
Arcana: Online

After dying from terminal illness, Kim Iseul transmigrated into his favorite game, [Arcana: Online] wherein the game, players can create their very own characters. A world where there are only wooden mechanics and no modern science yet, with monsters roaming the world, existing magic, and war politics taking over everything. This is also a game where the player’s characters were actually especially made for the upcoming battle, a great war will one day descend upon them where they’ll have to face the Outer Gods, and one thing is certain, in the game [Arcana: Online] not a single player has yet been able to reach the ending of the story. Kim Iseul who transmigrates as a non-existing character was determined to see the end of the story no matter what. This is just a small favor compare to what the game had given him.

IrisClaire · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: ‘Core of Light’

Drip.Drip.Blood dripped as I puked out more blood. Trembling I looked at my abdomen that was pierced by the scythe, it looked very dire.

Claire gasped in despair and without hesitation, used her rope towards Azrail. The latter flicked it's wings but this time, the rope did not get blown away but stubbornly dashed towards him. Tsk! Azrail was tied by the rope and Azazel took this chance to charge towards him. The flames hit Azrail but alas was no effect as he only motionlessly stood without blinking. Azrail then moved the scythe and it went deeper as I puked more blood and felt tremendous pain!

Shaking, I gritted my teeth and held the tip of scythe which caused for my palm to get cut but still I held on to it stubbornly, trying to get up.

{Oh?} Azrail was slightly amused by my stubbornness and said with a smirk {How about this then!} Suddenly, he broke free from the rope. Shhkk! It was pierced even more in my body and I couldn't help screaming this time in pain.

"Zero!" Claire screamed and this time, she did not even think twice before rushing towards Azrail. Azazel clicked his tongue and held Claire back. Claire struggled and cried out "Let me go! I got to save him!" Azazel grunted and said in a harsh tone "Don't act recklessly! Even if you go there you can't do anything!" Claire wanted to refute but know she couldn't, so she could only cry out "Zero!"

I heard their cries but knew that it was futile, I could only rely on myself at this moment. Using all my strength, I got up and held onto the blade of the scythe. My red eyes shone and I glared at Azrail. Azrail couldn't help scoff, {Stubborn little one}.

Azrail knew that if he let go of me now, there's a chance that I could be saved, that's why he let me float in the air while being pierced by his scythe. This time….I actually don't know if there is hope for me anymore….

Even so, blood was still rushing through my veins and screaming madly I aimed my wood towards him and using all my strength to throw it towards his chest! Tsk! This time Azrail couldn't dodge, no, he wouldn't dodge at all since he knows that it is only a wood, but that was his mistake. He underestimated my [Skill] that depletes mana. Azrail was pierced on his chest by my wood and he couldn't help being stunned. {How…?}

I smirked but unfortunately, that was not enough to cause him pain and instead just angered him even more as this time he fully pierced me through the air before throwing me against the wall! Boom! I coughed out more blood but this time, my entire body felt weak and heavy and I couldn't move an inch

"Zero!" Claire tried to rush towards me but Azrail scythe was aimed at her. Gritting her teeth she used her rope to stop the scythe. As the scythe paused in air, Azazel dashed towards it and threw off the scythe using his own sword.

Azazel gritted his teeth and fought with Azrail using only their blades, it was obvious that Azrail was going easy on him which insulted Azazel to the core. Gritting his teeth he used all his strength, trying to force out Azrail's true strength but to a no avail, failed.

Claire reached me and held my face, I said "You-…retreat" as my head slowly fell. Claire watched it with tears in her eyes, she was not a doctor or know any healing magic. Seeing my tattered appearance, she knew she couldn't do anything.

Crying Claire held my collar cursing. I on the other hand was surprised, why would she cry, for someone like me? Who she had only met for a few days...Then, I lost consciousness…


I faded into the darkness, I couldn't see or hear anything. I was floating as my body shone with bright white lights, I was floating aimlessly….

Just then, I saw the familiar white aura - like appear before me, but this was not a [Judge] I was familiar with.

