
Little by little ,day by day, what meant for you ,will find it way

Aranyani was still, listening to eco, she was happy atvthe same time she was confused, now she really wanted to show her mark to her father and probe iris ru innocence but after knowing the truth she was in dilemma...........

Eco was observing her very keenly and he understood her feelings.........

He gently kissed the glowing mark on her neck tenderly .........

Aranyani shook and was in total daze ..........

Eco gently turned her body and they both stood face to face ..........

He with soft tone said........

Aru, i know you wanted to prove your mom innocence and have a good bonding with your father,but you also think that even you show the evidence, without knowing the full truth,we may not clear all the misunderstandings..............

so, lets find out the truth.......

Littel by little,day by day,what meant for you will find it's way.......

so, lets wait to unreveal the truth.......