
Archon Of Carnage: A Battle Against the Abyss

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, an unrelenting war rages on. The devourers, relentless hunters, stalk the living, while brave warriors rise to defend them. Amidst the chaos, one name echoes through the ranks: Cedric, a prodigious combatant who never backs down from a fight. His skill knows no bounds, but a treacherous secret lurks within him, a malevolent force born from the depths of the abyss, waiting to seize control. To emerge victorious, he must not only master his extraordinary powers but also confront the tempest of emotions raging within him. As Cedric succumbs to his insatiable thirst for power, he becomes blind to the consequences of his actions. Consequently, his adversaries bestow upon him the moniker of "Carnage."

Discordius · Fantasie
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48 Chs


Rodrick woke up in an unfamiliar tent, lying on a thin mattress that could have been described as comfortable if not for the metal chains underneath.

The bed was strapped to iron poles, holding it standing upright. As he looked around, he saw the familiar blue-shaded screen indicating a System announcement, informing him of his body's miserable state.

Name: Rodrick Bladehart

Health: 17/250

Mana: 3/10

Title: Iron Fist

Age: 21

Body cultivation status: middle stage Iron-rank

Active skills: Sharpen edge, Piercing blow, Minor explosion

Passive skills: Medium vitality: Iron rank, Minor sharpened mind: Copper rank, Medium muscle enhancement: Iron rank.

---------------------------SYSTEM WARNING---------------------------



Heaving a cough, Rodrick moves on to his last system notification.

'System notice - Congratulations on slaying your first devourer. You were awarded a title by the system for exemplary performance.'

*New Title Gained - Iron Fist

Iron Fist: 100% extra damage dealt when using fists. 50% damage bonus for any other body part used in striking. Gain +10 comprehension in any fist-related martial techniques.

Not in any mood to curse at the system for having a less than satisfactory title-naming sense. Rodrick mumbled to himself: "I managed to survive, huh. I wonder how everyone else is doing."

Not another second later, a humanoid figure appeared in his peripheral vision, as evidenced by the flapping noise of the tent's entrance. Arriving to inspect Rodrick was a young elf with sharp and pointed ears, longer and slimmer than a typical human's. The woman was standing at around 1.70 meters tall, featuring blond hair that reminded Rodrick of the golden wheat fields he used to pass on his way to school back on his home planet.

The woman's cyan-colored eyes met Rodrick's, relief replacing the frown she had worn.

After sighing in relief, the woman addressed Rodrick, expressing her gratitude that he had awakened. She explained that her team had spent three days repairing his mana circuits, and had begun to wonder if their efforts were in vain. However, seeing Rodrick finally awake had given them hope that their hard work had paid off.

Rodrick coughed again, bits of coagulated blood flying off onto the ground beside his bed. Struggling to take a long breath. He asked: "What happened to everyone? Did you manage to recover Jacob's body?"

The elven female spoke after a few moments of silence, "Fortunately, there were four squads in the area that were heading back to camp after being relieved on the frontline. The enemy began to retreat, and when they found your team, they managed to take down a single devourer, which had been left behind with a crippled leg."

"I'm sorry to report that according to the latest update, a total of 22 soldiers from Squad 3 and Guerilla Squads 3 and 4 were confirmed killed in action."



Rodrick took a moment to calm himself, unable to believe the dire news he had just heard.

"We ambushed them! And from what I saw, we managed to take down at least ten of them. Can you at least tell me who survived out of my squadmates?" he barked out, his voice laced with desperation.

"According to the reports, the last five devourers activated a body-enhancing skill that significantly boosted their physical and defensive capabilities. They were able to hold out against the soldiers long enough until they roared in unison and retreated to the front lines."