
Eco's encounter with the mini versions of aranyani beloved family .

Eco who was busy with the dealings of kingdom issues hadn't know about the suprise visit of mini version of humpty, four daring darlings , mintu and pintu and his all time loyal companion pluffy .

When he completed the morning meeting of all state ministers and went eagerly to see his mini versions was stunned seeing every mini version of his wife beloved family surrounding his mini version and flattering them now and than.

The most active and naughty were the three kids of pluffy and huffy,wagging their attractive tails and tinkling his son's now and them and making them giggle now and than.

They were so busy and looked so naughty, what made him more wonder was second baby was not sleeping and was playing with them all,he was trying to catch the mini versions of mintu and pintu shaking his cute little hands actively.