
Armageddon world

Alex was sleeping in his class when suddenly he heard felt a Shockwave ran through his heart and when he look up he saw his classmates eating each other. Let's follow the story end world and see how Alex survive.

7r7r_8r7rut · Horror
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3 Chs

End of the world, Never trust anyone

In the year 2058 the crime level as doubled since 2023 and there was a kid known as Alex or other known as the grandson of the demons joined the underworld before he even hit puberty.

Alex drop to his knee and spat a mouth full of blood and when he look up he saw his classmates eating each other.

The teacher came stumbling toward Alex with blood dripping out of her mouth so Alex took out his gun from his side and pressed the trigger but nothing happened so he ran out of the classroom and saw a horde of people were running in the direction of the Auditorium so he followed them.

Blood, gore people eating people was everywhere after a minute they were all in the auditorium or what was left of them.

I am in control of this place a red hair kid said as he shot the principal in his head now every one calm down the red hair man said.

Let's make a group of five people and go out and get food from the cafeteria I choose you, you, you and you the red hair boy that his in a rival gang said to Alex chose three nerd and Alex to go with them.

Alex slide his bag open and put down his gun you know what scratched that idea we all are going to run to the school bus.

All the students rush out of the auditorium toward the bus but before all of them could enter enter a horde of zombie came out of nowhere and the bus started driving Alex jump and push down several people and hop on to the bus.

Help me Help me Help me five person was shouting before they got mercilessly eaten Alex sigh in relief as he barely escape.