
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantasie
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60 Chs


It takes but a few seconds to calm down, I do it in record time even, much better than when I started, it is as they say, practice does make perfect.

I shake off the supporting hands of my guards and turn to the staring workers. ''Hurry up, we are leaving as soon as you finish!'' I planned to use the mixture on the hole before we left, not anymore, I really don't feel like risking my life any more than needed.

The workers heed my words and get back to work, they were about two-thirds done, and the hardest part was at the beginning when they were not used to digging, not that they got the hang of it the work speed is much higher.

They should be done within the next hour so we will be back to town slightly before sunset.

''Sir Caspian, is anything not to your liking?'' Vun asked me that, and I respond in kind. ''No Vun, something happened to my magical summon, it surprised me greatly, that is all''.

With a worried expression, he says. ''Is it dangerous?''. Good question, I don't know, probably.

''No need to worry, it happened deep within the forest, the summon most likely touched upon the territory of some forest-dwelling spook, I doubt it knows we are here''. This did seem to calm him down slightly, but then the other guard, Ubam, also asks.

''What did it look like Boss?''. Like a 3 meters tall pirate. ''I did not see it, I just felt the summon get... obliterated?''

Speaking of summons, I concentrate and create another one, a flash of purple light covering the snow, I then send it directly upwards, my cloak fluttering as it flies away from me.

I think this is the biggest I ever made a bird, about the size of an eagle this time.

A yelp interrupts my line of thought, one of the workers got scared, I turn my head and look his way.

With an uncertain voice, he says. ''Sir, you said you were not a mage, why did you lie to us?'' What, when did that happen?

''I did not lie to you, you asked me if I knew fire magic, which I do not know, and if I am a mage, which I am not, where exactly is the lie?''

Another one says. ''You used magic, therefore you must be a mage!''. How do you come to this conclusion, literally the first thing you learn about magic is the ranking system.

''While I can use magic I am not nearly good enough to be considered a mage, how do you not know this?'' I am quite curious actually.

''Sir why would we know anything about magic, no one here is qualified enough to learn!''. Qualified enough to learn, what is that about?.

''Just go to the library and read some books, it is easy enough, all you lack is the drive for knowledge''. It is open for people to just go and read, no one stopped me from entering, there arent any guards either, some librarians at best, ones that give you open flames to use as lighting inside so not very good ones at that.

With an offended face, the man spews out. ''The library? Why would I spend my time in such a place inspecting those pagan texts, all great mages are taught by a teacher!''. Oh boy, I forgot where I am, people in this world do not seem to appreciate books very much, I would love to call them ignorant but then again the danger of death is much closer to them than to people in my time.

''Then have any of you even read a single book?'' No one answers. ''How many of you know how to read?'' this time 2 humans raise their hands, the annoying teenager included.

Yeah, I did not expect much but this is much worse than I thought. turning back I look over to my guards. ''What about you, do you know how to read?''. Vun keeps looking at me and nods while Ubam looks away. Great, the grandpa can read while the 30-year-old can not, fair enough.

I overestimated this world way too much, these people are just not what I am used to.

With a sigh I decide that enough is enough, I wasted too much time on this already, let's end this. ''Get back to work you lot, and just so you know, I can use magic but I am not a mage. Also, learn to read and you may also just become able to use magic in the future, now, less gawking, more digging''.

I sat back on my log next to the fire and unhurriedly tried to connect to my new summon. I pushed and pulled on the connection a bit until the world changed and I found myself above the forest, very high up, so high up that I could barely see the smoke created by the fire.

From up there, I can not see much due to the limited vision, so I decide to get lower and head further into the forest with the ground being barely into my vision range, I am doing this so that the bird can be as far from the trees as it can.

The bird just scouts around the camp in circles making sure nothing comes near us, it just goes around again and again until someone touches my shoulder therefore returning my sense to my body.

''Sir Caspian, we are done, do inspect the hole if you will''. Finally, let me see what you have been doing all this time. I get up and approach the small hill of soil that has been excavated, right next to it there is a very deep hole, as in deeper than a grave. If I fell in there it would take a while to get back up.

''Quickly paint the sides using the oil and let us be on our way''. Come on now, don't look at me like that.

A laborer raises his hand slowly and says.''But sir Caspian we don't have the tools to...''

