
Apocalypse Buyback System

In a world teetering on the brink of an unfathomable apocalypse, Luke Teller finds himself inexplicably thrown back in time, given a second chance to avert the catastrophic end that awaits humanity. With only memories of the horrors that are to come and the mysterious Apocalypse Buyback System at his disposal, Luke embarks on a desperate quest to rewrite fate. Set against the backdrop of the Equia continent, Luke's journey is one of resilience and determination, as he leverages his newfound wealth and knowledge to secure a sanctuary in the mystical jungles of Jungoria. Amidst the towering trees, he constructs a haven, a bastion of hope not just for himself but for the one person he vows to protect at all costs—his young sister Emelia. As Luke navigates the complexities of preparing for a future only he knows is inevitable, his bond with Emelia deepens, a beacon of light in the growing darkness. But as the countdown to the apocalypse accelerates, the silence of the early mornings he once cherished becomes a harbinger of the chaos that breaks earlier than expected. With time running out and the very fabric of society beginning to unravel, Luke's preparations are put to the ultimate test. Can he shield Emelia from the brutal reality of a world on the edge of destruction? And as the lines between past and future blur, will the secrets he harbors and the choices he makes be enough to alter the course of destiny? This gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of family invites readers into a world where the end is just the beginning. Will Luke and Emelia find salvation in the sanctuary of Jungoria, or will the shadows of the past prove too formidable to escape? The answer lies within the pages, where every chapter is a countdown to the unknown, and every moment is a fight for tomorrow.

BS_Entertainment · Fantasie
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179 Chs

New Companion

As we continued our journey towards the heart of Jungoria, the distant glow of burning cities painted a stark backdrop, a constant reminder of the world's descent into chaos.

The highway stretched before us, eerily silent, devoid of the usual traffic that one might expect even in these dire times.

Our path was leading us further inland, away from the more frequented routes to Jungoria Metropolis, and into territories less travelled.

The settlements became fewer and farther between, offering us a semblance of safety in our isolation.

It was in this setting of relative calm that Emelia, driven by the innate curiosity of a child and perhaps a bit of cabin fever, began to engage with Alicia.

"Hi! I'm Emelia," she started, her voice filled with the excitement of meeting someone new. "What's your name?"

"I'm Alicia," came the reply, her voice gentle, accommodating the curiosity of a young child.

Emelia's questions flowed freely after that, each one a testament to the wonder and innocence of her age.

"What do you do, Alicia? Were you going somewhere special before we found you?"

Her eyes were wide, eager for stories that might distract her from the grim reality beyond the car windows.

Alicia's answers were thoughtful, tempered with the understanding that her audience was a young child.

"I... I do a lot of things, Emelia. I was trying to find somewhere safe, just like you and your brother," she explained, her eyes meeting mine in the rear view mirror with a shared acknowledgment of our situation.

"What's your favorite food?" Emelia continued, undeterred by the gravity of our journey.

A small laugh escaped Alicia. "I love pizza. Do you like pizza, Emelia?"

Emelia's enthusiastic nod and bright smile brought a moment of lightness to the car, a brief respite from the tension that had settled over us since our departure.

As the conversation unfolded, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Alicia's presence.

Her ability to engage Emelia, to offer her a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos, was invaluable. When I learned her name, Alicia, it struck a chord.

"It's a nice name," I remarked, allowing a subtle smile to break through the stoicism I had maintained.

The interaction between Emelia and Alicia, simple as it was, served as a reminder of the human connections that persisted even in the darkest of times.

Our journey was fraught with uncertainty, but in these moments of shared humanity, we found a glimmer of hope, a reason to keep moving forward.

As Emelia's barrage of questions began to wind down, I turned my attention to Alicia, curious about her own experiences.

"So from the looks of your clothes, you've met them then? How was it getting out?"

My inquiry was straightforward, but I could see it stirred something in Alicia, her body tensing as if bracing against a painful memory.

Her response was a shiver, a non-verbal acknowledgment of the horrors she'd faced.

When she asked for clarification on what 'they' were, I responded with a casualness that belied the gravity of our situation.

"Undead, zombies, walkers—whatever you want to call them." My tone might have suggested a certain familiarity with the concept, a grim acceptance of our new reality.

For a moment, Alicia looked at me as if doubting the seriousness of my words, perhaps hoping for a different explanation.

But then, something within her seemed to click, a realization dawning on her face as she pieced together her own encounters with the nightmare we were all living.

"Is this... the apocalypse?" she stammered, her voice a mix of fear and disbelief.

Before I could respond, Emelia chimed in with the innocence and clarity only a child could possess.

"Big brother said it was the apocalypse, that's what he was preparing for," she declared, her tone imbued with a sense of pride and unwavering trust in my actions.

Emelia's simple affirmation seemed to solidify the reality for Alicia, the weight of the word 'apocalypse' settling over us like a dark cloud.

In that moment, the enormity of our situation became palpable, a shared burden that bound us together in our journey towards survival.

Alicia's question, and Emelia's earnest reply, served as a poignant reminder of the stark new world we were navigating—a world where the term 'apocalypse' was no longer the stuff of fiction but the harsh truth of our existence.

