
Chapter 4 Job Offer

Making it to his dorm room after a helpful day of guidance, the first thing was to take in the Mana Essence in the room. Since he did not relocate from the dorm yet, he couldn't let that go to waste. The Dorm had nice Clean Mana to help the students along.

Working the rest of the day and another to help matters along further. IT was a good thing his schedule was clear due to what happened.

Knowledge System: Running Schedule Virus Check... 2 hours until complete.

'Well, that sucks. Usually takes longer but then again, I don't have access to what the heck it is scanning through. When this is finish, do I just run the Disk Defragmenter to see what will happen?' The thought of being out for several hours did not sound to promising, but then again, several voice activation methods did not help. 'If my Mind, is jacked up, this would be a good fix. Plus, I haven't been able to check how much space I have currently. Maybe if I get to that, I will be good.'

Cleaning up the room, he took in the mana while moving. It sucked to find out that since the Virus Scanner was running, he cultivated slower. Didn't matter if he focused only the one task or not.

A mental note was made to try a few things afterward to see if that was because of his damage Processor. Which but the feel of it, was his soul or mind.

William was inside his dorm pulling in loose Mana Essence. Circulating his Mental & Soul while doing yoga. His body naturally circulating blood energy due to this. Considering how early it was, it was to soon to go out for more physical exercises.

With each change of position, his body felt more and more comfortable. The feeling of it not being his own moving away. He still couldn't find any command phrases after trying everything he could think of at the time to access the computer more. Despite the initial thought of it being his own body de-aged, William found a few wounds that didn't match his own.

To many that did however just made him more confused.

'Guess I will just have to keep getting stronger for now.' Stretching a little bit further, William thought about the different problems he could run into as he tried to find a way back home. Or any of the other members of the Archeology Dig Team. 'Hopefully, a lot of time hasn't passed back home.'

*Knock! Knock! Knock!* The rapid taps at the door were pretty annoying considering the work he was doing. Getting up, he went to open it. Outside were several Akademy Officials.

"Student William, the Schoolboard request your presence." The lead Offical said. Seeing that they interrupted training at this hour, they were happy to see what transpired before didn't hamper his duties.

"Alright." He stepped out locking the door behind him. "Lead the way." He said with a smile. Because to be real, he absolutely had know idea on how to get there yet. Williams's studies were more on how to escape the Akademy if something goes wrong and how to deal with the day-to-day. 'Haa, maybe I can finally catch a break to get back to what I need to do?'




The school board consisted of the Coordinators of the Various Departments. The Dean and Vice-Dean are the only ones with more power than them in the Akademy. Besides them, there were a few other students in attendance.

The students involved in the original William turning brain dead.

"The accusations brought up by student William are quite the cause for concern." The Disciplinary Coordinator said. Responsible for matters like these coming up. "They denied this is the case."

"Ok." William said simply. He was sure it would go like this but he wanted it on record all the same.

"OK?" The board members looked at him shocked.

"Yeah, ok. I reported it nothing else to be done it looks like." William shrugged. "I mean, obviously the Akademy wouldn't care about a single student over 11 others. Despite what they did or what they are responsible for. Even if those students cause the issue with several other students is most likely not an issue as well."

"You speak as if we are heartless." A member voiced.

"You personally.. I have know idea." He shrugged at the woman. "But this is a board, meaning one voice means nothing. If any of the 11 have the means to pull this off all the time, not a thing will be done."

William looked at the 11 and smiled.

"They are not nervous because they know overall.. the Schoolbaord won't do anything. Which is like I said, fine by me. The same as I included in my report. I just want the board to know and each of them to know, that I know. So can I go now?"

"Here I thought you would demand their expulsion." The Vice-dean stated suprised.

"I requested it in the report. Obviously, it is not on the table. 1 over 11 others, remember?" William was bored. Like really bored talking to these people. "And it lets me know the reports are not read by those in the Schoolboard. So.. even more corruption or.. you all don't care. Doesn't matter to me."

At worse they would frame him from something from his attitude or throw him out. Which was both ok in his book, since he knew how to live off the land. Even a magical one with out an issue. Might provoke something finally from William's family at any rate.

"Well since he knows the situation already just call it here." The Student Body Coordinator said.

"Now, about your room." The Teacher Coordinator spoke up. "The position of one of the 12 is now vacant since you no longer meet the criteria to hold the seat."

"Figure as much." William read the rules last night. He was surprised they didn't take it from him earlier.

"Since you know we will not drag this part out then. I propose a Student Teaching position." The Affairs Coordinator said. "Would you like that?" Word got around about those he helped so far.

Not only did it make a few Nobles happy that thought the Akademy was failing in its work and overall care, it made the members of the Royal Family that were part of the staff agree.

