
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · sci-fi
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22 Chs

Snatch the birthday gift

Yanlong opened the cardboard box.

The box is full of classy looking packers peanuts, signifying whatever's inside, it's fairly expensive.

Not snacks then.

Probably a designer bag?

However, designer bags this small do not exist.

Probably jewelry?

That's some insidious plan from HuoMei's stepmom.

A designer bag, even if it's very expensive, probably is an amount bearable for a rich family.

However, Jewelry is different. Despite its small size, it could easily house a jewel that Bill Gates himself would feel distressed when lost unexpectedly!

Imagine if HuoMei threw this away.

The stepmom will have a great excuse to complain about HuoMei, and stop her pocket money.

With her personality, HuoMei will only suffer.

Then, it will be all too easy for the stepmother to put an asshole in HuoMei's path.

This is what happened in the past.

HuoMei died saving an asshole white lotus, after giving all of her being to her family.

Yanlong dug out the goods inside the package.

It is a Feng Shui arrangement with nine gemstone varieties, all the size of a chicken egg.

Just looking at it, one would know their value is probably in millions of yuan.

"Do you want it back?" Yanlong asked awkwardly.

"No." Huomei answered decisively.

One can see this is a scheme against her almost immediately.

She threw away all the presents her step mother gave her till now.

Be it designer brand clothes or purses.

Yet, the value of these gemstones is on a different scale even for a rich kid like her.

If Huomei had thrown these away, then her step mother could complain to her father she doesn't know the value of money, if she accepted these, then it's equivalent to accepting a bribe.

Yanlong could understand all Huomei's thoughts as she knew about her family circumstances.

However, the apocalypse is coming, this is not a face slapping stepmother type novel. Even so, she could probably use this to an extent.

Yanlong shuffled closer to Huomei.

"Complain to your father that you don't have enough to spend. Ask him if he meant for you to go to a pawn shop to get money for these ugly stones." Yanlong whispered to Huomei.

Huomei looked at her with eyes full of questions. Obviously, she did not remember telling Yanlong about her family situation.

"Everyone knows your mother expired last year. This package is signed - love, Mother." Yanlong whispered back.

Huomei's ears burned red.

"That …! I am not talking to my father." she whispered back.

"Only you stand to lose that way." Yanlong counseled.

Huomei of her time has lost far too much because of the schemers.

Then, she decisively put the gemstones in her bag before leaving for the library.

She pushed Huomei out of her mind as soon as she walked out. She had far too little time to prepare, and she must use it as efficiently as possible.

Yanlong tallied the information in her head.

There is a ton of information in web novels about how to go about getting seeds, weapons and a vehicle, but all of those MCs seemed to have pretty good financial ability despite looking like losers and college students.

However, she could still collect all those seeds as long as samples existed.

She only needs a few packs, and she must get them vacuum packed.

Afterall, Yanlong did not have that kind of financial ability at this point.

At most, she can buy a strong hunting blade, all her credit card transactions are thoroughly checked by her mother.

So, a good hunting blade is probably the furthest extent of her preparations.

Why not sell off the gemstones in her bag?

Because she knows the military has launched a secret expedition to cities to collect all gemstones, especially jade during the ninth year of the apocalypse.

That means there is definitely something useful about these gemstones, so they are staying securely in her bag, even if she has to carry them around for nine years.

She could acquire enough supplies after the apocalypse arrives.

That is, if she moves fast enough. Yanlong is quite confident she could move relatively fast.

After all, there's no guarantee the apocalypse would occur in this world too.

Thus, just noting down suitable supply stores will do for now.

The only things she could buy within her budget was a set of lock picking tools.

She could make a quick delivery of the GPS tracker for her brother.

A mechanical watch and perhaps a set of flint stones too.

Who knows, this set of flint stones may save her life one day.

She could do all these things, if she embezzles her college fees.

However, if she does repurpose her college fees and a generic apocalypse did not occur, then a customized apocalypse will come for herself.

Yanlong thought for a moment and tried to imagine the horror that would unleash upon her if the apocalypse did not come...

her mother will probably put her in an emergency room all by herself.

Her little brother will look on in horror, unable to stop, forced to watch.

Her father will probably turn to the other side, giving her mother free reign.

Never mind!

The risk is too great if the apocalypse did come.

She's embezzling college fees.

If the apocalypse hasn't occurred, then she will pawn off the least expensive gem in this set of gems given by Huomei.

As for blowing her brains out after killing her family?

What is the point of giving up a test when you have the cheat sheet in your hands?

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