem" sliding picture and videos on me standing up healing, as electricity moved around the wounds.

Republic leader "it took a round from a mech weapon and got back up, it is still humanoid, even with the Harden skin it should have taking more time to reconstruct itself"

Karless "you spoke to it, why it was locked away...for what..."

Nippon "enough! you called it a him so it has it's own personality like our pilot, what did he say" getting more concerned.

Sigyn "just watch my leaders" showing the last video.

They all saw was large yellowish orange lightening bolts , a huge humanoid creature, with a metal like bone structure on the outside of its muscles, as the steam, fire came from its skin and mouth, as it got in to a running position, as it took off and dismantled the golem team.

Nippon leader "sigyn! What is this, I know it's harsh too say but how are you still alive?, if it wiped your team" leaning in.

Sigyn "he let us live, wanting to speak to me alone, asking for information in Exchange for helping my nation." looking behind her.

Athena "this...what did the being call itself sigyn?" Looking at the frozen picture of my rawr.

Sigyn "he said he was a.....Titan" still confused.

Republic leader "a being that doesn't need a mech? What were they thinking making this." Going through the history trying to match things.

Nippon leader "you said he would come with you willingly? Then is he on that ship sigyn" watching as sigyn nodded her head.

Athena "this is far too dangerous too be left alone, if a single nation gets there hands on his it could change the balance in power"

Sigyn "he said he will go to my nation and mine alone for now" thinking there was still a greater threat.

Nippon leader "it is not for you, nor him to decide this, the tower ships are still..,."

Reiner "and who will stop me?, I guess I should step in, too all other leaders here, it is a pleasure to meet you, i am Reiner" walking from behind siygn.

republic leader "so you are this so called Titan" looking at him with interest.

Nippon leader "hello Reiner, you must understand this, we can not allow you to roam as you do, becoming a part of Krisna if found out will put pressure on other nations" leaning in her hands on her chin.

Reiner "I care not, if you can stop me I will do so, like I said too sweet sigyn, there is a reason I was put in that thing you call a relic" looking at the leaders face, taking a black rectangular key.

Athena "even with your strength, with enough we could still...." stopping as he watched Reiner walk to the monitors plug-in.

Reiner "enough talking see the reason is...." putting the key in that seemed to morph itself to fit the console.

The leaders who were going to speak stopped, as a video was played a few large cites on fire, screams , mechs being destroyed, as 2 giant humanoid armored figures stood, large fires burned as the two figures stood. The feminine one with long black hair rawr the sky, as the one that looked like Reiner opened its mouth letting out steam, both there eyes shinning looking threw the flames.

Leaders "what are you showing us" some looked interested there was more then one, some scared, some had ideas.

Sigyn "Reiner what us the meaning of this!" Yelling at my back as He walked to the key taking it, and walked away turning his head back, little bits of yellowish orange electricity, coming from his body.

Reiner "me as well as my kind did and were known for one thing......nation Enders......lucky there is only me left" as he walked off.