
Chapter 5: The Prophetess

Three days have passed since the raid and three days Kurgren had spent in his holding cell in nothing but a simple tunic with cloth pants and shoes.

The raid caused a lot of structural damage in Pirium. The destroyed gold storage caused an economic loss and only half of the thieves were apprehended. Those who lost or spend the money were given hard labour to repair the city alongside two months of jail time.

Kurgren lies on his bed, a hard plank held by chains on both sides, and reflects on the events.

"I guess it was a good thing I chose to save that kid," he thought before mentally cursing the orb that brought him in this predicament when he hears his cell door being unlocked.

It was the village mayor accompanied by two guards before he enters his cell and a guard brings a chair.

The elder sit down and spoke "Before you make any rash judgements. I'll have you know I don't like this either. If I didn't sentence you to temporary imprisonment, they would have tried to lynch you. And I know that even if you did somehow led the Goblins you wouldn't have done it on purpose."

Kurgren snorts "Really? So I'll just have to rot in this cell until I get sent to prison for the rest of my life just because my mother's an Orc!"

"Not quite sir. While it took a long time to decide I have managed to found a compromise that lets you live and appease the townsfolk,"

He then pushes up his glasses and looks Kurgren in the eyes.

"You would be given all of your equipment, ten silvers and be free but you must leave and never return to Pirium on the penalty of life sentence."

Kurgren eyes widen as he silently gasps. Leave Pirium forever, while he never liked the town or grew up here this was the only place he could get reliable income for his mother, her illness and age meant she couldn't work after both of them ran away from their previous home. And had done mercenary work here for five years where he came and had a stable, if dangerous, income.

He then began to question what about his mother when the elder stops him.

"Don't worry about your mother. I will give her half a gold to last for the coming months. And I sent a few tolerant, if greenhorn, guards we have here to help."

Kurgren sighs in relief.

"I know this is hard for you but there is no other way, if I let you go most of the townsfolks would likely lynched you or send a mercenary to do it and imprisoning you for a crime you possibly did not commit is self-explanatory."

Kurgren then nods.

"Ok then. When do I leave?"

"You have half an hour to pack up your items and leave, you can't buy or trade anything from merchants including supplies, but I took the liberty to repair your armor and buy some more healing tonics, and you will also be given a swayed-back gelding."

Kurgren ponders then sighs "At least it something and he had the kindness to fix my armor." he then stands up.

"Thanks for the repair now may I leave this cell?"

"You shall," the elder said, standing up and allowing Kurgren to pass through.

The mayor then turns towards him as he reaches the door.

"And just so you know. This decision came when a particular little girl, despite being scared out of her wits, said you saved her and a hedge knight confirming it, saying I should give you freedom."

Kurgren was briefly stunned before holding back his tears, never in his life did someone tried to save him except his parents and Friga, "Tell them I said thanks." before walking out, taking his equipment's, and runs back home.

He was near the door when he saw his mother standing outside, who immediately ran and hugged him.

"I heard about what happen. Are you alright."

Kurgren hugs back then let's go and nod.

Her mother briefly smiled in relief. Before frowning.

"I heard that you have to leave. Or face imprisonment."

Kurgren then nods.

"But why? All because of a Goblin raid."

Kurgren then grimace, unsure whether to tell his mother of the orb or not as he felt it could put her in danger.

A brief second pass when he decided to tell her, knowing that keeping the secret could lead to bigger troubles, and show her the orb.

It was then when he realized how to orb was unscathed, lacking a scratch or crack despite its glass-like look and texture, and told her how he found it.

He then went inside and grab the rest of his supplies, and a quarter of the pork belly by his mother insistence, before giving a hug and walks to the stables when she stopped him. Holding a wooden box.

"You should take these before you go." And opens the wooden box.

Kurgren gaped in shock as he saw the items.

It's a ring of gold which inset a sapphire. And engraved inside the sentence.

Forever I will be stand by you. In life as your beloved and in death as a soul to protect you. Until the day we may reunite again.

It's his mother engagement ring.

Kurgren briefly choked on his words.

"I-I can't take it mother it belongs to-"

Ayana then shushed him. Only for him to repeat.

"But it's the only thing you have left to remember father."

Ayana smiled then wipes a tear.

"Yes, it is. But ever since the day you came into this world I dreamt, of giving it to you on the day you found someone special."

Tears began to roll from Kurgren eyes before taking the ring and pulls her into a hug and cries. And Ayana then whisper into his ear.

"Never trust rewards without work. And marry the girl that you can lean on in dark times, who will lean onto you in her moments of grief and fills your days with joy."

