
letter from aranyani to mother iris ru

When iris ru was still struggling to distinguish between reality and dream a green parrot landed on her tummy with an envelop on it's mouth..........

Iris ru suddenly had a smell of jasmine coming out of the envelope she didn't bother with any thing because she know that aranyani has an habit of adding jasmine fragnance to her ink.........

She sat up from bed with lot of difficulty and eagerly reached to take the letter from cute little green parrot whonwas none other then greenow..........

She opened the letter eagerly her moments were very clumsy but she didn't bothered ...........

Rocher ru who was sobbing was dumbstruck by seeing iris ru out of comma and was frozen seeing her all well.........

Iris ru started reading the letter with her eyes........

Mother my lovely cute mother iam so happy that your finally awake, hoo your wondering how do i know that your awake right it's the hidden talent of your daughter.........