
Apollo Mecha

Mecha's are the key for control. That is how the big threat of control is managed by criminal gangs loom the planet of Caltorix, upon a fateful night one adult's life will change. He'll be challenged to climb out or fall, engage in battles with unsuspecting foes.

17rapidz · sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1, "Control"

Mechas, also known as Titans to some. But no matter what you call these colossal, gigantic suits of war and protection. They are the cause of the modern galaxy's control. However, between these years that they were mass produced that meant it opened a vastly prosperous market to be explored. 

Soon, guilds would form after this seizing control of mining locations. These guilds, in a time of Mechas, would easily be able to now begin taking areas to expand their business without the regulated enforcers due to less spending.

Criminal gangs would pop up throughout these planets and cities, as a way to be an underling of the guilds. They existed to distribute and regulate authority while not being surveyed by the law enforcement.

In the bustling streets, packed with people, the young adult man would turn left to the alleyway.

"Yo! Apollo!" the other man would call out. 

Apollo moved towards him, speaking as he moved.

"Hey...long time no see, Cassius." Apollo would respond.

As he arrived there, they would move both of their hands for a firm handshake.

"What's up! How's the mechanic work going?" Cassius asked.

"It's good, I managed to now establish it, got it off the ground and now it's stable. Come on. Let's move to my shop, come see it!" Apollo responded.

"It's all good having the business, but on a planet like this? And the city, even these...parts?" Cassius questioned Apollo, nervous in his friend's choice.

"Don't worry, it's all good man. One day, this mechanic stuff will work out! We're in an age of technology!" Apollo proclaimed

"Yeah, yeah...then you'll be running to someone next!" Cassius replied.

"Whatever, just shut up. You know I'm right!" Apollo snapped back.

"Mhmm..." Cassius said in a sarcastic tone.

The pair of them moved towards the mechanic shop, when they got there, Apollo would show Cassius around the shop.

"Well? How do you like it?" Apollo asked.

The shop detailed a turquoise wall, with a pearly concrete floor. It had wooden chairs situated next to the glass wall, onlooking the shop. Opposite to this was a marble counter, having the real garage behind it to work on cars and other machinery behind the scenes of observers. It was well maintained.

"Rat's nest would be nicer, probably gets more girls than this stinker. I guess your less suspectable to get robbed, looking at the condition of this and all." Cassius replied in a jokingly manner.

"What do you mean, it's amazing here. Customers will flock inwards from afar for my services." Apollo now said.

Cassius laughed as Apollo said this.

They both knew that the shop was in a great condition, however Cassius feared the looming threats of criminal gangs could get Apollo and his family in trouble over the shop. 

"Apollo, I got to go now. I have to go near some market, pick up some materials and food. You know, the normal." Cassius said.

"Alright, see you later, my parents are coming later on so I got to get ready." Apollo replied.

"Yep." Cassius nodded as he spoke.

Fast forward to later on that night, after some online orders were placed, Yuri was on overtime. It was beginning to become a darkened, dusky and nonvisible city outside the bright insides of the shop. 

However, it was this mistake that cost Apollo a huge amount. 

"Ay!" Gang-leader walked into the shop, the door ringing. Her chain wrapped around her hair, with her biker jacket on and helmet. She was wearing jorts, with the biker jacket wrapping around her crop top. Sunglasses on, she now took the sunglasses off then looking at Apollo.

She then turned around to the gang members.

"This ain't a too shabby place, eh?" She spoke.

"Not to bad, Capella. Reckon this could be used for our expanding business?" One of the gang members said to the leader.

"Could be good for expanding our territory and influence. Hm, we'll take it." Capella, the gang leader spoke.

Apollo, as he overheard this thought that they were going to buy the place. In his uniform, he now patted off the dust from his apron. He took his gloves off then walked to the counter.

"Hello? Is there anything I can do for you?" Apollo asked Capella.

"Mhmm, you can make this shop ours now." Capella demanded.

"Huh-" Apollo said.

Apollo was shocked.

