
She is sweetheart of my sweetheart

After few minutes of staring, king Oliver grenville spoke,giving up the staring contest..........

Dear son,i respect your choice ,but you need to know how she end up in the forest, what circumstances made animals her family,how she stuck in the forest for this long not knowing about outer world and who are her biological parents, if you choose her to be your soulmate, you need to make her perfect to be the queen of grenville dynasty.............

Without the wisdom she can't survive ,she is courageous i can see it,but she lack knowledge,how your going to make her a perfect queen of grenville dynasty?............

Eco grenville was suprised,he never expected his royal father to accept her,how many dynasties kings sacrificed their son's happiness in binding their son to a powerful dynasty princesses to make themselves powerful and to stabilise their power,who can accept a girl who has no background on top of it,she is grown up in forest............