[Judge "###" asks "Would you like to become my [Defendant]?]

I widened my eyes slightly, who is this? Why is this [Judge] name hidden? Why don't I recall such a [Judge] in the game? Countless of thoughts flashed in my mind but still, I refused and said "No"

[Judge "###" says "Oh? It's truly unfortunate, I even liked your story, player Zero, Kim Iseul"]

Seeing this I became stunned and my whole body trembled, this [Judge] knows? How? As if knowing my question the [Judge] spoke, [Judge "###" says "That will be a secret, for now, I just need to know if you'll accept my offer"]

[Judge "###" says "I can give you strength and resurrect you momentarily, in exchange, I would like to have your soul"]

My soul? I was confused but hearing this, I knew that this was not good. Just as I was about to refuse for the second time, an image flashed before me. It was Claire and Azazel. I watched as they fought Azrail and did not retreat!

I was angry and shouted crazily "Why don't you retreat! You can't defeat it! You'll die!" Alas they could not hear my voice and slowly, I watched them get beaten. Claire was pierced as Azazel was slashed, I felt hopeless and for the first time, felt true despair. What is despair? Despair, is the complete loss or absence of hope, and I can only feel it when I saw someone precious to me die, which is something I haven't felt before, but now, I watched as it slowly unfold before me

Suddenly, the mysterious [Judge] spoke again, this time, in a tempting voice. [Judge "###" says "Are you still not going to accept my offer? With this power I hold, you can easily defeat Azrail"]

I stared at the message and I gritted my teeth, this was obviously a temptation of the devil. I knew it very well, but, what can I lose though? My life? That means nothing to me, but there is something that I can lose and that is, my companions.

Gritting my teeth I looked at the message with determination in my eyes and slowly, my mouth opened as I said "I accept"

[Judge "###" says "Very well then, in exchange for my power and momentary resurrection, you'll give me your soul"] With those words, I felt my vision slowly changed before it went completely dark.


"Ahhhh!" Claire screamed as she was pierced by the scythe before before thrown against the wall, fortunately the cut was not deep and she is still able to fight. Azazel on the other hand was slashed on his chest but was still standing straight, ignoring the pain.

Azrail laughed and just as his wings opened and was about to slash his scythe at them, something fast came unknowingly before--


Azrail froze as he saw that his left wing was cut and his black feathers fall, {What…}


Azazel and Claire was also shocked and thought 'What happened…?' Then, they saw something that shocked them even further. Everyone looked at a certain direction and saw something that felt like a miracle. I, who should've been dead, was standing straight with my head lowered. Slowly I raised my head and everyone saw something terrifying, my eyes were bright ruby red but was motionless, as if I was staring at a corpse. Slowly, I walked towards Azrail steadily, unarmed.

Azrail glared at me fiercely which should've caused me to feel pressure but to my surprise, I felt nothing. Then, my speed increased before suddenly I appeared before him! Azrail was shocked and tried to swung his scythe at me but I made another move that shocked him, I held the blade of the scythe and did not even scratched me. Crash! His scythe was crushed by a mere force I used. His eyes trembled and tried to fly back but found that even his other wing was also cut!

Azrail stared at me with red eyes but then froze. The moment he stared into my eyes, it felt as if he was looking at an endless abyss. It was dark, eerie, and terrifying.

Before Azrail even know it, his neck was decapitated merely by using my fingers. Thud! His head fell with a horrified look in his face as his body remained standing. Silence fell through the entire room. I was standing still, motionless but it still gave off great pressure that made Claire and Azazel unconsciously raise their vigilance at me.

Claire gulped before slowly took a step forward towards me and asked in a hesitant voice "Z- Zero?"

My head slightly raised before turning towards them, then, they saw something that made them shudder. My eyes were dull and felt as if I was seeing through them, as if I was looking from above them. Then, my red eyes slowly turned back to black before I fell to the ground.

