
Curiosity really kills the cat!!!

Eco was hell worried on how aranyani will be taking the blow, after knowing about opposite gender in this way ,after all her mother had hidden about men very well, it will be a big shock to her..............

will she be okay?,how she will react?what will be her condition ?All this thoughts were running wild in his heart,he was nervous and bit worried about how she will react to this,waiting outside the hut......

Eco thought, this girls reactions are very unpredictable ,her words were always beyond his expectations,which made him unbelievable to expect normal reaction from her..........

When he was trying to explain how big the world is , her complete focus was on the word frog and taking me complete negative as iam insulting her home,her focus was not at all at the main objective ...........

Ho god,who complaints, about comparing her with a frog,completely distracting the main topic,how her brain work??? he was really speechless............