
Be patient with yourself,the rarest flower takes longest to bloom

Dillon automatically showed his hand to clap with aranyani with full wide bright smile,aranyani too was naturally smiling and clapped her hand with dillon ,all this happen very naturally..........

Eco felt jealous and dragged aranyani holding her wrist into the palace.........

Aranyani was stupefied but didn't utter a single word seeing his face which was cold and frightening.........

As soon as they reached aranyani's room,aranyani hugged eco tightly............

Eco was frozen on his spot and his eyed were wide open...........

Hey beasty monster ,i just loved your suprise,hoo my god,dimpy and dimpu they were so cute and i loved them.........

Eco's jelousy and anger all melted away and he just said hmmmmm............

aranyani withdrawn her hug,with sparkling eyes she saw eco,who was asusual cold and expressionless like a giant ice berg............