
Arcana: Sword and Magic

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. Despite his fame, there is almost no information about his or his guild members past. One day he find himself reincarnated in the game along with Laila the #2 ranked player in the game. "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby?" (Ray) "I can't log out?" (Ray) "Wait... is this Ray?" (Leila) "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) Thus their journey began in a new world Note: Purely written as an hobby, could be dropped at some random time and had a very long and inconsistent update time

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19 Chs

City Outing (3)

"Ah... I'm soo Full..." (Laila)

"Me too, the food was delicious" (Ray)

Currently, they are located in a steak restaurant on the 50th floor which is the top floor. The restaurant has a quiet and calming atmosphere which I prefer. The interior was very luxurious, comparable with the Empire's castle. Even so, the restaurant had very few people that could afford to eat there.

After observing the customers, most people seem to use this place for meetings rather than for the food, probably because of the fancy atmosphere.

As we are located on the top floor, we could see a beautiful sight of the city encompassed by the sunset. Seeing this view, Laila sighed in amazement.

"How beautiful..." (Laila)

"..." (Ray)

Unlike her, I was admiring an entirely different view.

Bathed in the warm twilight, Her cherry-colored lips, milky skin, and perfect body proportion highlighted her appearance. Her long pure silver hair reaching her waist sparkled elegantly giving her a mystical atmosphere. The mature figure of Laila was like a goddess that descended from the heavens.

Seeing her gently smile filled me with warmth and happiness that washed away the side-effect of my power.

The power of the void is not something that normal humans could use without cost.

The power that nullifies and turns everything into nothingness. Using this, I can nullify time, space, pain, presence, and existence, and turn them into the void.

For example, I could nullify my attack motion and only produce the result. What this mean is that when attacking, I could nullify the process of swinging my sword and only produce the result.

This concept applies to many things such as ignoring time and space, nullifying exhaustion, and nullifying damage taken. This power allows me to theoretically fight infinitely without getting tired or hurt.

Such a simple yet powerful ability will naturally have a severe side effect, the side effect is called 'void assimilation' a process in which you slowly turn into nothingness and become a part of the infinite void.

The reason I could survive using such power was because of my perfect control and the ability to nullify that side effect constantly.

When I first found out about this, I thought I have overcome my power side effect. In reality, I was only reducing the side effect, from erasing my existence to only erasing my emotions. No matter how perfect my control was, I couldn't prevent the side effect from appearing.

A/N: The power needs to sacrifice a part of Rayford's existence to function. So the action of nullifying the side effect brought another side effect which slowly delete his emotions.

But this changed after I met Laila, contrary to me, she had the power of infinity which also had the severe side effect of overloading her body, even so, she was able to negate the side effect to some extent by sealing her infinite mana with her infinite mana.

A/N: Laila used her infinite mana to create a seal containing her infinite mana. because of this, Laila will constantly feel headaches as a side effect of what should be exploding into infinite mana.

Laila needed a bowl to contain her mana, while I need her energy to nullify my side effect. This was what brought us together. What started from a symbiotic relationship turned into becoming a lovers who would not function optimally without each other.

Even though we both were able to avoid death from abusing our power's side effects, we still felt uncomfortable and were unable to use our power efficiently.

If I hadn't met her, I would've become an emotionless doll while she would feel pain for the rest of her life.

Realizing that I'd been staring at her for quite some time, Laila smiled playfully.

"Did you just fall for me again?" (Laila)

"Yes" (Ray)

"..." (Laila)

Listening to my blunt answer, she suddenly went silent while slightly blushing.

At her cute action, I failed to hold my laughter.

"Pftt...!!" (Ray)

"Don't Laugh!" (Laila)

"Hahaha!" (Ray)

"Ray!!" (Laila)

Screaming my name, she stood up and started hitting me.

"Okay-okay, I'll stop, instead, why don't we go to the arcade, I want to see what kind of games exists there" (Ray)

Listening to my desperate plea, Laila stopped hitting me and agreed while cutely inflating her cheeks.

We then head straight toward the arcade.


"Woah..." (Laila)

"As expected, It's is full of VR games" (Ray)

Unlike the arcade back in their previous life, this one is way more advanced. Looking at the giant hall full of games, we excitedly started walking toward every game we found interesting.

After a while of walking, we reach a place with a lot of crowds gathering around. The area was like a colosseum with tens of thousands of people spectating a specific game.

"Is this the tournament that people keep discussing? The scale seems to be larger than I thought" (Laila)

"Yeah, I kept listening to people talking about this tournament along the way" (Ray)

Seeing the size of the arena that could cover 3 football fields, we were amazed at the application of such advanced space magic.

In the middle of the arena, we could see dozen of gaming capsules placed and people in them, There are also gigantic screens displaying the gameplay of the players in the capsule.

Around us, we could hear fans cheering loudly for their favorite teams and player that is currently competing.

Turning our gaze toward the screen, we could see the fight being displayed on it.

"How nostalgic, seeing this made me remember one of our fights" (Laila)

With a nostalgic gaze, she admires the atmosphere of the arena. Seeing this I also felt very nostalgic.

"AO's world tournament... The one held after we completed the main quest" (Ray)

At my words, Laila nods in agreement, and after a while, we focus our gaze on watching the match.

The game was a classical 5v5 match where a team of five spawned randomly in a diverse environment such as a desert, canyon, rain forest, etc.

30 minutes later...

"Now it's time for the final event to close this event, we will choose two random people among the spectators to fight" (Announcer)

As we are about to leave, a glow suddenly appeared on our bodies. As we are confused by the sudden glow, the announcer spoke.

"Congratulation to the two players chosen! Please come down to the stage!" (Announcer)

Realizing the situation we're in, I silently sighed.


A/N: My graduation exam will start on Monday, expect an even slower update until 10 April. After that, I'll try to update faster than before.