

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
47 Chs



The school seemed like a rather normal school to be honest but seeing as it was a mission of which they didn't even know the full contents of which was suspicious even for them but regardless a mission was a mission so they couldn't really complain .

The team broke off due to them attending completely different sections of the school he and mercury arguing as they walked off with romeo escorting them and laughing, Sona looked at them with worried expressions

"What's the matter ? Seem's a bit too comfortable for a mission right?" Demiurge voice her inner worries with a smile on his face.

"Something just feels off somehow "she said as they approached the classroom .

They spent the day pretty normally and even made a friend and after school they wanted to introduced him to the rest since he seemed like he'd get along with Romeo, after school they all walked towards the gate where they all stood waiting Zed had his head down so he didn't see them instantly but when Romeo and Mercury saw him they looked a bit panicked, as though noticing their distress Zed looked up and as he did the life disappeared from his eyes .

" Code Red ,Code red !!! Everyone on standby something unexpected has occurred"

"Give…it" .Zed mumbled as he bumped into him

"What you say little guy?" he said trying to get a good look at the boy

"Give me back my body "The boy stared at him for a few seconds before a shocked expression appeared on his face.

" It can't be you're supposed to be dead…Are you really Zed Gamorra ?" He now seemed to be even more flustered as beads of sweat started to appear on his head he quickly withdrew himself only for his body to suddenly start to feel heavier .

" You will not escape "Zed had already activated his ability he held out his hand looking more like one of those ghost children from a horror movie " You….will not escape" he closed his hand and lifted it up along with the boy.

" Man what the heck telekenetics? I thought you didn't have abilities you damn nerd" he struggled violently against his captor

" Are you seriously trying to argue with someone who can crush you instantly ? Did my body somehow get stolen by a dumb-ass?"he retorted but the boy only seemed angry.

" Who are you calling a dumb-ass ? Besides last I checked you were dead so who owns that body huh? stop being a little bitch and let me go "

" Unlike you this body was specifically made for me when those scientists were messing around with me "The boys face contorted in an exaggerated manner as he looked down on him.

"EW you let a bunch of old men mess around with you? Were you truly that lonely? Not that I'm against it just saying " Zed looked about ready to pop a blood vessel.

" I'm going to crush you to death " his grip started to slightly tighten

" Try me bitch !!" Romeo just sighed and decided to end the argument cause it looked like Zed would actually crush him to death if he spoke more .

" My names Romeo Deadman and if you don't mind co-operating we'd like to ask you some questions he said as calmly as possible ,the Boy gave them all a quick glance .

" Oh I know you Xavier told me about you and your loli partner I'll gladly talk to you " he smirked at the pair

" Did you say Xavier ?….." Romeos expression suddenly changed ." Zed kill him now "Zed had the creepiest grin known to ma plastered on his face at that moment.

" Huh?"