
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · sci-fi
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70 Chs

Be the king

However, Eugene still asked the three women to go find out if anything major happened in the community and report to him every day from now on.


There was no choice; the internet was completely down, and the only way to get news was through word of mouth.


It felt like going back to primitive society overnight!


Reflecting on this, Eugene felt that apart from the communication disruptions, he wasn't really affected too much. He could still watch shows, movies, and play games.


Well, let's play games.


He found a new game, easy to pick up, and started playing.


The quality of the game was good, and Eugene was so sleepless that he stopped playing until late at night. He continued to play the game the next day, but his gaming addiction was interrupted because Cathy and the three girls came over.


He continued playing in the afternoon.


He played until 3 in the morning and finally completed the game.




He climbed into bed and slept until past 10 am the next day, feeling a bit of a headache.


Ah, gaming can be addictive. I shouldn't do this again.


Eugene reflected, preparing breakfast for himself and Leopard.


After breakfast, he went up to the third floor, looked out the window, and saw thick fog. Visibility was only about a meter. What kind of view could he enjoy? However, he could vaguely hear some noises outside.


At noon, Cathy and the two women appeared at the same time.


They had lunch first, took a bath, and then enjoyed their time together.


However, after their time together today, Eugene didn't rush them out. Instead, he asked if anything major had happened in the community these past two days.It's just that the three girls don't dare to go out, and it's impossible for them to pry out any news about him.


Oh well.


Eugene felt a bit frustrated. It was hard to get used to being without internet.


However, no one had come to claim the reward he had announced, suggesting that the problem had been resolved.


— Sloan and Devon were still alive and kicking.


Heh, they're quite hard to deal with.


Eugene wasn't too concerned. Even if these people tried to attack his villa, he believed he could handle them. If it came to a direct confrontation, Eugene was confident he could handle the entire community multiplied by ten.


"If only I still had my protective powers, I could really be fearless."


Eugene lamented.


After Cathy and her sisters left, Eugene sat upstairs for a while, and his phone started alarming.


Someone was coming.


He checked and found it was Janice,




He looked again but didn't see The mouthy man anywhere.


What did this mean?


Eugene went downstairs and let Janice in.


After the incident with the female assassin, he had heightened his security awareness. The first thing he did when a woman entered was to make sure she wasn't carrying any weapons.


Blushing, Janice took off her clothes. It was warm inside the house, warmer even when she was naked compared to the cold outside.


"What are you here for?" Eugene asked.


Biting her lip, Janice hesitated for a while before saying, "I'm here for food."


Eugene chuckled. Anyone would bow down when faced with an empty stomach.


"Come in."


He had some dishes ready on the table, and Janice immediately sat down and started eating eagerly.


However, the scene was somewhat provocative. For safety reasons, she was completely naked. Watching a beautiful, curvy young woman eating naked, Eugene was suddenly in the mood.


His hands started moving, and he asked, "Does your husband know you're here?"


"He, he—" Janice hesitated before saying, "He knows."


Eugene raised an eyebrow. He knows and still allowed you to come?


Well, what's a little hunger compared to being unfaithful?


It has to be the other way around.


Eugene shook his head, pondering for a moment before asking, "Has your husband mentioned to you what's going on in the neighborhood these days?"


"What?" Janice hadn't expected Eugene to ask such a question and hesitated for a moment before recalling and starting to speak.


Indeed, both Sloan and Devon had not been taken down. However, their situations were quite different.


There were indeed people trying to claim the bounty and attacking both of them, but their attempts had been thwarted. Sloan's group was becoming increasingly divided from within.


It's easy to believe in God, but when will God come to save them?


Days turned into weeks, and as time dragged on, impatience grew. The collapse of faith might happen in these few days. Maybe in a few more days, some followers would betray Sloan and come to Eugene to claim the reward.


Devon's situation was quite the opposite.


His four bodyguards were fiercely loyal to him and had strong combat abilities, defeating all attackers. Devon leveraged his identity before the disaster and his eloquence to persuade people. Now, he had gathered a group of over twenty people.


Unlike Sloan's followers, Devon's group consisted of strong men with real combat abilities.


Janice knew all this because her husband had wanted to join Devon's group. However, Devon had rejected him, which made her husband furious and curse Devon for quite a while.


"I'm hungry," the young wife pouted, "Is that why you called me here?"


Eugene chuckled, "Go take a shower first."


He wondered if she had been with her husband recently. Eugene didn't want to taste someone else's saliva and become a partner with someone else in that sense.


That night, Eugene was working out vigorously, covered in sweat when his phone alarm went off.




He paused and checked his phone.


Someone was at the door. Holding his phone up high, he released a video towards the surveillance.


The image was blurred, but it was clearly inappropriate for children.


He went to the basement and remotely opened the door.


The iron gate swung open.


The man at the door was stunned at first, then walked in, immediately showing surprise.


There was light, which wasn't surprising, but why was it so warm?


He looked at Eugene, his eyes flickering, possibly considering whether to take over this place.


However, he resisted in the end.


After all, Eugene's reputation preceded him.


"Here's the video you wanted," the man raised his phone.


"Put it on the table," Eugene instructed.


The man placed it down and was surprised when Eugene didn't move to watch it. "Aren't you going to check it?"


"Aren't you going to step back?" Eugene retorted.


You really are cautious.


The man nodded and stepped aside.


Eugene smiled, "Actually, I'm saving your life here. Otherwise, I might have shot you."


He just wanted to avoid killing someone at home; cleaning up blood was troublesome.


Eugene picked up the phone and watched. It was indeed an inappropriate video involving two men.


One was Sloan, and the other was the man in front of him.


Wow, what a brave man!


Eugene nodded and handed the phone back to the man. "Wait outside, I'll bring the stuff down."


"Alright." The man stepped out, and Eugene closed the iron gate.


Soon, the gate opened again.


The man walked in and saw several boxes of instant noodles and water on the floor.


He cautiously started moving the supplies, keeping an eye on Eugene as if afraid of a sudden attack.


Finally, he finished moving everything, and with a bang, the iron gate closed.


Eugene wouldn't care about such a small amount of material, which is not even a piece of cake. How would he destroy his credibility just for this little thing?


It's not necessary.


However, Sloan actually got his asshole fucked. What does this mean?


His little church church was falling apart;


Disasters are actually the best way to gather faith, but at the same time, in the face of life and death, faith is also the easiest to collapse.


Sloan gathered a large group of people by faith, but he was unable to bring them out of the predicament. Therefore, when faced with enough temptation, these people betrayed him without hesitation and even blew his anus out of him.


Eugene shook his head, but on the other hand, it was different when he looked at Devon.


Not only did he not die from the bounty, on the contrary, his power became stronger and stronger.


Therefore, it is absolutely not possible to blindly deceive. You must have strength and personal charm to make yourself the center of attention and attract others, like stars over the moon, to stand out and become the king.