
Coco lets go to our home......

After aranyani locked the door eco slowly opened his eyes and smiled happily.........

No one had ever sang a song for him to sleep till now, and the song aranyani sang for him was so melodious the lyrics were so heart touching.........

You silly heart, why were you beating that loudly while listening to the song, what if she caught us murmured eco with a pleasant smile on his face

Eco hum the same song for a long time........

Than drifted into the sleep happily.......

Next day very early in the morning he went to aranyani's room ........

Aranyani was still sleeping peacefully........

Eco was relucant to wake her up, but he knows very well that if he didn't wake her now , he knows very well that her father will not give him any time to have a chat with her........

As he was in dilemma thinking what to do, aranyani lazily opned her eyes and said, good morning coco.........

Eco smiled and said, very good morning aru........