"I will mother." Then let's go, wiping his tears and walks to the alchemists, to say goodbye to Friga and Erik. And when he entered, he saw both smiled. Then Erik chuckled and gave some coppers to Friga.

"We made a small bet whether you would have come." Erik said, red dusting his cheeks.

"And you didn't have faith in our friend." Friga replied with a pout. Before turning back to Kurgren.

"So are you here to say goodbye?"

"Yes. I also wanted to thank you for everything you done," tears began misting his eyes before he wiped it.

"I am highly indebted for your kindness."

Friga smiled before looking to Erik, where he then went into the back.

"It's nothing Kurgren. I did it because I saw a man who wanted to save his mother and nothing else. Therefore, you have no debt."

Kurgren felt his hearts skipped a beat. Ever since he met Friga, and her family, she never once asked for repayment, despite the opportunity and justification. And began reaching the door when she called him back.

"I want you to have this." Then placed a vial in his hand.

Kurgren gasped. In his hand was a powerful healing potion, the clear glowing red telling it's made out of the finest reagents, with powers said to revive someone who was dead for a few seconds or reattach someone cut in half. He heard that nobles would pay a small piece of land for a vial.

"I-I can't-" Kurgren began sputtering when Friga giggled.

"The governor said you can buy or trade. But not be given something."

"But do you know how much you can sell this! And your giving it away!"

Friga nods.

"Yes. This is my parting gift to make sure you're safe and return to Ayana. No charge."

At that moment Kurgren's hands shook and, despite his mind yelling him not to, ran to both of them and hugged, tears flowing onto their shoulders. His mind unable to even describe their bottomless kindness in such a world.

Friga then whispered into his ear, slowly calming him, then let go.

Kurgren sniffed a bit, feeling ashamed as he saw Friga flicking away his frozen tears off her body.

"Thank you for everything you done. There must be something you want that I can repay you."

Friga and Erik smiled.

"The only thing I want is that you return to your mother in one piece."

Kurgren nods then left.

And began looking for his gelding upon reaching the stables.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise," came a voice from behind as Kurgren quickly turns in shock and saw who it was.

While it was hard to recognize at first Kurgren had recognized his voice, it was Ardent.

For the first time he had manage to properly see his face, he had shoulder-length black hair, tied in a short wolf tail held by a silver clip, with eyes of deep blue, and in the crook of his right arm is his helmet.

"So why are you here?"

"Getting a horse to Leona, for jobs."

Ardent had a moment of shock before replying "Might I join you. At least to give you a guide to the city for I have been through that route many times."

Kurgren ponders, while he wish to go alone he did not know any route to the city, only knowing the location of Pirium, and the next town Loken, then mentally sighed before saying.

"Ok, but upon leaving Leona we part."

Ardent nods "Ok then let me get my horse." and goes in the stables.

Kurgren was about to enter the stables before a man came out holding the reins of a horse.

Kurgren gaped at the creature, while he lacks almost any knowledge of horses he had saw that this one is in bad condition, its back had curve downward in dent and was wobbling unsteadily with a deathly pallor.

The man hands the rein in front of Kurgren.

"Here's your gelding."


The man immediately glares at him "Be glad that you actually get a horse with the meager income you get."

Kurgren calm himself down and thinks. He is right, for even the cheapest of horses would have costed hundreds of silvers, not accounting food, shelter and other necessities they need.

Kurgren takes the reins and utters a half-hearted thanks as Ardent exits later holding the reins of his horse.

Unlike his gelding, Arden horse has healthy brown coat with an ornate leather saddle with stirrups and saddlebags. But the nost interesting thing about it was it's more defined muscle and wearing armor making him guess that it was a, by accounts from others, a destrier or courser.

Kurgren whistles a bit in awe "What's his name?"

Ardent chuckles "It is actually a she, and her name is Evelynn."

Kurgren utters a quick apology and both of them walk with their horses to the edge of the town where one of the guards gives Kurgren a small sack containing the silvers before both of them climb on their horses and begin riding to the next town, Loken.

"So, what's a gelding?" Kurgren asked.

Ardent chuckled a bit before responding "I do not think you'll like that answer."

Five hours then past since Kurgren left Pirium with Ardent, his gelding straining slightly under his weight and, to Ardent insistence, had named him Tom; following the mostly straight river that leads from Pirium to Leona before taking a quick break in the forest and tying their horse to a low branch and letting them rest.

"So what did you do before taking the path of the sellsword?" Ardent inquires.

Kurgren ponders a few second before replying "Farmer."

Ardent sighs "A man of few words I see."

Kurgren nods, uninterested, before hearing a sudden rustling which led to a yell.

He cautiously stands up and grabs his staff "Did you hear that?"

Ardent nods putting on his helmet, unsheathing his sword and shield, as they tried to quietly move to the source.

