
Archmage Reincarnated to Apocalypse World

Starting over once more, he has entered this “cycle of hell” in order to control his own fate. This time, in his second life, he ensured he would not die in vain again. The Archmage reincarnated into a new world where ancient magic is just a mere tale. Gather again his loyal servants! Restores his legendary abilities!! Even become the most respected hero! Mutants, Infected, wars between factions, radioactive areas, and even returning humans to their glory point is an almost impossible dream. Legend of Archmage in apocalypse world has begun.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 Prologue


Many corpses lying everywhere. A woman wearing a robe that was no longer intact looked up at the arrow that had pierced her left chest which was no longer protected. As she felt the coldness of the arrow pierce her heart, her pupils shook as her body slowly lost balance.

As the woman fell to the ground, she saw several people moving intensely.

An Archmage was having a fierce battle with a magic knight wielding a greatsword. Even though the Archmage didn't have a single weapon on his body, he could still keep up with the opponent in front of him.

The longer the fight lasted, the more she knew who the final victor of the duel would be.


The Archmage attacked the magic knight relentlessly. With a non-stop fire skill that he combined with an ice missile also with debuff magic, he managed to hit the magic knight's body and made a hole in his body. Even the attack made his body explode and shatter into pieces. Even so, the Archmage did not stop. Once, twice, three times…. He growled and screamed, skill after skill he unleashed to slay the remaining magic knights.

After realizing the silence assaulted him, he now stopped. His breath hitched. He felt that the mana in his body was almost used up because it was being released continuously without stopping.

The Archmage began to walk slowly and entered a fairly dense fog area located not far in front of his eyes. He wanted to check if there were any living creatures left behind in the fog.


The woman who was sitting with her vision starting to blur started to see someone approaching her. But her mouth looked a little pouted because of her blurry vision and thick fog. But her frown only lasted for a moment. She tried to raise her head and surveyed her surroundings.

"Is there someone here...?"

Only a gloomy gust of wind blew.

"Is everyone... dead?"

She waited, but no answer came back.

She saw a burnt corpse nearby, and several other corpses cut and slashed by sharp weapons. She thought that the corpses looked better than the others. Elsewhere, several lumps of flesh that were once human floated in a pool of blood. She looked around once more as disappointment appeared in his expression.

Her throat started to hurt because it felt so dry.

Somehow, she managed to raise her upper body before spitting out her red saliva. Her complexion lightened a little before she looked up at the distant sky with her blurring sight.


"…How did it all end like this?"

One day, a massive war occurred in her world. Even though the source of the war was known from the start, the war still could not be stopped. The war between knights who prioritize martial arts without relying on magic for their strength against magicians who are talented and depend on magic for their life.

And the war is only for one reason, the struggle for territory.

"Those damn bastards."

This woman was the princess of a kingdom that has an alliance with one of the world's most famous magician countries. She was eight years old when she heard the news of the kingdom's knights starting their attack, and she was twelve when she heard the news of one of the country's magicians razed to the ground.

Several years later, the shattered magical country became an ownerless land. It was as if the attackers were mocking the magicians.

Furthermore, the population had fallen drastically due to the war.

"Those fucking assholes."

The princess spat out a curse as she blankly stared up at the sky.

'We shouldn't have trusted them in the first place.'

In truth, it wasn't so bad in the beginning. The first magician country and the knight cooperated well. Even exchanging natural resources for the benefit of both.

However, over time, as the influence of the knights increased and their number of followers increased and gradually overwhelmed the followers of magicians, the situation began to change.

The influence of the knights managed to penetrate all kinds of structures in the nation of magicians. Entering the realm of politics, religion to culture in the region of the magicians

Wrath peaked once again from within the princess.

"Sons of…."

She was about to curse once more but quickly shut her mouth.

Splashes… splashes….

A soft sound echoed out of the fog which was gradually disappearing. Sounds of footsteps approached her, but they stopped a bit to the right of her.

The man threw a charred corpse of a knight from his hand.


"Truly amazing! I did not place much hope, but to think you survived this bloody battle…"

As if to answer the princess's question, the man collapsed and raised his head. A powerful emotion surged up within the princess's heart, but she had no choice but to swallow it back down.

The state of the magician was horrific, so much so that she wanted to avert her gaze.

"If only all the other Magicians were like him…."

"I want to praise your achievements a bit more, but you don't have much time left."

A weak voice from the man entered the princess' ear. He looked like he wanted to say something to her but the man seemed hesitant.

"Since you survived until the end, it is time for me to give the reward as promised. Tell me, what is it that you wish?"

As darkness set in the man's eyes, his weakened eyes looked forward. When he opened his mouth, he spurted out bits and pieces of his organs along with a mouthful of blood. His voice seemed to be lost, as only the sound of wind passing through his vocal cord came out.

[You do not have to speak. I can simply read your mind... So, you wish to be revived?]

The princess chuckled. She really wanted to say yes to the magician's wish, but she was not a God or God. Although they are magicians, they can't heal wounds or resurrect the dead.

"Too bad, if that wasn't what you wanted maybe I would be able to…"

But at the same time, the woman fell back on her buttocks on the rough ground, she seemed to be leaning her body against a wall that was no longer intact. She knows that her time has come.

"If only I could agree to that man's wish for the last time," muttered the princess before closing her eyes.

Not too long after that, the Archmage also caught up with the princess. In contrast to the princess who was still sitting down, the Archmage fell hard. The man's shoulders move slowly. But his head, could not rise again. His vision began to blur, he looked at the princess for the last time.

"Finally it was all over, although the ending was not the way I wanted it to be. I'm sorry princess, I couldn't save you"

In the midst of the silence, a person appeared who seemed to be wearing a black robe. His bare feet which looked pale white were between the Archmage and the Princess.

[The princess managed to use her Royal Oath right at the last moment. Lucky for this guy…]

[This world has indeed ended, but not this man. His new story is just about to begin]

[Since he contributed to this war more than any other, I'll give him a chance]

[I can't wait to see you guys again. Until then, I'll be waiting]

Right at the same time, a dazzling white light illuminates the place. remove everything.