
Apocalypse Academy

In the bustling corridors of a once-thriving high school, an ordinary group of students find themselves thrust into an extraordinary nightmare. As they navigate the treacherous waters of adolescence, they are suddenly faced with a cataclysmic event that will redefine their lives forever: a zombie apocalypse. Now, their once familiar hallways echo with the haunting groans of the undead, their classrooms transformed into battlegrounds of survival. With no adults to rely on and the world crumbling around them, this diverse group of students must band together, drawing strength from their differences, to defy the odds and fight for their very existence. As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, the students confront not only the relentless hordes of zombies but also their own fears, doubts, and personal demons. Amidst this harsh new reality, they discover hidden skills, untapped courage, and unbreakable bonds of friendship. But the relentless threat of the undead is not their only challenge. As they scavenge for supplies, seek refuge, and search for a way to be rescued, the students encounter other survivors, some benevolent and others with dark intentions. Trust becomes a scarce commodity in this post-apocalyptic landscape, where alliances must be forged with caution and betrayal lurks around every corner. As the weight of their experiences and the horrors they endure mount, these young heroes begin to question not only the nature of the undead menace but also the very essence of their humanity. Can they hold onto compassion and morality when faced with the bleak reality of a world devoid of order and hope?

Zed_Martin_9823 · Urban
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8 Chs

CH.2 Undead Army

Alan was in disbelief as he witnessed a horrifying scene unfolding outside. It wasn't a planned event or anything of the sort; some of the figures weren't even human. He watched in horror as one person was tackled by these individuals and instantly surrounded. The screams pierced the air, mixing with the splattering of blood.

"Are they... eating him?" Alan managed to ask, his eyes unable to tear away from the gruesome sight. Before he could dwell on his thoughts, a blood-curdling scream echoed from inside the building.

Meanwhile, other students had also caught glimpses of a similar scene from another side of the building. Panic spread like wildfire, and soon all the students and teachers ran through the Ronan Academy halls. It was pure instinct and fear that drove them; they had no plan in mind.

Chaos erupted as the narrow third floor became overcrowded with fleeing individuals. The space was simply too small to accommodate everyone. Some of the first students to run reached the stairs leading down to the second floor, only to find themselves faced with a similar situation. Now students from various floors were all running in one direction, their sole focus being survival.

"Excuse me, could you please move?" Alen said, trying to navigate through the crowded space.

"Stop pushing! There's no more room!" someone snapped back at him.

Frustrated, Alen replied, "What are you all doing? Move it or I'll make you!"

As the chaos unfolded and everyone scrambled to leave, Alen found himself trapped between the crowd and the window. He felt a surge of panic, fearing that he might break the glass and fall to his demise.

"These idiots are all trying to go down. Isn't that where all this chaos started?" Alen thought to himself. Realizing that the ground floors were not a safe option at the moment, he decided he needed to find a classroom quickly, regardless of which one it was.

Alen forcefully pushed through the crowd using his elbows to create some discomfort for others. With each step, people pushed back harder and harder. The air became thick with different perfumes, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Desperate to reach safety, Alen focused on the door in front of him as he struggled against the pressure of the crowd.

A few meters away from the door, something else had occurred at the front of the crowd, suddenly everyone was pushing back, and screams filled the second hall as some of the students from the floor below began pushing back trying to get up the stairs only to be met by the third years who had were also been pushed.

But the direction of the crowd changed immediately after they saw what was happening on the lower floors, a horde of pale and bloodied individuals had caught hold of an unsuspecting girl's leg and pulled her down the flight of stairs.

"AAARGH, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!" The girl cried, tears streaming down her face as the horde of undead below her pulled her down, her short black skirt pulled revealing her inner thighs, and a small glimpse of her underwear, but that sight was quickly replaced by the horde sinking their teeth into the poor girl and pulling so hard it tore at her flesh, she screamed in agony as the undead munched on various parts of her body.

Alen didn't want to get tangled up in the chaos to come, so while everyone in the back was still distracted by the chaos and the panic up front he pushed even harder, the crowd had created room by backing away from the stairs, but this had worked against them as it allowed the army of the dead to come up to the third floor in strides. panic spread from the front and to those who could see the cause. and now the zombies were on the attack as they lunged forward grabbing onto students and immediately sinking their teeth in.

Blood gushed out and people took off running in various directions, Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alen reached the door. He pushed it open with all his strength and stumbled into the classroom, gasping for air. The room was empty, except for a few scattered chairs and desks.

Alen quickly closed the door behind him, shutting out the chaos and noise from outside. He took a moment to catch his breath and calm his racing heart. The silence in the classroom was a stark contrast to the pandemonium he had just experienced.

Realizing that he needed to come up with a plan, Alen looked around the room for any useful resources. He spotted a whiteboard at the front of the classroom and hurriedly grabbed a marker. With shaky hands, he began to write down his thoughts and ideas.

As he brainstormed, Alen's mind raced with questions. What had caused this sudden chaos? Was it an accident or something more sinister? And most importantly, how could he ensure his safety and find a way out of this situation?

Alen knew that staying in the classroom indefinitely was not an option. He needed to gather more information about what was happening outside and find a way to communicate with others who might be trapped as well.

He decided to search for any communication devices in the classroom. After rummaging through drawers and cabinets, he found an old landline phone hidden away in one of the desks. Relieved, Alen picked up the phone and dialed emergency services.

To his dismay, there was no response on the other end of the line. Panic started to creep back into Alen's mind as he realized that help might not be coming anytime soon.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Alen decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew that finding an exit was crucial if he wanted to survive this ordeal. With determination in his eyes, he made up his mind to explore every corner of the building until he found a way out.

But his eyes caught a view of the gym, it seemed as if the chaos in the main building hadn't reached it yet. "Quinn is there, and what about Amelia" Alen worried about his friends, but first he needed to get to the gym, since all sorts of equipment were kept there, that would be his top priority and since his friend Quinn was a black belt in three different martial arts, he wasn't worried for now.

As he left the classroom, Alen couldn't help but wonder what had caused this chaos and if there were others like him, desperately searching for safety. With each step he took, his resolve grew stronger. He was determined to find answers and ensure his survival in this uncertain and dangerous situation.

As the main character cautiously stepped out of his hiding spot, a sense of dread consumed him, permeating every fiber of his being. The once-familiar halls of the academy were transformed into a macabre corridor of devastation.

The air was thick with the stench of decay, a putrid mixture of rotting flesh and metallic tang. Crimson trails smeared the walls and dripped from the ceiling, creating a grotesque mural of carnage. The once vibrant tiles beneath his feet were now stained with splatters of dark, coagulated blood, making every step a precarious journey through a nightmare.

The flickering fluorescent lights overhead cast eerie shadows, dancing with the horrific scene that unfolded before his eyes. Lockers, once adorned with cheerful decorations and teenage dreams, now splintered and dented, their metallic doors torn open in a frenzy as if desperate souls sought refuge within.