

Yoo Jing Seong is a normal college student who reincarnated into the body of the character he played in the game before the story even began. What will await him in the future? What misfortunes will befall him?

pb_09 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

mage Power levels

Mages are divided into tiera from 1 to 12 there are also aditional tiers other then 12 wich are 13 demi-god

14 newborn God

14 beginner God

Ecc Will be updated when i reach at that point of the story

And for tiers below 13 theyre names are

1 newborn Apprentice

2 beginner Apprentice

3 skilfull Apprentice

4 master Apprentice

5 new Born mage

6 beginner mage

7 skilfull mage

8 master mage

9 Grand master mage

10 Imperial mage

11 archmage

12 king of mages