
Super mommy iris Ru

hey readers I had posted the pics of baby aranyani in community page please check the pictures and please do comment on the chapters I feel really grateful reading your comments as this my first time writing a novel don't be silent reader please please comment on it..........

After a long time recovering from her shock iris smilingly shaking her head felt grateful......

In her heart she felt that ,My baby is lucky to have such a godmother tigress oh my god it's unbelievable.......

Wild animals are better than men atleast they are more caring than that cruel men who had heart to hit her wife when she is carrying that to her months were full and she can deliver anytime......

Hatred filled her heart against every men in the world she promised to herself no matter what, she will protect her daughter from all men of the world....

she will grow up in forest and will be having joyful and better life than in the palace.....

she slowly went to the tigress she was slightly frightened but she kneeled down in front of the tigress and with both hands folded together she thanked the tigress and showed her gratitude........

The tigress came in front of iris and suddenly iris hugged the mother tigress and cried thanking her .....

Iris mother was super talented she as princess grown up in palace was having knowledge of making handlooms clothes, cooking , painting, making furniture from wood, extracting oil from sunflowers, building huts, growing vegetables, making silk from silkworms which she learned from yellow emperors .......

yes silk is obtained from silk worm, the wife of mythical yellow emperor hsi-ling-shih was a far away relative of iris Ru.......

once on her 16th birthday iris Ru visited, Inspite of far away relatives hsi-ling-shih loved iris a lot and as her birthday gift she shared her experience ........

Iris on your birthday I will share a big secret with you you need to keep it to yourself and I believe in you will you.......

For that iris nodded her head enthusiastically to know the secret.......

Hsi-ling-shih said that when i was having my tea in mulberry garden, accidentally cocoon got dropped in my tea and when I had taken the cocoon from the tea i visualized a shiny thread coming out of the cocoon then i made research and found seri culture and inventing loom upon which silk is woven........

I will make you learn how to do it.......

Thinking of the incident she smiled to her self she was determined to find mulberries plants in this forest and will obtain silk from it and make her princess daughter look lavishing......

Iris was in her thoughts meanwhile mother elephant bought ripen bananas, papayas, grapes and some exotic fruits for iris .......

seeing all the fruits iris suddenly felt hungry and not waiting for anything she started having her lunch......

seeing this scence mother elephant made a huge sound which represented her happiness in helping iris.....

Iris smiled at mother elephant and said,your too kind to me how will I return your favour in this life time thanking for saving my daughter and me today ......

mother elephant made an other sound expressing her happiness......

All the angles who blessed aranyani, thinking of future they created sunflower crops, wheat crop cotton crops, beside it were mulberries plants plenty of silkworms present on it.......

many pumpkins , mushrooms, potatoes, sweet potatoes and even they were cows to have milk from them......

After having lunch iris thought deeply and named her daughter aranyani which means goddesses of forest.........

As forest had saved her and tigress and elephant helped her and her daughter, she gave her daughter a name Aranyani which has a deep meaning in it......

she made a flower bed with purple and white flowers which were bought by baby elephant for her daughter and placed her in it while aranyani was sleeping peacefully in the bed.....

she left 4 Cubs and baby elephant to take care of aranyani and left the cave and to her surprise she found sunflower crop, cotton crop,mushrooms, pumpkins, so on.....

she was delighted seeing mulberry plants and started making loom and whole day with the help of giant elephant and tigress she was able to yearn a silk and with the blue berries she dyed the cloth into violet colour and was happy seeing the piece of cloth and wanted to wrap aranyani in violet silk cloth.......

she arranged a temporary fire stove and with the help of stones she made fire with fallen sticks in the forest and she baked potatoes, pumpkins and sweet potatoes and had her dinner in a thought that she can feed her daughter milk.......

she rested whole nite in the cave with tigress and 4cubs and giant elephant and baby elephant, it was her family a new kind of family she was happy spending time here.......

hey reader do you believe in mother nature and do you believe in nature protecting human kind....

please share your thoughts with me.....