"I mean, even if I was going to accept. Why would I?" Yuri questioned Capella.

"You don't want to deal with us now do you?" Capella responded.

She flung back her jacket off to the side, revealing some of her weaponry. Revealing guns, knifes and other sorts of weapons.

As Capella said this, Apollo's parents were coming to visit the shop to see how it was going after the 6 month anniversary of it being opened.

Apollo saw his parents coming this way, realizing he had forgot about them coming.

"Oh, shit." He muttered under his breath.

Capella put the side of the jacket back now.

"So what's it going to be? I don't have time to be dealing with you, or I'll you know. Just take it by force." Capella asserted her terms.

Apollo's parents walked in now.

"Yuri! It's been such a long time since I've seen you my son! I wanted to see how the business was going!" Apollo's mother exclaimed.

"Oh. Did we interrupt anything?" Apollo's father said.

"Yeah, you shopkeeper's parents. You'll come with us and this shop will be taken over by us. You'll be one of the mules." Capella stated.

Capella, once she made her mind, it was final. Capella was not interested in this weak, mechanic. She was too ignorant to care.

"Leave, now shopkeeper. You get out of this and you go unharmed." Capella said not fearing the law enforcement's control.

Apollo was becoming enraged, he bolted towards Capella. As he ran at her, he pulled his arm back swiftly moving it into Capella's face.

"RAH." Capella screamed.

The gang members now grabbed Apollo from behind, slamming him to the ground.

Apollo was taken to a dumpsite, a trash centre. His family gone, without a trace. Nowhere to be seen, nor the gang or the shop.

"Why, why why! I shouldn't have...ugh. I knew it was right to do that morally, but it wasn't the time for that." Apollo screamed enraged.

"I am now in the dirt, SCAVENGING. As soon as I climb up. Gone, kicked down to feed off the trash like the rats of them all." Apollo said.

"I need to find that gang. I need to go make them pay for what they did. CAPELLA." Yuri said.

"Oh yeah? And who might you be? I mean even if you did want to get them, you'd need a mecha. Possibly a good mechanic as well, what's your name anyways?" An unknown woman said.

Apollo turned around, looking at the unknown woman dressed in a purple star-designed shirt with cloudy grey shorts.

"Oh, I'm Apollo. And I'm a mechanic. I'm not the most experienced though." He scratched his head as he answered the question.

"And you?" Apollo asked.

"I'm Zaniah, and I'm a pilot." Zaniah answered.

"So why'd you come here then talking to me?" Apollo questioned.

"I'd like to make a mecha crew, but I don't really want to be a leader. Not my type of thing if you get what I'm saying. This spot is an area where people normally stop by. It's one of the several moons." Zaniah answered.

"Sure, why not. Make a mecha crew. We'll do it. And uhh, where are we going to get the materials for the mechas? Do you have a ship." Apollo asked.

"Don't worry about that, follow me to this ship. It's a modified cargo cruiser." Zaniah responded.

Zaniah walked Apollo over to the ship, moving through the bustling port of the Moon. It was a parked ship detailing a cloudy, dusky grey small cargo ship. It had two artillery guns on both sides of it with enough space to carry 2 smaller light mechas. It had a medium sized cockpit with 3 bunkbeds and a holographic table.

"It's a good ship for the moment. We'll have to start making money though, those gangs around have larger organizations. We need to get some more members aswell." Apollo declared.

"You got it." Zaniah said.

They'd move to the holographic table.

"If we want to make some money, we will have to find some mining territory. But we'll probably have to fight some gangs." Zaniah reported.

Apollo nodded his head.

"What class-type mechas do you have?" Apollo asked.

"Some light infiltrators, they don't have good shields nor durability. However their explosive damage and speed can outmatch many gangs if used correctly." Zaniah stated.

Zaniah would think about the planets, discussing the current situation of mining territories in her mind. Then, finally thought of something.

"Let's go to it. I've decided the planet we'll be going to it's called Daidus. Not far, a mining territory that will have newer weakened but far more prosperous gangs." Zaniah declared.