
Apocalypse Time


RH_Bajong_890 · Horror
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1 Chs

1. Zombie??


"What happened!?"

A man was lying on the floor covered with blood and as he rise his hand he was holding a knife.

" Thanks to you I was able to kill it" He thanking the knife and he turned his head to his right side he a saw a head with no body.

But that head was some what different because it was rotten and has a hole on the cheek. 

"Aughh disgusting" He slowly stand up, he was 190 cm tall and has black hair with black eyes he has build up body and was around the age of 20-25. He look around to make sure there is no more. 

After making sure it was he try to get closer to the door to close it.

Creak... He slowly close the door.

"Haa... What the hell was that? That's a zombie right but how the hell there is a zombie." He was confused that how there is a zombie.

"I was just coming back from the store and this bastard started chasing!" He remembers how he met this zombie.

He was coming from the store after buying some bears when he a person eating and bitting another person.

At first he thought that it was just a prank but.

He tried to ignore it but that person sees him and jump towards him he was caught off-guard but at the last moment he was able to safe himself.

But he was push down to the ground.

"Oi oi oi" the person tried to bite him.

"Hey can you stop it I don't like prank you know" he told the person to stop it but that person ignore it and was still trying to bite him.

As now he can see the face of that person clearly he saw that the face of that person was rotten and has a hole on the cheek.

"Shitt!!!" At that moment he knew that is was not a prank but a real one. He push the person away.

"Shitt a zombie you are kidding right it impossible right it not possible." He try to convince himself that it was not a zombie but at that moment the zombie stands up again and jump toward him.

But this time he dodge it.

He then began to run towards the street, he didn't think that there might be more zombie in the street.

So, as a result of not thinking about it there were zombies all around.

"AHH FUCK!" he stop running and slowly retreat the zombies did not notice him because all of them were chasing some people. But when he turn around he saw the zombie that was chasing him running towards him .

Then he try to open one of the house door right beside him.

And he was lucky that the door open he get inside the house and try to close the door but the zombie reach the door and try to bite him again, he was not able to close the door.

"Why the hell are you chasing me"

But the zombie didn't understand and growl at him and jump towards him but he role to his left side he look around and saw a table with with some fruits and a knife.

But the zombie stand up again and rush towards him but he dodge it again.

 He rush towards the table as the zombie was behind him and reach the table and pick up the knife. 

And when he turned around he saw the zombie flying toward him.

"Shit!!!" But this time he didn't dodge but instead he caught the zombie by the neck and throw him.

The zombie stand up and growl at him.


The zombie roar and rush towards him.

He then pick up the apple from the table and throw at the zombie forehead, his aim was perfect. As the apple hit his targets the zombie, lost it balance and crash on the table at that moment he try to cut th neck of the zombie but the knife was a Little small, and couldn't do much damaged but he didn't give up.

He step on the head of the zombie and try to cut it again. For 10 second he was cutting the neck of the zombie was able to cut it.

"Ha...ha... finally" as he was happy that he was able to kill the zombie and forgot about the fruit he throw at the zombie and he step on it and fell down.

(And that how it was in the beginning.)

"Aughh the blood i should take shower"

He was thinking of taking shower. 

"I don't know whose house is this but sorry about I am going to use your shower" he goes inside the shower room and starting showering.

"Zombie huh?" There when he was taking the shower and he was thinking about how to survive and find food, means he doesn't know whose house is this and if there is a food or not.

After he finishes his shower he came out and look around if there is cloth he can wear. 

He find a black t-shirt he could wear and long pants.

He then look around the house and saw picture of soldiers, with a old lady with him he or she might be the owner of the house.

He then look around for more and goes inside the kitchen, and was happy that there were some food.

"I can it this food for survival but this is limited." And he started looking around for more and come a across a door that lead downt.

"This might be the basement, there might be some weapons i could use." He open the door and goes inside, it was dark inside but not to dark he switch the light on and was shock.