
Arch Angel Return

We all Believe in Heaven and Hell Existence ,In truth that heaven keeps us safe from harm of evil beings residing in hell , But what if those beliefs are wrong ? What if it's the opposite way around . A Fallen Arch Angel Raniel Will bring all of those secrets into light . Enduring a hard path by herself which will wait ahead of her , depending on her lonely struggles and unexpected turns of her life.

9Left_Forgotten9 · Geschichte
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

As she passed the darkly lit hell hallways ,the demons working at sides didn't seemed particularly pleased ,they were in their demonic bodies ,horns and tails ,some without it ,some had Sharp nails and lizard like skins ,others feathers ,only few seemed more humanlike except of their eyes color and sticking out small horns .

But Raniel only questioned herself of how many other demons there was walking on the earth ,how many would she have to hunt for her life keeping sake ,and for the humans .

Seeing as many still worked in pits of hell she hoped it was only few strong ones ,since hunting work was quite a displeasure for an angel ,but was she still an angel ? No ,she had to correct herself and accept everything now for own survival ,even if it meant swallowing up own ego .

As she pondered through her mind not watching clearly where she walked ,She bumped into a strong unmovable source and she had to hold her forehead, feeling a new bump rising on it from the intact . Raniel thought she was so careless that she walked into a dead end , hitting herself on a wall .

But a man with red and black armor stood taller then her ,decorated by snakes made out of steel around his broad shoulders ,and a black diamond like trident at his hand ,his hairs was shorter then Hades ,black and messy ,and his eyes seemed like golden .

" If you are another cosplayer Asmodeus ordered for himself from human world ,I would demand to leave this place at one " his authority voice seemed as powerful as Hades , yet more louder and fear inflicting , But Raniel didn't backed away as she gazed up at the man's face not moving an inch ,

" I'm none of those ,Pardon me ,Hades sent me through this part of hell to find the portal leading back to human world "

She tried remembering who was similar from history she learned in heaven ,of this man's image .

Finally she remembered, it was undoubtedly Satan standing Infront of her , a dark mirror version of Lucifer ,since he was created by him so he could be more carefree .

Hell was always separated into two parts ,One was for Hades and Persephone to rule ,while other been leaded by Hell princes ,All of those who was once Arch angels and fell down with Lucifer ,Pushed away by Zeus same way as she was , except for opposite reasons.

He looked down at her , emptiness remaining on his face ,

For Satan she seemed as another disturbance merely ,and he had to rid her from his schedule which already been to filled with torments of other demons and listing out humans souls to chambers .

" Hades you say..Been a long time our Hell God had any visitors , Alright, I'll lead you to Lucifer and he'll guide you to the portal ,it's to troublesome opening hell gate for one individual only " With that he turned away walking to another direction ,a little more decorated hallway painted in red and black with golden symbols on the walls , She followed at ease ,not bothering herself of how Satan saw her ,as a visitor or another failure of an angel .

Some moments later they arrived at Lucifer's doorstep , which was decorated by golden tribals around it and crown on top ,perhaps as his symbol ,the door seemed heavy and black with iron handle on it , Satan knocked once ,there was no answer ,twice ,and yet again .

" Lucifer ? I've got something for you to do " Satan called out at the door ,before sighing and pushing the door wide open ,not waiting for a moment .

At center of room stood a strip pole ,with his royal bed at right side filled with demon succubus giggling at him ,and the wall was used for holographic crystal playing music ,as he wore only a bathrobe swirling around the strip pole and dancing , shaking his ass...and what seemed like twerking

" SHAKE WHAT YO MAMA GAVE YAA " he sang along not seeing the two visitors at his doorstep ,as females laughed even more .

At that Satan closed door shut ,Neither him or Raniel moving ,both motionless except of Satan's twitching left eye .

" It seems the room has been empty" He mumbled barely audible to hear .

" it truly was " Raniel nodded ,not knowing how to describe what she have seen .

" You won't tell a single soul about this until your funeral ,Correct ?" Satan remained dead serious and Raniel nodded .

" Not even a torment will get this out from me " She reassured , knowing clearly by herself it would be to embarrassing to talk about .

" Very well ,just for your information...that wasn't Lucifer " He tried to explain but Raniel rised her palm in silencing way .

" I believe you , it must have been one of demons slaves " she nodded once again closing her eyes and trying to remove the terrible image from her mind .

" Right, in that case I'll be the one to guide you to the portal , kindly follow me " With that he walked away leading her to it ,his left eye still continuesly twitched and he had to think if he popped a nerve accidentally by seeing such a nightmare . But he was grateful the new angel was so understandable and agreeing .

He couldn't admit ,but seeing her appearance in hell ,seemed somehow lightly refreshing ,her innocent like pale face and silver wavy hair he never seen once before in heaven or Olympus .But that's all it was ,her personality or other things had no impression on him ,maybe a small dangling curiosity of why she carried a sword bigger then her own weight , Nothing more , nothing less.