"Sounds good to me." William nodded. "Who do I give this to?" He removes the badge of the 12th seat position he held. "Hopefully the next person that gets it, doesn't get stabbed in the back by colleagues."

"Hold on to it." The Dean said. A few wanted to protest but he silenced them easily with a raise of the hand. "Until an actual student can replace him, the seat needs to be filled. As a Placeholder, not much will change. Besides the resources given every month and Archive access."

"Yeah.. no." William placed it on the table in front of him. "Not getting saddled with all the duties that come with it. Since 1, people won't respect it since I do not have the strength. 2, I am getting nothing out of it really. 3, I basically don't want it."

The prestige that came with the badge was coveted by most of the students. Since he was not getting the benefits of it, the best thing to do was to leave it.

The School Board members and the other 11 frowned for the most part. The board since it was a slap in the face that a student was so adamant about giving it up. The 11 other placeholders because he discarded something they valued so easily.

"Then you are dismissed." The Vice-Dean said. William left promptly. Turning to the 11 he barely held back his disgust. "I suggest each of you clean up your act. The Akademy is not doing anything mostly because of the trying times coming but do not think you are getting away scot-free."

"Oh, doesn't feel like it at all. Feels like they are getting away scot-free." The Healer Coordinator said. She did not hide her look of agitation at all. "Consider your privilege with the entire Medical Department revoked. I will also be looking into each student that has come in with several issues close to what William came in with."

"To what end?" The 1st seat asked. 'This bitch just had to say something!' His eyes looked over to his father who sat on the board. 'Father looks very unhappy.'

"Filll out the inquiry and we will discuss it during another meeting." The shit-eating grin on the Healer Coordinator face was priceless. "One must keep things formal, despite the pressing times."

"The rest of you are dismissed, we have other matters to attend to." The Vice-dean did not want any more trouble today. He already had a stack of documents to go through when gets to his office. Once the 11 exited the room he looked at the others sternly. "William's Family have not said anything, any word on what is going on?"

"The Duchy of Lancaster may not have gotten word yet." The Affairs Coordinator stated. Much to the annoyance of the other. It means they need to have an answer later to appease them. "William has also not sent word to them either."

"Then we should be grateful he had a falling out with them as well as his fiancee." The Student Body Coordinator stated. Always the one for gossip, the man knew lots of private details like this. He was also aware of why the 11 betrayed William. "The Lancasters are mostly liking deal with that fallout since it was the other party's daughter that broke it off."

"That is none of our business." The Disciplinary Coordinator stated. He wanted to keep on track and not partake in gossip. "The Akademy is what we deal with. The students are losing faith in us as well as the quality of teaching dropping."

As they focused back on their daily jobs, the 11 were meeting out in the Placeholders Meeting Room. A few are none to happy.

"Well, what the hell we do now!?" The 3rd seat barked agitated.

"What can we do?" The 2nd seat shrugged. Her legs crossed as she stared out the window. "We still have know idea where he put that Manual from the ruins. So basically we screwed him over for nothing."

"Nothing!?" The 1st moved to confront her but was pushed away by the overwhelming mana weighing down on him. "Kuk!" Kicking to the other end, he stared at the 5th & 6th that helped her. "We can still get the Manual from him, just need time!"

"Tch! By the feel of it, he is not even practicing it anymore! Someone might have stolen it before us!" The 8th seat said agitatedly.

"Do not say us, I never wanted the manual in the first place." The 2nd said annoyed. "Due to greed, we are now at a loss on privileges and some of the students are giving us dirty looks."

"Not to mention the teachers." The 9th seat said annoyed. "The risk was not worth it at all. Now we have to get use to a new person appointed and get back on the good side of the teachers and faculty."

"I will find a way to get the Manual." The 10th seat said. "Just everyone take care of themselves and keep in mind William may have dropped a few Realms, but he still may have some tricks up his sleeve."

The 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th left the room. Each of them thinking on ways to deal with the 1st seat and his ambitions. Not caring in the least about his father's influence.

"You keep messing with the 2nd seat and you are going to get it." 10th seat said. "She may not as be as close as she was to William as before but don't get yourself killed over it. Be thankful she hasn't heard what happened yet."

"Meaning what?" The 1st was arrogant but he listened to certain people. "What happened?"

"The rumor is that the Lancaster's are going to lose a marriage Alliance. Namely, because William's fiancee found someone she says is better." The 10th had a deep frown on his face. "If the rumors are to be believed, it may lead to war."

"Dammit!" The 1st punch the table aggravated. "If war happens we will get called up due to the positions we have! Must move quickly to get that Manual!"

Mind: Gathering Realm III

Body: Gathering Realm III

Soul: Error!

Space: 1 Terabyte, 10 Gigabytes

Scanner: Connected

Processor: Damaged

Extended Drive: 7

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