
ARCANE: The Dark Misfit

'It's crazy how someone who used to be a huge part of your life. . .can be gone in a second' -unknown ==== A once pure and happy child, made an amazing discovery that made the whole world give him the title 'Genius Inventor' as his invention was truly world changing. . . he 'was' happy. . .life 'was' going well for him and his family. . . yet fate decided to make this poor child face a cruel experience. . . losing all his loved ones, constantly running away, making sure he has the sufficient strength to protect himself. . . his sanity is slowly losing bit by bit as he grew up doing this without rest. As he was doing this over and over again. . .he lost his sanity and finally. . .he died. 'but wait! there seems to be something wrong!' ------ In the dark alleyways inside the harsh city of Zaun, you can see a young boy with bruise all over his body laying down on the dirty ground seemingly dead. . . but. . .his body suddenly jerked up, heavy breathing could be heard escaping from his mouth. 'huh?' 'didn't I die?!' 'WHERE AM I?!' watch as he tries to overcome fate's cruel plan in this new world. . . [A.N: sup guys! styko here, this is my first time writing so I really really need you guys to tell me if i'm doing good so far. If possible, I want you guys to suggest how I improve my writing skills, so just write a review about it, imma comment :D, well that's all i'm going to say, hope you enjoy my novel!] ========= I don't own the Arcane characters, except my oc. . . if you're the original artist of the cover, pls contact me if u want it taken down! :D

popyStyko · Videospiele
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5 Chs

A Broken Soul

[Austin's POV]

'is-is it my fault?'

"oh my poor baby! calm down, everything's gonna be alright" my mom calmed me down as I just realized that I've been breathing heavily and kept sweating buckets.

"here, hold your teddy bear, it's your favorite toy right? what was his name again, Dexter right?" my mom said handing me a child sized teddy bear with multi-colored cute clothes.

I hugged Dexter tightly which made me calm down a little.

"is he having a panic attack?!" my dad yelled seemingly concerned.


"should we go to the hospital?" dad asked my mom.

"no!" I yelled.

"I'm okay mom" I said weakly as I hugged Dexter tightly trying to calm myself down,' I don't wanna be a burden'

"oh sweety!" my mom said as tears started flowing from her eyes.

"if only I didn't make the Pzarprimophic, everything would've been fine, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have made th-"

"AUSTIN!" my mom yelled cutting me off.

"This is not your fault! it's your grandfather's!"


"NO! It's not your fault alright sweetie, everything is like this because of that wretched old man!" my dad said still focusing on driving the car.


"yes sweetheart, and we're all going to get out of this shithole together" consoled my dad.

"shithole?" what is that? sounds disgusting.

"honey! language!" my mom angrily yelled at my dad.

"hehe, my bad" my dad said sticking his tongue out in the process.

The mood lightened a little bit which was cut off instantly as we saw a black car following behind us.

"shit! they're here already?!!" yelled my dad

"James! drive faster!"

"I've been doing that since the start!!"

'oh no are those the bad guys?! are they here to get me?!are they gonna do bad things to us?! I'm scared!' I begun to panic.

It wasn't long until they managed to catch up with us. they blocked our path with their car, some men in black pulled up and walked towards us with guns. My dad reached down in front of him pulling two guns hidden underneath his seat.

"You need to get out now! run towards the forest!" my dad said giving the other gun to my mom.

"James!" yelled my mom seemingly wanting to stop dad.

"I love you Isabelle. . .you too little kiddo" my dad said as he pulled us both and gave us a forehead kiss, " Protect mom okay? be sure that she's always alright" my dad said to me as he rubbed the top of my head.

"dad? why are you saying this to me?" I asked dad, 'this doesn't feel right, I feel like something bad is gonna happen"

"kiddo. . .this is. . .goodbye" my dad said with a smile which I know really isn't one.

"wh-" my confusion increased and was about to ask him what he's talking about when mom with a teary eye suddenly grabbed me and said "let's go!" as she pulled me outside the other side of the car where it's faced towards a dark forest.

We run towards the dark forest leaving dad with the bad guys. and when we made a bit of distance, we suddenly heard some noise, 'gunshots!'

We looked towards the direction we left dad, 'no way, no way!' I begun to panic.

My mom pulled my wrist and we continued to run, but. . .It wasn't long since someone manage to follow us and corner us both.

We don't have anywhere to run, around us is just cliffs and wide trees.

"heh! just come with me and everything is gonna be okay~" said the bald and disgustingly looking man licking his lips as he finished his sentence.

"you don't want this situation to get dirty, bitch~" he continued as a blush appeared on his face.

my mom didn't say anything as she pulled out a gun and focused it on the man.

"woah! woah! where did you get that!" said the man with a hint of fear in his voice.

"don't move! don't come near us, or I'm gonna shoot!" my mom threatened the man.

"what?! did you just fucking threaten me bitc-" the man said angrily slowly walking towards us, but his sentence was cut off as mom shot his leg.

"ARRGH!!" the man screamed in pain and made him stumble, but he managed to got up and run towards mom, ramming her onto the tree behind us, my mom dropped the gun on the ground.

"aRRgh!" my mom screamed in pain as the impact of the tackle was strong.

"FUCKING BITCH! THAT HURTS!" the man said as he put his elbow on my mom's neck and pushing it, strangling her because of the pressure.

'no!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!' my mind became a mess.

"hehe, I guess your gonna make up for it by letting me fuck you right?~" the man said creepily with a smile as he rips my moms dress.

'NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!' I couldn't think properly.

I saw the gun on the ground and immediately grabbed it. The man saw me getting the gun and was about to run at me but fear took over my body and I just shot the gun randomly at his direction with my eyes close, "NO! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" I screamed in fear as I just pulled the trigger multiple times.