"Zero!" Claire and Azazel ran towards me, picking me up. Coughing I forced a smile and reached out my hand, saying in a hoarse voice, "Here…the 'Core of Light'" My hands slowly revealed a white orb and everyone knew at glance that it was the 'Core of Light', the one everyone had been looking for to become a [Guide]

Azazel held the 'Core of Light' and frowned. I laughed at his reaction and asked "What? Aren't you supposed to be happy?" Azazel just stared at me coldly and I coughed out more blood. Just as I was about to die again, Azazel suddenly put the 'Core of Light' to my chest! "You…" Just as I was stunned, the 'Core of Light' went inside of me and slowly, I felt my entire body healing. Claire and I widened our eyes and Azazel explained "The 'Core of Light' can also cure people, that is something only a few people know"

"Why?" I asked, wanting to know why he would waste the 'Core of Light' for me. Azazel frowned and said "You were the one who obtained me, not me nor her" she said pointing at Claire with his chin. Claire agreed and said "Your life matters more than becoming a [Guide]." this time I couldn't help asking. "Why? Everyone risked their life to obtain this so it's normal for someone to die in the process, what's more, why should I deserve to live?" Hearing this both of them were stunned and knew immediately that I think very low of my life and so frowned but did not speak about it.

As my body finally healed I found that my bag along with the other wooden equipment were broken and sighed in disappointment. Standing up I said "So, let's go now then?"

"Go where?" Claire asked and I replied "To the [Trial] entrance of course, we failed so it's normal we go back now"

Claire and Azazel lowered their eyes before agreeing. Just as we left the temple, I stopped and looked back, lost in thought. 'Now that I was revived, I wonder what happened to that [Judge]…'

"Zero?" Claire called out and I was silent before turning and said "It's nothing"

Unbeknownst to me, the mysterious [Judge] was watching everything and said [Judge "###" says "His journey will truly be an interesting story…I can't wait to see the end of it]


Getting back at the Dark City, we were greeted by Sara and immediately took us to the infirmary. Sara asked what happened and I told her everything that happened, well, almost everything. Sara was surprised and immediately stared at us with shining eyes which made me shiver for some reason.

Azazel looked around and said "The last time I got here, there was no lights…" Sara hummed in reply and said "Yes, it was thanks to Zero that we were finally able to have lights and see each other"

Azazel became silent and looked at me while I was busy talking to Claire. Narrowing his eyes he thought 'Just who exactly are you, Zero?'


While I was left at the infirmary and fell asleep, the window opened and three figures entered. One of them held a dagger and was about to stab me when I opened my eyes and held it, preventing it from stabbing me.

The three figure were surprised and I asked as I sat up "Who sent you here?" The figures were angry and immediately held their daggers towards me, but thanks to one of my [Skill] I was able to see their movements and dodge it.

After killing two of them I left the remaining one alive and disabled him as I said "I'll ask once again, who sent you here?" The figure did not speak and I became impatient and took off it's hood, then, I finally remembered. It was the group that tried to attack me the first time I entered the Dark City. It was probably the companions of that Marcus guy.

Knowing the information I need I let the figure go. The figure was confused but still ran away. I counted until five seconds before grinning. 'Time to catch some rats'


The figure finally returned to the base and said the unfortunate news. The leader was mad and his whole body trembled in anger as he said "That bastard! I'll kill him myself!"

"Then go and try it"

Suddenly, they heard an unfamiliar voice and looked over towards the direction where the figure came from and saw me standing there, with a mocking grin on my face.

"It's you!" The figure shouted and the leader frowned before saying "I guess it will be easier for me now then" I scoffed and said "I could say the same thing to you"

The leader frowned and said "Kill him" with his order, everyone dashed towards me with their daggers and aimed their wooden guns.

I grinned and held out the small wooden device and transformed into a giant missile gun. Everyone was shock. Unfortunately for them, during the day I did not actually rested and instead created more wooden weapons. With a wide grin I said "Goodbye"

Sorry if this chapter was a little confusing T_T

IrisClairecreators' thoughts