
Aranyani's food cravings and her babies kicks...



hmmm, yes,yes, yeah ,yeah,said eco eagerly waking from his sleep.........

I want orange pudding...


hmmm, iam hungry......

but the time is two a.m......

But i feel hungry and i want only orange pudding......

okay, i will be right back with your orange pudding , be good, be honest ,be obedient, don't jump and run here and there when iam not around ,aru if your not ,you know what will i do......

Yes,i know you will tie me with a rope obstructing my legs to move which you have already done many times ..........

Aranyani started counting on her fingers and said, i will be good,honest, obedient and what else.......

Good my sweet wife is really good now a days, she is too good, too obedient, and honest and listen's to my every word........

That's because of my belly is making me difficult to move , how much big it had grown, hubby guess how many babies it have, it been only five months and see it's too huge........