When the gun seemingly ran out of bullets, I stopped. . .

After that, there was just silence, I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise, the man was currently on the floor laying dead. "I did it?" I asked myself as I can't believe that I actually defeated a bad guy, "I DIT IT! I DID IT!, MOM DID YOU SEE THAT, I USED THE GUN AND *POW* POW* AND THE BAD GUY IS DEAD!" I said happily, jumping around trying to find mom, "MOM DID YOU SEE THAT?! MO-" I said still trying to find her but what brought to my sight is my mom laying beside the tree with a bloodied stomach, "mo-, mom?"

'no no no no, no! no! nO! NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING', I tried to convince myself that this was not real, that this was all just a dream. But in the next second, I heard my mom cough which brought me back to reality, "*cough* cough*" my mom coughed weakly, "mo-mom?" I went towards her slowly as I still can't believe that this is all happening.

"*cough* austin?*cough* cough*" my mom asked, blood came out from her mouth as she coughs.

"mom! don't move! I'm gonna call a doctor! I'm sorry mom!, I'm sorr-" I apologized to my mom as I don't know what I'm doing anymore, everything is a mess, I didn't get to finish what I'm saying when she suddenly put a finger against my lips which made me stop talking.

"shush my baby. . . don't say anything, this isn't your fault" my mom said with a smile on her face which I saw blood drip down from her mouth as she talks, "run Austin, run. . . don't let your grandpa find you" warned my mom, "sadly, I don't think I can come with you now" my mom said still smiling but I know that she isn't happy as I saw a tear fell down from her eyes,


" Just remember. . . that your father and I will. . .always be there watching you. . . and we. . .will always. . . love you-" my mom said as she rubbed my cheeks with her now cold hands. . .for the last time. . .

"mom? mom? please don't joke around this isn't funny, MOM!" I asked her for confirmation as I was being in denial, 'this is just a dream right? oh god, let this just be a nightmare! just why! WHY! WHY!'


A familiar voice rang on my ears as I turned around to see my dad with a pale face and a severely injured body.


"I finally killed them all" my dad said weakly.

"Austin, where's mom?" my dad asked me in a whisper-like manner as he looks like he's about to drop dead.

"mo-mom!. . .dad, I, i-!" I couldn't finish my answer as my mouth couldn't mutter the next words I want to say.

My dad saw the body of the bald man, then moved his sight and saw the body of the woman he loved in front of me dead, as he looked at my arm holding a gun.

"I killed her" I said weakly with a smile on my face and my eyes flowing with tears.

". . .no, no, no, no! no! NO! NO! NO!NO! ISABELLE!!" he yelled as he weakly run up towards my mom's body, holding her cold body against his body as he hugged her tightly, "Isabelle, you can hear me right? RIGHT?! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!" my dad asked my mom's corpse seemingly wanting to hear an answer which he sadly didn't get an answer out of.

I just continued crying beside them hugging Dexter tightly, hoping to god that all of this was just a bad nightmare. . .

but then my dad looked at me with his very pale face and rage filled eyes with tears flowing down, saying the last sentence that will haunt me for the rest of my life. . .

"This is all you fault!"

he said weakly as he dropped dead because of the blood loss.

'this is all my fault?' I thought about what he said for a second before completely running of deeper in the forest still holding Dexter, 'he's right THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!' I continued to run and run and run, until suddenly, I didn't feel the ground which I've been running through as I just realized that I've run into a cliff, "AAAARRGHH!!!" I screamed until the impact of the river right below the cliff knocked me out.


=|2 and a half days later|=

[Carol Lee's POV]

"Hi, my name is Carol Lee, 63 years old, born in Beijing, China. But I've moved here in America because I just recently retired from my job when I was 59 as I was already getting old. I moved away from civilizations to enjoy my remaining time by myself and enjoy nature.

I made myself a lovely cottage as you can see, you're probably wondering how I built this right? well don't let my age fool you, as I am a strong woman with a healthy lifestyle since I was just a young bud, I also hunt animals, usually boars and rabbits for meats, there's a lot of them roaming around the side of the mountain. And for my free time, I usually fish at the pond near here, it's quite enjoyable if I say so myself hahahahahahaha!. . . . .hmmm still not reacting huh? I mean, I guess it's understandable, I just saw you floating down the stream with that huge teddy bear, you're quite lucky I saw you yesterday before you got swept away into the sea." I tried to initiate a conversation at the poor kid.

'his eyes are dead' I can see it, the anger, the sadness, the despair this child felt, all mixed within his tiny body, but with that indifference face, 'so he chose to hide these feelings huh, or maybe forget it?' but one thing is clear, if this child keep this up, he will slowly lose his sanity, 'what did this kid went through to have these kind of strong emotions?'

"you're hungry aren't you?" I asked him.

He shook his head sideways denying the claim but immediately afterwards, his stomach suddenly growled which made me stunned as this was my first time hearing someone's stomach growl as loud as that.

"hehe, well your stomach says otherwise" I giggled, he still didn't react but I can clearly see the redness on his ears.

"I'm gonna prepare the food now okay, and don't move to much, you're weak right now!" I warned him as I got up from the chair I'm sitting on, right beside the bed he is currently laying, and as I went out from the room towards the kitchen, I made a last look at the kid who is now looking outside the window, 'what a poor soul, so young yet fate has been cruel to him already, hope your stay here will help you heal a bit faster young man' I could only pray for him as I will try my best to help this broken soul, mend.


[A.N: I know this is an Arcane Fanfic but. . .I need to finish his background first. Without this kind of chapter, the story in the arcane world will be very confusing for the readers, as building up a character isn't easy. . . so I'm sorry that you need to keep waiting for the actual 'plot' to start. Thank you for the understanding, hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D]

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