
Iris ru and olivia ru disagreements and a argument making aru confuse.....

Iris ru rushed to aranyani's room where Olivia grenville was making her tresses with utmost care........

Iris ru felt jelaous at the same time happy for her daughter that she won't lack motherly love when she goes to her husband's kingdom........

Iris ru to join her, she started giving many instructions to aranyani..........

My darling princess, be very obedient to eco tonight, never question him, don't make him angry and don't start asking your never ending questions and doubts to him........

darling aranyani, don't always listen to your mother..........

you have absolutely rights to be naughty, after all he is yours and only yours one and only husband now, so you can be like however you like to be don't be so obedient to my son, whatever you feel like asking him ask him immediately, be angry on him if you don't like anything he does to you, if you wanted beat him beat him hard,he deserve it,said olivia domineeringly........