
Eco.........!!!! am i in love with you???

All the troublesome in laws family started there journey towards the sea under eco grenville arrangements .........

As expected pluffy came at night and said them the first stop where there were hundres and so hidden soildeirs of elowen guarding the route........

eco and pluffy communicated with some touch and scratches and eco made a plan according to it along with rocher ru , eco planned a silent attack so that any one of them won't send an warning message to elowen and make him escape or alert..........

Eco and rocher ru with lightness skills broke all the soildiers necks in one single night without making any noise ,pluffy asusual ran back to pintu and mintu to trace greeno............

In this way the plan went according to eco and with lot of efforts from rocher ru and eco cleared all the obstacles cleverly and were very near to their destination.........