
Are You Really A Dark Lord

Warning this is a crack fic the plot is broken there are errors and I may (most likely will) drop this. Title is almost click bait as it was going to be more serious before it just became complete chaos and me messing around ENJOY!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK HAHHAHAHAHAHAH - Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are Dark Lords and Ladies in training. Without a care for war they instead spend their time enjoying themselves. One day during an experiment they travel back into the past winding up at Hogwarts back in 1943. How will Tom Riddle and Dumbledore react to these two new strange students?

SilverPup · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter One

Time Marvolo Riddle and Aberxas Malfoy were walking back to the Slytherin common room when they heard laughter in the dungeons.

They had been some of the few students that stayed behind during Christmas and were the only Slytherin staying. Thus they went to check out the laughter.

As they turned the corner of the hall they saw two students a girl and boy dressed in the robes of Gryffindor.

The boy was walking with his hands behind his head while the girls was holding a book against her chest.

"Harry why did you ask the hat to have us placed in Gryffindor again? I was hoping I could be in Ravenclaw."

"Why Hermione dear what kind of snake places itself out in the open? And of course I had you placed in Gryffindor to help liven things up."

"Gryffindor will already be loud enough with you in it, you just want someone to bicker with now that Malfoy is eating out of your hands."

Tom shot a glare toward Aberaxas only to see his surprised face eyes full of confusion.

"Hahahaha you're right but I must say the look on Dumbledore's face when he caught his precious Golden Boy snogging the Malfoy Heir was priceless. It would've been so much funnier if it had been Voldemort though."

"Harry only you would ever think of sleeping with your enemy just to piss Dumbledore off. Though Im quite certain he would have had a heart attack if he caught the two of you sleeping together"

"Let's make a bet Mione, about how long it will take Dumbledore to become cautious of us this time. I bet it'll take him two months, if I'm wrong I'll give Luna to you."

"Hmm betting your little sister are you. okay I'll bet it'll take him till the last month of school, if I'm wrong I'll let you shag the twins."

"Wow Hermione I never thought there'd be a day you actually let me shag your fiancés."

"Yes Harry well I thought I'd help you with your goal of shagging everyone in the school. For a Dark Lord you're extremely simple."

"How rude Mione that is not my goal it's simple something to pass the time."

"Well it's 1943 so you'll have the fun of shagging everyone's grandparents."

"As much as that sounds entertaining I promised grandma Dorea that I wouldn't be shagging my grandpa. As much as I would love to shame the Potter past generations appearantly my grandpa got some magical sex disease this year that I'd greatly like to avoid. But I did get permission to shag grandma all I like. Hey maybe I'll shag Draco's grandpa what was his face Aberaxas I think... too so I can rub it in his father's face."

"Harry James Potter as much as you hate your family you should limit the amount of people you shag. Merlin I have a feeling you're mate is going to be extremely possessive of you."

"Yeah yeah fine it's just to relieve boredom I mean seriously everyone at hogwarts is willing to ditch dumbledore just to get the chance to shag me. The houses are pretty much under my control and as much as I love teaching them and pissing off Dumbledore the muggle world is so much more fun. Why don't we go their some time the War is still happening it's the perfect chance to stir up some trouble in Grindlewalds name."

"I still can't believe the man was willing to blood adopt us as his grandchildren just to shove it in Dumbledore's face."

"Well to have your lover betray you and then lick you up I can see why he'd resent Dumbledore."

"Harry maybe your lover will do the same thing with the amount of people you've slept with I wouldn't be surprised."

"Me neither but I honestly couldn't care less about finding a mate I'm stronger than Dumbledore already without one it'd be unfair to the magical world if I did find him. And Mione you're the last person I need to shag by the way."

"When the hell did you shag your sister!?"

"When her and her girlfriend Ginny Weasley invited me to come pleasure them. Your the last person in the school I need to shag I even shagged Minvera."

"I'm not even going to question how you got the head of the Gryffindor house to let you Fuck her. And don't you also have to shag Dumbledore?"

"There's no way in hell im shagging that old man he's classified as a goat in my book."

"What about the ghosts?"