The gravity of Alicia's realization seemed to weigh heavily on her, casting a shadow of silence as she grappled with the implications.

It wasn't long, however, before curiosity and perhaps a glimmer of hope pierced through her initial shock.

"If humanity is on the brink of destruction, then what hope is there? What do you plan to do?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of desperation.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself before responding.

"I've been preparing for something like this for a while," I began, my eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I've built a compound in Jungoria. It's designed to be a safe haven in times like these. If you truly have no one and nowhere else to go, you're welcome to come with us."

Alicia seemed to ponder this for a moment, the wheels turning in her head as she considered her options.

"How big is this compound?" she finally asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's substantial," I replied.

"Built to house and sustain a small community. It has everything we might need to start over, to survive."

"And how much did all this cost?" she prodded further, her interest evident in her tone.

"It wasn't cheap," I admitted with a slight chuckle.

"But in times like these, what's money worth anyway? The important thing is it's secure and self-sufficient."

Before Alicia could respond, Emelia's voice cut through the conversation, her excitement palpable.

"That's not all, right, big brother! Big sis, you should have seen some of the beautiful artworks big brother bought. They were amazing!"

Alicia's eyes widened at Emelia's interjection, a new realization dawning upon her.

The scale of preparation, the investment in art and culture amidst the practicalities of survival, spoke volumes.

It was clear then, not only the extent of our readiness but also the depth of resources at my disposal.

The revelation that we were not just surviving but planning to preserve beauty and humanity in our sanctuary seemed to offer her a new perspective on the hope and resilience in the face of apocalypse.

As we continued our drive, the conversation with Alicia flowed more naturally.

"So, you mentioned you work with plants? Like an apothecary?" I inquired, genuinely intrigued by her skill set, which seemed serendipitously aligned with our needs.

Alicia's face lit up, a spark of passion evident in her eyes.

"Yes, exactly! I've always had a knack for understanding plants, their properties, and how they can be used for healing, or... well, other purposes," she explained, her enthusiasm for her craft shining through.

"That's impressive," I remarked, considering the potential her skills held for our group.

"We could definitely use someone with your expertise at the compound. Ever thought about expanding into alchemy?"

Alicia's curiosity was piqued. "Wait. Alchemy? Like the legend? Is that even real? Lik3 healing pills and breakthrough nirvana?"

I chuckled at her gobsmacked reaction. "Hahaha. There are zombies running around and an apocalypse at our doorstep so maybe.."

I left her hanging with a tinge of playfulness.

The conversation was cut short as my TGlass phone began to ring. Connecting it to the jeep's interface, I saw Gerry's name flash on the screen.

"Hey, Gerry," I greeted, as his image appeared on the display.

"Good to see you around, my boy! I knew you'd still be about and kicking after all your preparations, haha," Gerry's jovial tone couldn't mask the underlying strain in his voice, a clear sign he'd been through his own ordeal.

"Glad to hear from you, Gerry. How are you and the family holding up?" I asked, concern lacing my words.

"We're okay, just shaken up," he replied, his image flickering with the connection.

"Look, Luke, I... We don't know what to do. Could we... join you?"

Before I could respond, Emelia's voice chimed in, her youthful enthusiasm cutting through the heavy atmosphere.

"Yes, yes! They can come with us, right, big brother? It's no problem!"

Her words, so full of innocence and warmth, made the decision for me.

"You hear that, Gerry? You and your family are welcome to join us. We'll make it work, together."

The relief on Gerry's face was palpable, even through the digital connection.

In that moment, the expanding circle of our little community felt like a beacon of hope, a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of the unimaginable.

After ensuring Gerry knew the exact location of the helicopter and the best route to get there, I could sense a wave of relief from him, knowing there was a plan in place.

"We'll meet you there," I assured him. "We're about two hours out."

"Perfect," Gerry replied, a hint of hope in his voice.

"I'm on the same road, just about 30 minutes behind you."

With the call ended and our immediate plans set, I noticed Alicia's puzzled expression from the corner of my eye.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "Something on your mind?"

"It's the helicopter," she hesitated, her curiosity evident. "You have a helicopter stashed away?"

I couldn't suppress a smirk at her astonishment. "Oh, the helicopter is just the beginning," I said, glancing at her through the rear view mirror.

"We've prepared for almost every contingency. There's more waiting for us at the compound."

Alicia's eyes widened, clearly intrigued by the scale of our preparations.

"More? Like what?" she asked, leaning forward, her previous apprehension giving way to curiosity.

"Well, aside from the helicopter, we've got a fully stocked medical bay, renewable energy sources, and enough supplies to last us for years," I explained, enjoying the look of disbelief mixed with admiration on her face.

"And that's not even getting into the defence's we've set up around the compound or the workshops designed for crafting and research," I continued, warming to the topic.

Alicia seemed genuinely impressed, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I had no idea," she murmured, her gaze thoughtful. "You really have thought of everything."

Emelia, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "Big brother is the best at planning! He's been preparing for a long time."

The conversation, light-hearted yet underscored by the gravity of our situation, served as a reminder of the strength we could find in unity and preparedness.

As we drove on, the prospect of reaching the compound and meeting up with Gerry and his family brought a renewed sense of purpose and hope, even in the darkest of times.