
Apparently the dungeons now my home

Trever_Dunn_6442 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

What happened?

I wake up in my room like any other day. Except I didn't hear my alarm go off for work.

I picked up my phone to check the time. The screen doesn't even attempt to turn on.

I stand up, look around my room still kind of Waking Up. I opened my door to the hallway but instead of seeing the hallway I see a dimly lit corridor with moss on the floor.

It looks like a cave outside of my bedroom door. I close and lock the door while proceeding to lean up against it.

" What the fuck is going on am I still sleeping?" And then pinch myself to see if I'm still sleeping or awake.

I then search around my room for my machete and large Rambo knife. And then get dressed.

I decided to open up my door again and try to see what's out there. In the distance like 50 or so feet down the cave I see something about half the size of me.

As I get closer I can see the creature better it looks like a humanoid figure but it's made out of wood there are also white lion's mane looking mushrooms all over the neck and stomach of the monster.

Once I got about 30 feet from it. It started charging strait at me. As it got close to me I moved out of the way the last second Narrowly missing it's attack. It stumbled and fell as I got out of the way because it was trying to tackle me and thought it was going to hit me. While it was on the ground, I took the opportunity to hack at the back of its neck.

CONGRATULATIONS You have successfully killed a Barkling level 1 [infected By lion's main Mushrooms].

Congratulations you have Leveled up, You are now level 1.

Congratulations you have aquired 2 Bronze Coins

let me know if you guys want more