
He is elowen grenville your cousin brother

Five minutes were over and eco started questioning arushi ru........

who is the black masked man???

He is elowen grenville your cousin brother!!! .........

rocher ru"_"

Dillon "_"


eco "_"

Where he had taken my aru???

Far away, very very far away ..........

exactly where????

i don't know.......

when did he planned ???

long ago, when he saw aranyani in rosely courtyard for the first time from than on he followed aranyani all the way to ru dynasty he knows everything about aranyani and he planned taking her away ...........

What his intentions are???

ha ha ha, he is madly in love with that stupid aranyani and he said he will never return and spand his whole life with her.........


everyone present were shocked listening to her..........

you say me , where he have taken aru orelse i will kill you ???

hahaha, eco how much do you love your aru, iam shocked seeing your love towards her.........