
Daisies greatness!!!

Olivia grenville enjoyed aranyani's company vice versa aranyani too, as both were really good , innocent and easy going.............

Aranyani was talking to olivia grenville and emerged into her so much ,suddenly mintu and pintu landed on her shoulder,than she realized that she need to introduce them to mother olivia.............

Olivia Greenville felt the birds so so attarctive,as she never had any bird near to her,aranyani introduced them ,mother this is mintu and pintu my friends.........

They are so sobeautiful,said Olivia observing them keenly............

mintu and pintu common greet mother olivia, said aranyani teasingly to the birds...........

Mintu and pintu landed infront, on a table where olivia mother was sitting and bowed there head three times and chirping happily seeing olivia grenville with sparkling eyes...........