
Apocalyptic Ravager

A catastrophic event engulfing the whole world had given birth to an unimaginable monster. The Ravager, The Embodiment of Destruction, Slayer of All. As his name sounds, he had killed everyone in the world. Hundreds of planet's worth of living beings were vanquished by him one after another. In a world where everyone absorbed the power and physiques of the foes they kill, he stood as the strongest and the most ruthless. Until he was killed by a mysterious entity known as Melina and returned to the past. With his ego buried deep within the soul of his former self, he lived through his everyday life as a human. But not for long. **** The start might be a bit slow-paced.

FortunateMonocle · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs

Taunt Part 2

However, seeing the state Adrian was in, Eve knew he pushed a little bit too hard.

Something was keeping Adrian from pouncing on Eve which confirmed that, Adrian, indeed received a quest from Melina.

Who knows when he might snap at this rate.

Eve could continue. He could continue and risk having his neck snapped. No, his neck breaking was almost guaranteed.

In the end, Eve's anger towards Adrian surpassed his self-preservation instincts, not that he had a lot in the first place.

He merely wanted to make Adrian a bit angry as revenge. Now, he hoped the bastard would collapse out of a heart attack right here and right now.

The bastard dared to act like nothing happened after almost killing Eve after all.

'And what did he say back then? Ah right, weakling was it?'

"I admit, it was quite bold of you to call someone weak." Eve smiled.

"You act all high and mighty around everyone as if you have seen it all and survived through it. You act like you're strong when in actuality, you're just drunk on borrowed power.

That soul power you have accumulated up until now? I'm saying it's mine, you pathetic coward."

Adrian snapped at last and made a beeline toward Eve.

His speed was unforeseen, with Eve's eyes still stuck on top of the rubble where he stood.

Adrian's fist connected with Eve's stomach, causing him to fly off a dozen meters.

Something bitter filled his mouth. 

Before he could realize what was up and what was down, Adrian sent another punch, this time, straight at Eve's jaw.

It dislocated, and blood dripped down from his mouth.


His fist flew straight toward Eve's face and it landed, causing Eve to drop down on the ground with a bloodied face.

Up until this point, considering the gap in physical ability between the two, he would have died from that attack alone.

But he didn't


Adrian slowed down, his attacks became sloppier with every millisecond that passed until he froze like a statue.

Adrian's fist stopped right above Eve's throat, shaking uncontrollably but unable to do anything.

Violence was prohibited amongst each other. That rule was further enforced when it concerned Eve.

The amount of work Melina did when she was designing the system paid off well. Her mastery of soul power had greatly improved since they met. This allowed her to do a couple of things.

After seeing how vengeful Adrian and Arco were towards Eve, Melina made some adjustments to their harvest condition.

One change was the rule of cooperation.

If a person assaulted another person within the group, the assaulter would be restrained.

Of course, everyone can't keep each other in check at all times so the restriction comes from the Harvest Condition.

The soul power that Adrian had accumulated up until now, the soul power that enhanced his cells turned against him, forcing limitations on him instead.

This was temporary, but it was more than enough time for someone to save Eve.

Covered in his blood, Eve smiled after a holographic screen flashed before his eyes.

Adrian was forced to bite his lips as he saw Eve smirk.

He wanted to punch him over and over, to make him feel pain for the tyranny that he had brought upon the world but he couldn't.

He was so close to him yet he was powerless.

That soul power you have accumulated up until now? I'm saying it's mine, you pathetic coward.

His taunts echoed in his head, over and over.

[Emergency mission, Survive, completed]

[Description: Adrian has gone berserk. Survive until the Rule of Cooperation takes effect]

[Mission Difficulty: High]

[Mission Danger: Lethal]

[Reward: 100 Exp]

[Penalty: Death]