"I found a spell that let me become one for a while let's just say I actually gave Mtyle a reason for the name moaning mytle."

"I bet she liked that."

"It's a shame she died to the basilisk she would've been damn fine older."

"Well you still have a chance now that we're in her fifth year of school. Wait how'd you get to shag Hagrid?"

"I just changed into my animagus and found him in the woods the dude likes beastality so it was easy to shag him when he thought I was an animal Hahahaha."

"Harry you're way to bored and lonely why don't you just start another wizarding war or actually find your mate so you find satisfaction in sex."


"Harry DONT tell me you never thought about that?!"

"Not really I mean my fox is never satisfied with murder and I enjoy humiliating people more. I actually thought the twins would end up as my mates but they weren't. I even checked if Voldemort was my mate but his soul is so messed up by all his Horcruxs I couldn't tell."

"Harry if he really is your mate I'll pity him. Fearing death more than anything yet having a mate who would choose to die in a second if it meant something interesting would happen. Didn't Dumbledore tell you his name before he found out you weren't actually a puppet? The time we've come to fits near his first appearance so he could be in the school."

"He did mention it said something about how the kid was similar to me something about an orphanage, Riddle something maybe. I envy him you know, growing up being beaten in an orphanage and unwanted by his parents. I'd do anything to have grown up like that instead of being beaten by my own relatives and the only reason for my birth was to be a tool to kill a single wizard."

"Harry weren't you one of Voldermort's horcruxs as well? if you were his mate It'd explain why part of his soul sought refuge in you."

"I've already considered that it's very likely he's my mate and that was the reason for the prophecy. But his soul is to broken for our bond to complete I'd have to find his past self and complete my bond with him. I must say though what's so scary about death life's so boring?"

"Harry you're a descendant from the Prevell line whose motto is 'the next enemy to beat is Death' you're practically immortal yourself and are consider Death's Master just based on your creature. You're mate being someone who fears death would make sense as if they die they wouldn't be able to stay with you they might not understand their fear of it however."

"How unfortunate I am that my mate is insane. It looks like I'll just have to convince you to let me shag you Hermione before I wallow away in the despair that I'll have to substitute my craving for my mate with strangers."

"Harry stop acting as if your mate is a lost cause! I bet you already feel him but are going to wait until the last possible moment to get with him so you can enjoy shagging others while you can."

"You're right im going to ignore him or her as long as possible so I can enjoy my freedom and destroy the Potter name as much as possible."

"But Harry you took on Grindlewalds last name so you could spite Dumbledore..."

"Shite you're right damnit! Then I'll have to spend my time pranking and humiliating my grandfather. Anyway Hermione I'll shag you at some point even if I have to go behind my mates back to do it."

"I'll be sure to tell your mate that once I force you on him!"

"How rude Mione. Hey Mione wasn't there a person my the name of Tom Riddle in this time that Dumbledore was cautious of?"

"Yeah he was a perfect student and was loved by the teachers. For some reason though Dumbledore didn't like him and the Slytherins were afraid of him he didn't interact much with the other houses though. Why do you ask?"

"Anyone disliked my Dumbledore is a friend in my book. Anyways the kid probably killed someone while at Hogwarts nothing new or maybe he used the unforgivables. Though I don't think the Crusiito Curse would be worse than that stupid blood quill no matter what I do I can't heal the damn sentence she had me write!"

"I have to say Harry I was surprised that you didn't kill the woman after what she did to you, Wait Harry you didn't shag her did you?"

"Hell no the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers don't count I shudder at the thought of having to shag Lockhart. Though I will say I might have had something to do with the man disappearing after he tried to touch me."

"Let me guess you told the Slytherins that in exchange for getting rid of him you'd willing shag with them for a week, I bet Draco Malfoy wasn't happy having to share."

"He wasn't but he was quick to forget after I did him."

"Harry id call you a man-whore but I can't fault you with having to sleep with so many people but I do know you're mate won't be happy to know your history especially if he really is Voldemort."

"If he tries to fault me he'll be sleeping alone as it's his own damn fault I have to sleep with others to control my creature."