They are about a few meters from where they camp before an arrow suddenly fly by Kurgren head and embeds itself in the nearby trunk.

Kurgren and Ardent immediately ready their weapons and runs to the source as they heard the yells and cries becoming louder before reaching the source.

What they see are two figures, a bearded man, and a little girl, fighting against sixteen other wearing ragged cloth mask with badly maintained gambesons and assorted, but improvised, weapons, bandits.

They surrounded them. The bearded man stood resolute and tense, even though he was unarmed, and his stance, low to the ground yet ready to spring to the sides, had told Kurgren he was trained, likely a soldier or squire, or an experienced mercenary. While the girl held a stick, which Kurgren swore he saw glowed at the end, before he swore the obvious. Why in the hell is there a child in combat?

Thoughts of saving them bombards him as he readies himself to run away. It's foolish to risk his life just to save two strangers, even if it's a child, when his mother life is in his hands, and began slinking away. Yet moving away was hard. His desire to help arguing with his safety of his mother.

When Ardent roared like a bear, surprising them while pretty much branding themselves the words kill me, and immediately charge to their aid as Kurgren jaw dropped.

There goes their chance of escape. As Kurgren swore and charged.

"Oh great. Not only is my escort a knight. He's also an idiot."

And with a mighty swing Kurgren brings down his staff on a surprised bandit, smashing it open like an egg, before could react, as Ardent swiftly stabs another through the gut while deflecting her strike.

The others recovered and four of them splits off to face their new opponents.

Dust kicks up as Kurgren staff missed, striking the ground, followed by a sharp crack as the bandit deflects the second one and charged.

Kurgren winced as a cut forms on his arm, blocking the strike towards his head, before pulling the bandits arm and bites into his neck and rips it off before spitting it, the taste of iron flowing through his mouth, before an arrow quickly strikes at his chest.

He pulls out and snap the arrow, fortunate his armor enchantments dampened it to a bruise, then charged and smashed open her head before hearing a yell from behind.

He quickly turns around and had barely blocked an axe strike to his head before the bandit quickly recover and swing towards his shoulder as another one of his comrades joins him.

Dull thuds echo as Kurgren quickly blocks the rapid strikes, sweat beading down as his hearts beats rapidly, before he hears faint yelling as two bolts of white light suddenly strikes a bandit and stuns the other.

Kurgren lets go his left hand and, using a quarter his strength, punch the other bandits' head.

His fist had produced a horrible cracking sound as the man's head twisted with a snap and caved in.

He then quickly dispatch the stunned bandit as the surviving two flees.

"Thanks for the help lads."

With the skirmish over Kurgren look to the source of the voice. With the lack of danger, he now see the two figures. And realized the girl wasn't a child.

The man is a Dwarf, a race who stands at an average five foot half to six with black nails made of flint-like crystals, three stone-like nub embedded in their forehead, flat, smooth, the size of a bead, and in the outline of a triangle pointing down, with skin pale as alabaster and large iris, like a dog. The men known by their barrel chests and large beards and their women by their huge tracts of land.

He stands at five foot eight and wears a brigandine over his gambeson and a pair of fingerless gloves and similar vambrace with a dagger, bearing an ornate sheath and diamond pommel, on his belt.

The other, the girl he thought was a child, is a Halfling, a race of people with average heights of four to five feet with large feet, child-like bodies, and curly hair. Known throughout for having the body of a child yet the face of an adult.

She stands four foot half and wears a short-sleeved blue robe that reaches her knees which are clad in dark tights and a lavender coat with a hood and a belt with a small pouch with boots and holds a wand. And now realized why that stick glowed.

The Dwarf walks to Ardent and raise his hand "The names Erhardt Van Veranburg Eisenwalde."

He then points to the Halfling "and this little lass here is Louise Vermillion."

"I am not little! You berk!" Louise replies hotly.

Ardent shakes the Dwarf hand before introducing himself and Kurgren.

Erhardt nods in acknowledgement "Do you mind if we join you? Those bandits were just a squad chasing us when we escaped and their leader had took all our supplies including my horse and her pony, at least until Leona."

Louise then pipe up "You know Erhardt. I actually sensed that these two would probably save us."

"What is she talking about?" Kurgren replied.

Erhardt had a look of confusion before snapping his fingers, causing brief sparks to fly as his nails scraped each other, "Ah! Sorry I forgot mention, but she is actually a sorceress of time and fates and I'm her bodyguard. We'll explain later."

They begin to loot the bodies, only taking about two silvers and ten coppers as their equipment's were either poorly made or broken but they notice the bandits clothing had a simple symbol of a black skull, and walks back to where they left their horses.