
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Idiots make simple things in complicated ways.

It has been three days since Madara gave Okami and Jin their mission and for the last few days the two were collecting information.

"Seriously Jin this is just annoying bullshit."

"And why exactly are you annoyed this time?"

"Dude I'm chilling in street corners like some baby hobo while you are visiting every bar and brothel, going out to drink late at night and enjoying yourself."

"I am not doing it because I feel like I need to enjoy myself."

"I don't believe you."

"And why won't you believe me?"

"Just looking at your face is enough to make it clear, that you've started to like going to all those places. Just seeing how you can't stop grinning."

"Stop ruining my reputation! You were the one who said I should go there to collect information."

"First you have no Reputation you're a Missing-nin, so there's not much to ruin anyway. And second point [YES EXACTLY] I sent you out for collecting information not for you going out and enjoying yourself."

Well Okami knew that Jiraiya once said that those places are best to gather information but how do you expect an not even five year old to gather information there so he send Jin.

[Hey Boss this guy has zero discipline.]

"You're not much better Ai. I told you to find out why I can't get the Chinoike Clans Kekkei Genkai and what were you doing?"

[Boss stop ruining my reputation!]

"You have no reputation Ai. I am the only one who knows you."


[Boss you don't know how to treat a lady.]

"Since which point in our relationship did you transform into an lady? Are you trying to trigger me?"

[Maybe I am.] The only way to stop Okami from being on edge was to constantly annoy him so he could take his mind from the problem. And Ai understood Okami better than Okami himself did sometimes.


"I remember when my Ai was still cute."

[Boss it is one of my features to learn from your behavior and for the last 4 year's you have tainted my innocence.]

"Cough... can you please use some other words to describe the situation Ai. You're making me feel uncomfortable and slightly irritated with that description."

Okami has been really on edge and irritated for the past few days more so than usual and the main reason ways him still processing his recent experience.

"Hey Okami do you have any idea on how to steal those Jutsu-Scroll's from them?"

"I can think of a few methods that have varying degrees of chances for working out."

"Tell me."

"Well do you remember how Sensei mentioned that only their [Supporting Skills] are awesome. But the problem is [comparison] if he meant compared to himself then we're pretty much fuc*ed but if compared to you then we have a good chance just going in directly through the front door."

"First I want to say you're right and second stop insinuating that I am weak. It's just you and your Sensei that are way out of the norm." Jin already knew that arguing with this shrimp is a waste of time.

"And just stealing those scrolls will not work because those Ninjas guarding there can hear your heart beat even when you're still 15 to 20 meters away from them. So just getting near them with being noticed is going to be one hell of a problem."

"So what now?"

"Well we're Shinobi so let's just do what we're supposed to be good at." Okami said with an evil grin.

"What is your plan Okami?"

[What is you plan Boss?]

Both asked the same question.

"Every human has weaknesses and whenever a group of people come together they've certain aims and this is the same be it for [Konohagakure] or this little village." Okami begann explaining the nature of humans to them.

"So what?"

"We're here to steal which is already not a noble Ai so why not go a step further and try to get more?"

"What do you want?" Jin asked quite concerned about the little guy.

"The village!" Okami said with an evil glint in his eyes.



Both were totally speechless about Okami's insanity-level.

"You do know that even just getting a few Scrolls is making us go insane and you want to aim for their whole village?"

"[Nakidori] will be the very first village und my reign... hahaha" Okami said and the began laughing like an madman, while no one really understood what was going on in his head.

[Boss why do you want the whole village? Also how will you achieve that?]

"Ai in my last world there existed an old saying [divide et impera]. Do you understand what this means?"

[The literal translation means "divide and rule" but I still don't get it.]

"In my last world this strategy was used quite often and perfected to an insane level, no one ever wondered about it but all got tricked at least a few times by this move. At first you take a [group of useless people] and make them go around telling how the situation is bad and how no one is doing anything to improve it. I call this the [divide-part] and then the second step, put pressure from outside on them i.e. attack them destroy some building and kill a few people from those useless people you employed prior. While the pressure from outside grows those spreading negativity on the inside will be like a spark and the final step is someone taking the lead to direct the show. This person taking the the leading role needs Charisma, Strength and must give them the feeling that he can change things."

[Boss will this work?]

"Hahaha you won't believe how good this kind of strategy will work! The only problem is my lack of Chakra and us needing a few things."

"Jin I need you to do a few things for me!"



And so begann Okami-kuns master plan into manipulating a whole village with a population of about 9 to 10 thousand people.

Okami begann to go daily into the forests and mountains surrounding the village in order to find minerals to create gold he used his cells to drill one meter into the earth and collect all the little pieces in an wide area while Ai would help him with controlling the cells just like an 3D printer and so they made money. Everything just so they could fund their operation, meanwhile Jin started looking for scumbags, thieves, rogues and all the other lowlifes and it didn't matter if they were from the village or just were passing through.

Choosing a few leading figures to work together with promising them they could rule over [Nakidori] together while these figures begann building their own groups and also began paying them just for them to begin spreading rumors, annoyance and displeasure.

In the brothels the whore's begann complaining and plotting, on the streets scumbags would make scenes and in the night people would get robbed and even the people in some families begann plotting because they had gambling debts or were threatened slowly the village was turned upside down. And in just a matter of a few months Okami made what was once a peaceful village into an shithole.

But while doing all of this he felt annoyed and unhappy because it is too easy to manipulate people because of the fundamental way humans treat eachother. Everyone just keeps thinking about themselves and forgets looking at the bigger picture.


"Sensei I am five years old now. Please teach me how to use Chakra!" Was the first sentence Okami said on the morning of his fifth birthday.

"Good morning to you too, Okami-kun." Madara said with an gentle smile.

"Ahh. Good morning Sensei." Okami greeted in an hurry.

"Okay I will teach you how to use Chakra but first..."


Wow it has merely been a few days but we've done it guys we're in the top 100 of the newcomers and climbing up at an insane speed XD I am honestly really happy :P

And I love all your comments some are really motivating me while others make me think about the plot and the direction I am taking.

Writing each chapter takes me around 40 to 50 minutes but searching out information and trying to make up the story takes quite some time and after all that work, I still can't promise that all of you will like the story or the direction it will be going but I hope you'll understand that I am only trying to make my MC survive (for now)... expecting a baby or some guy who only knows about fighting from watching anime to fight trained Shinobi's is unrealistic.

Just think about Kaguya Ootsutsuki in the Anime despite being an insanely powerful characters and also the "Root" of all the Ninjas, she still lost to two people who only inherited part of her power and DNA and the reason being her lack of experience. If you give some noob a sword he'll not transform into an Samurai... he has to take slow steps and learn from mistakes and grow into being someone powerful and this is the path I want for my MC and even though this is called a [Fan-Fic] because I am using the Naruto world the Story is an original.

So I thank you all once again for supporting me :)

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