
Terrified eco & Olivia grenville with mighty king oliver grenville laughter

At present at peaceful jasmine courtyard

Eco grenville saw aranyani who was obedient, inspite of having many doubts........

He glanced at his royal father and royal mother ,who were seeing at him enthusiastically.........

Eco talks less,and the reason behind it is ,he was introvert and often feels shy to express his feelings........

Ofcourse ,this was a big secret that he himself know ,he didn't wanted to expose it to anyone ,but facing aranyani he won't feel any shy and talks wholeheartedly with lot of ease and comfort but when he faces his father and mother he often feels shy to a large extend so much so that he end up saying yes or hmmmm without uttering a word more or less.............

The way aranyani, royal mother and royal father were gazing at him ,made him feel uncomfortable, he was also feeling shy and wanted to escape but he can't..........