''You have your hands!'' I snapped at them. ''Now get on with it!'' I don't want to spend any more time than necessary in this forest.

The workers smeared their hands in the foul-smelling mixture that we prepared beforehand and started to paint the sides of the hole. The mixture seemed to turn solid when touching the cold damp soil creating a barrier of sorts.

Maybe filling it with water would even make it easier, but I digress.

''This will do, cover it up with some branches and spread the soil around then we will leave''.

The work was done swiftly and soon we were returning the way we came. Feeling that this went a bit too smoothly I send the bird ahead and order it to pull if it sees anything.


The men were chatting happily while walking, talking about their families, what they would do with the money, about how easy the work was, normal stuff. I too was quite excited to finally finish this dangerous segment of my wooden plan, until I felt a tug on my connection that is.

''Stop''. I say. ''Wait for just a moment I have to deal with some... magical issues'' Everyone stops to look at me, understandingly enough.

My guards get into position between me and the workers, they probably know I will not be paying attention to my body.

And so I pull on the still vibrating connection and find myself right above the area where the forward camp was, I could see several huts, including the one that collapsed earlier today. The strange thing is that there is nothing else here, I ordered it to inform me if it saw anything. Did that somehow also include the huts?.

I doubt that. What did my bird see?. I tell it to fly closer and it does, I still see nothing yet I steer on the side of caution and have it as far from the ground as possible.

And as the bird gets closer to the huts it eventually reaches right above them and I still see nothing. It must have been a mistake, magic is not perfect, something must have... CRACK!

My eyes open wide at what I just witnessed. I feel like I have to remind myself that there is no sound while controlling the bird, and yet I feel my blood freeze as a log snaps in two right below me.

I am flying right above the collapsed hut, this small house, when built, had a large log placed in the middle as a central support, this log had also fallen down together with the rest of the hut, it now rested half inside the snow half outside, still acting as support for the ruble, and yet, this log, with a thickness much superior to my waist, just snapped broken in half.

It, snapped, in, half. Yet there is nothing in my vision, the wind could not have done that I am sure. Doubt fills my mind as I notice the snow, it is full of odd markings that were not there when we first arrived.

I was too distracted by the houses to notice at first, but looking at the area they are very obvious. It is as if people took 5 centimeters thick tubes and just poked holes everywhere.

My mind then suddenly recalls a piece of information I have read previously, namely, Vulnogs have very thin legs.

Oh no, no no no no no no, this cannot be, why can I not see the goddamn things. I know that they are down there, they snapped the sunken log, which must mean that they are hiding underneath the snow.

I bet that they are just below me, but how to know for sure?. There are two ways that come to mind, bomb them with the summon and see if it dies, this is not optimal, and the second is bait them with the bird, have it fly away, and see if they fall for it and come out.

I pick the second option and make the bird fly towards the city, away from the forest. At first, there is nothing, but then, as the bird got closer, the snow below rushes upwards as if someone planted explosives underneath the thick canopy that formed over the forest ground.

I could see it now, the winter beast, easily two and a half meters tall, probably three to four long, can't even tell from where it's standing. Its enormous snout is open showing several rows of serrated teeth, it would make even a shark jealous.

I have my bird fly back and try to dodge the beast, it does so perfectly only for the sole Vulnog to dash after it. It is running but it would be more appropriate to say that it is gliding on snow at an extreme speed, about Olympic runner extreme speed to be more exact.

The madam was right, I am not outrunning these things.

It is blocking the way to the city. The only thing I could try is to bait it, so the bird starts flying away from both the city and my current location, in other words, I sent it in a random direction.

It worked for a while, only for a while that is, after but a few seconds the Vulnog stop following me and quickly return to where this all started, to the huts.

Why? What can I even do at this point? It is standing between me and the city, I can't go around them, there is just an empty field, I will surely get spotted.

My heart fills with worry as I feel a touch on my shoulder. ''Sir Caspian, is everything alright?''.

I open my eyes and meet the stares of both my guards and workers, an idea comes to mind followed by a feeling of guilt.

Will it really come down to this?

So for those who want to know why I have not been writing these last few days, that is because i have a set amount of free time to write and I decided to spend that free time not writing but playing Bannerlord instead.

MrRereadercreators' thoughts