
Aranyani shyness took away the heart of eco........

Eco pov

As usual i made a beautiful flower crown for my aru but i had an uneasy feeling that something gonna happen but couldn't justify such heart wrenching feeling.........

aranyani had a bath in waterfall with everyone including new family member huffy and dumpty and snowy too now pluffy and snowy are totally enchanted by my aru and i couldn't stop them and i feel jelous as the same time happy too that my aru is such a sweetheart for everyone and loved by everyone ..........

Gajja and humpty and more mischevious dumpty always throw water through their trunk like a beautiful rainfall on aru which she enjoys like a very mischievous small kid sometimes enjoyingg, sometimes scolding them sweetly.............

I always want to hug my aru which i always do with my eyes as not to make her confuse and i was bit afraid of her questions to which iam gonna clear on our wedding night..........